What is EU4DUAL? How, when and why did Savonia University of Applied Sciences join the European University Alliance? And what opportunities does it create for Savonia’s students, staff and partners?
EU4DUAL is a European higher education alliance developing work-based education. EU4DUAL and the Dual 2.0. model have been given a central role in Savonia’s new strategy. The DUAL 2.0. approach emphasises flexibility, the identification of competences and genuine work-life projects, as well as the completion of studies in working life as part of the curricula. For students, staff and Savonia’s partners alike, the alliance will also provide better opportunities for internationalisation.
In the podcast (in Finnish), Aino-Maria Savolainen is joined by Savonia’s Rector Mervi Vidgrén, International Relations Director Virpi Laukkanen and Juha Asikainen, Executive Director of the Student Union SAVOTTA.