Ethical Food Entrepreneurship
The world’s growing demand for food, limited resources related to climate change and the inability of agriculture to meet the growing demand force humanity to develop more sustainable systems. The need for sustainable and ethical practices has become a challenge that the European Union and the United Nations encourage everyone to take up. According to the European Commission, the food and beverage sector is the largest manufacturing industry, which creates a significant trade balance surplus with its competitive advantage. This high added value sector is dominated by SMEs. However, SMEs have slowly been able to react because they have not had sufficient professional capacity, sufficient skills or knowledge to initiate innovative change in ethical and sustainable food business development, production and marketing. An important part of the green transition are our daily practices in food production, development, distribution, sales, marketing and consumer food choices. The Ethical Food Entrepreneurship entity initiates a global change by encouraging and promoting the actors of the entire food chain in different parts of the world to take a leap in developing their knowledge and operations. The materials have been produced in the Erasmus+ Ethical Food Entrepreneurship project coordinated by Savonia UAS, which has been financed through the Erasmus+ program of the Finnish National Agency for Education.
- Saarela, Anna-Maria (Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu)
- Whyte, Paula
- Casey, Orla
- Butterfield, Devon
- Ramalhosa, Elsa
- Baser, Gözdegul
- Mutlu, Evla