Savonia Article: The Impact of Leadership and Management in Social and Health Care
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COVID-19 aggravated the situation in the social and healthcare industry worldwide and the importance of social and health care management is huge, because it affects the wellbeing and health of millions of people who work in the social and healthcare industry worldwide. Bad management has negative influence not only in the motivation and satisfaction of the employees, which causes conflicts and increases the sick leaves among the workers, but also in the turnover of them. In worst scenarios, the professionals will not only change their workplace, but even leave their profession. (Ferreira, 2024, 6.)
Four Essential Themes orignated in the literature review
Based on the literature review, 4 themes emerged: 1) Supportive leadership style and satisfaction 2) Emotional and supervisory support from the management 3) Responsive and positive leadership affects the job performance, 4) Importance of motivational leadership. (Ferreira, 2024, 22.)
The results of the literature review showed, that supportive and encouraging management is crucial, because without it, there may occur severe problems, especially in workplaces where issues already exist. It is crucial that the staff and managers communicate and that the staff feels supported every day. This includes that the management is genuinely interested in the wellbeing of the staff and shows their appreciation towards them. A supportive organization with supportive management increases the positivity and satisfaction among the staff. (Assander et al, 2022.) The results suggested also, that directive leadership had negative impact on the staff´s satisfaction and staff turnover. (Ngabonzima, et al. 2020, 9).
The literature review showed also the importance of managerial support, and that the lack of it causes stress and frustration in the staff. The staff needs recognition from the managers, as it has great impact on the retainment of the nurses. (Washeya & Fürst, 2021, 14). The research results showed also, that supervisory support helps the staff deal better with emotional exhaustion and has positive influences on the staff, as it increases the coping of the staff, their wellbeing and health. (Akuffo, et al, 2021.)
A positive leader, who has an open and honest communication with the staff, in which mutual respect is visible is crucial to the wellbeing and coping of the staff. (Scanlan, et al, 2021). The leader influences the staff and their satisfaction with his/her behavior and it can or cannot make them feel valued and qualified for their work, as well as the feeling of satisfaction regarding their work. (André, Jacobsen & Haugan, 2022, 4.)
The results showed the importance of the management encouraging the collaboration between the whole multiprofessional team, as it has positive influence on the patient care and quality of the care. There should exist positive leadership, which originates positivity in the whole staff. (André et al, 2022.)
Based on the results of the descriptive literature review, the leadership style has a direct impact on the job satisfaction of the workers. The results showed, that a supportive leadership style was the one that generated a more satisfied staff. Open and respectful communication makes the staff feel more valued and appreciated, which increases the job satisfaction. A positive work environment generates a more positive staff, which influences not only the job satisfaction, but also the retention and cooperation of the whole staff. This is a very important and current topic, as many social and health care workers have left their profession or thinking of doing so in the near future. It is possible to influence the retention and satisfaction of the whole social and health care areas staff by paying special attention to the managerial skills of the managers and focusing on the training and development of them. The future of the social and health care area needs qualified managers with good leadership skills. (Ferreira, 2024, 28–30.)
Ana Ferreira, Master’s degree program in Global Public Health, Savonia UAS
Maria Luojus, Principal lecturer, Savonia UAS
André, B, Jacobsen, F & Haugan, G, 2022. How is leadership experienced in joy-of-life-nursing-homes compared to ordinary nursing homes: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing. https://web.p.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=14&sid=d550677d-1cc9-4afb-9ced-b4c3909f9fe9%40redis. Accessed 23.4..2024
Akuffo, K, Agyei-Manu, E, Kumah, D, Danso-Appiah, A, Mohammed, A, Asare, A & Addo, E, 2021. Job satisfaction and its associated factors among optometrists in Ghana: a cross-sectional study. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7791777/. Accessed 23.4.2024
Assander, S, Bergström, A, Olt, H, Guidetti, S & Boström A-M, 2022. Individual and organisational fac-tors in the psychosocial work environment are associated with home care staffs’ job strain: a Swedish cross-sectional study. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9701045/. Accessed 23.4.2024
Ferreira, A, 2024. Social and healthcare management. Master´s thesis. Degree programme in Global public health. Savonia UAS. Accessed 23.4.2024
Ngabonzima, A, Asingizwe, D & Kouveliotis, K, 2020. Influence of nurse and midwife managerial lead-ership styles on job satisfaction, intention to stay, and services provision in selected hospitals of Rwan-da. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7201775/. Accessed 23.4.2024
Scanlan, L, Devine, S & Watkins, D, 2021. Job satisfaction of mental healthcare workers in multidisci-plinary teams. National Library of Medicine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31347425/. Accessed 23.4.2024
Washeya, F & Fürst, L, 2021. Work Features that Influence the Retention of Professional Nurses in the Public Health Sector in Windhoek, Namibia. Africa Journal of Nursing & Midwifery. https://web.p.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=24&sid=d550677d-1cc9-4afb-9ced-b4c3909f9fe9%40redis. Accessed 31.3.2024