ESEIA International Summer School 2022 – Online
The energy transition to a decarbonized world is happening and Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) solutions have an important role in the future energy systems when energy is produced by using renewable sources and the production and consumption should be balanced by LDES systems.
ESEIA International Summer School 2022 – Long Duration Energy Storages (LDES) Solutions for Climate Friendly Energy Production will take place Online Monday 19 – Friday 30 September 2022 daily from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (EEST time)
The ESEIA ISS is primarily aimed at Master and PhD level students. Bachelor’s degree students with good knowledge of the topic are also welcome to apply.
Participating students will be awarded 5 ECTS credits.
Savonia University of Applied Sciences organizes this two-week international intensive online education in cooperation with the Finnish Heat Circulation Innovation Platform (FINHCIP) universities and European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (ESEIA).
The ISS will focus on Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) solutions for future systems. The ISS will include online lectures by several international experts and academics from organization’s universities and partner universities and, group work is focused on designing an Energy Research Project plan for Horizon Europe funding.
Sign up now to network with international students an deepen your knowledge of energy storages to a whole new level! After this you will know what BTES, ATES, CTES and much more means!
For more info (link to brochure with detailed programme).