This is the way getting to know EU4DUAL – a podcast released

Category: News

This is the way getting to know EU4DUAL – a podcast released

This is the way getting to know EU4DUAL – a podcast released


What is EU4DUAL? What opportunities does it create for Savonia's students, staff and partners?Read more

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LoveZone – a Hot Start to Studying

LoveZone – a Hot Start to Studying


Thousands of students gathered to celebrate the opening of the academic year in hot weather.Read..

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Kaksi nuorta miestä katsoo kameraan hymyillen ja näyttää peukkua.

First-year students explore the campus with good vibes


Savonia campuses welcome new students.Read more

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Viisi henkilöä seisoo Kampussydämessä ja hymyilee kameralle.

The Ambassador of the Netherlands visited Savonia


Ulla Pekkarinen was appointed Honorary Consul on Tuesday by the Ambassador. Read more

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Grafiikassa seitsemän erilaista ihmishahmoa elehtii ja kommunikoi keskenään, yläpuolellaan rattaan kuvia, kysymys- ja huutomerkkejä ja muita symboleita. PRO

Agricultural Students Face Social Challenges Due to Preference for Individual Activities


Future Work Ability Project has launched agricultural students' pilot focusing on generic skills development. Read..

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Pinkkejä kukkia etualalla, taka-alalla kevään 2022 valmistujaisissa..

Relevant learning and mental resilience – a business-focused university graduates people who change the world


Savonian degrees are highly employable. Employment rate of graduates is around 90 %.Read more

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Punaisia ruusuja

Follow the Kuopio Campus Graduation Ceremony online


The live stream from the Campus Heart starts at 12 noon.Read more

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Student project work: a partnership between businesses and educational institutions fosters economic growth in Eastern Finland

Student project work: a partnership between businesses and educational institutions fosters economic growth in Eastern Finland


Here's a good example of how companies can work with Savonias international students.Read more

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Nainen istuu valkoisella alustalla bleiseri päällä, rennosti käsi koukistetun polven päällä, hymyilee ja katsoo kameraan.

Kuopio is not just a city and Savonia is not just a university


Professor Kay Berkling from DHBW Ravensburg spent the whole week visiting Kuopio and Savonia. Read..

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Mustapartainen ja -hiuksinen mies hymyilee kameralle.

Nurturing professional growth through mentorship


Share your experience with future talent and become a mentor!Read more

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