Presenting a brand new podcast: The Entrepreneur’s Diary!
Welcome to our new poscast, The Entrepreneur’s Diary!
In the very first episode, Anne-Mari who is an entrepreneur, CEO and founder of AliceAI Learning, has a startup with a mission that uniquely combines education and artificial intelligence (AI) to address one of the most pressing barriers to employment for international workers in Finland: language skills.
In the debut episode of “The Entrepreneur’s Diary,” we discussed Anne-Mari’s motivations, mission, and goals for AliceAI Learning, revealing the driving principles that can inspire both aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.
Anne-Mari is very curious and creative, and she’s also very good at solving problems and helping people. And it’s with all of these traits that she tackles a very real problem concerning foreign professionals who come to Finland. Although many of them are highly skilled in their respective fields, a lack of Finnish language proficiency often keeps them from attaining jobs that match their skill set. The problem is much larger than the AliceAI project itself, but the project does aim to use the problem as a springboard to eventually come up with some improvements that might help more foreigners access the Finnish labor market.
Mission and Goals
The mission of AliceAI is to create a more inclusive society by improving the skills that international workers and native Finns have in the language of the workplace. We believe that language learning is a key to social inclusion and career progression. This is especially relevant in fields like healthcare and hospitality, where limited English can lead to unsafe conditions and poor job performance. Misunderstandings can have huge impacts on team dynamics and the quality of care provided to patients. After all, if you can’t communicate effectively with your team, how can you be sure that everybody is on the same page and that the shared goals are being achieved?
Technology and Teamwork
The fundamental of AliceAI’s approach is the use of artificial intelligence to accomplish an essentially human task. “We are all very different and have different learning styles, or as we put it, ‘learning climates,'” said Anne-Mari, co-founder and CEO of AliceAI. The personalization of not just content but also the medium through which it is presented, “is actually the key to not just understanding, but also retention of information.” In AliceAI’s way of thinking, personalization is a more efficient, almost “brute force” path to the next level of human potential. The venture promises not only to advance the tech space, but also to give us all a better handle on the next stage of our lives.
Ultimately, AliceAI embodies the belief that business success and ethical responsibility can co-exist, a philosophy that Anne-Mari embraces as both a social entrepreneur and a visionary. For students considering entrepreneurship, her story highlights the importance of balancing ambition with a strong ethical foundation. Anne-Mari’s journey with AliceAI is a compelling reminder that genuine impact comes from ventures rooted in responsibility, inclusivity, and a vision that extends beyond profit.
The Entrepreneur’s Diary -podcast author:
Kelvin Aliche
Matti Laitinen, Innovation advisor, matti.laitinen@savonia.fi, Business Center Pohjois-Savo
Suvi Suutarinen, Mynursie Oy
Jussi Nivamo, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Podcast has been done in collaboration with Business Center North-Savo – Check out the support activities for entrepreneurship and innovation
Business Center Pohjois-Savo: www.bcpohjois-savo.fi
Entrepreneurship and innovation skills in Savonia: https://www.savonia.fi/opiskele-tutkinto/tietoa-opiskelusta/innovaatio-osaaminen/