Viherhuoneen rakentamista.

Category: Articles

Viherhuoneen rakentamista.

Summer Employees at Savonia’s Water Laboratory: A Diverse Experience


Summer employees enable pilots running in waterlab during summer. Trainees gain knowledge of water research..

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The role of Long-Duration Energy Storage (LDES) in achieving a zero-carbon power sector


Long duration energy storage (LDES) is necessary to control the temporal mismatch between energy supply..

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Etualalla yleisöä kuuntelemassa paneelikeskustelua, puhujat näkyvät taustalla epäselvänä.

Addressing the Critical Issues in Upper Savo’s Industry


Teknologiatalkoot Event: What are the pressing issues in Upper Savo's industry that demand solutions? Read..

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Tekoälyllä luotu kuva nuorista pelikehittajistä tekemässä pelikehitystä metaversumissa.

Opportunities brought by the game industry and gamification


What opportunities do the game industry and gamification bring? How could they be used to..

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Kaksi naista tarkastelee kannettavan tietokoneen näyttöä.

SAVONIA ARTICLE: Let’s work in Erasmus+ Global SA-IS (Savonia-ISCISA) Project


Developing Cultural Competence in Erasmus Global Collaboration with Savonia and ISCISA in Maputo.Read more

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Brussels – the melting pot of culture and politics

Brussels – the melting pot of culture and politics


In early May, a group of welfare coordinator students found themselves on a study trip..

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Hoitohenkilökuntaa työvaatteet päällä.

The Impact of Leadership and Management in Social and Health Care


The leadership style has a direct impact on the job satisfaction of the workers in..

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Äiti istuu sohvalla, hymyilee ja imettää vauvaa.

Is there a connection between breastfeeding and childhood obesity?


Breastfeeding has been found to have many physiological and psychological benefits. Read more

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Nainen hymyilee ja katsoo alaspäin, ympärillä paljon kasveja ja ikkunoista tulvivaa valoa.

Master’s Competencies: Supportive Tools or Obstacles in Studies?


As Master’s level programmes follow national competency recommendations, graduates are more competent upon graduation.Read more

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Collaborative work within the ENPHE research working group: aiming to excellence.


News from the ENPHE*s research group: Spring Seminar 2024Read more

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