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Savonia Article: Utilization of Tacit Knowledge in Planning Sales and Marketing Courses



Tacit knowledge in teaching is accumulated over the years by working, in which case the competence formed is based on experience and can be seen as comprehensive and professional competence as broader knowledge. Teachers’ tacit knowledge is, among other things, the ability to observe and react to students’ reactions in teaching situations. This skill is also called pedagogical understanding, which consists of the ability to observe different cues, based on which changes are made to the course of teaching in a teaching situation. With the help of tacit knowledge, teachers can make quick changes to the contents of teaching in accordance with the curriculum, so that the students react as desired in teaching situations.

Utilization of tacit knowledge in teaching

The utilization of tacit knowledge in the planning of lessons is one significant success factor in the education sector. According to Castellan’s (2021) study, clear models and a supportive atmosphere support the transfer of tacit knowledge within the work community. The findings of Castellan’s (2021) study are supported by Al-Kurdi et al. (2018) study, which strongly emphasizes the importance of organizational trust, leadership, culture, and structures. Absari et al. (2019) highlight the importance of knowledge sharing between teachers and how it develops innovation, staying up-to-date, and resilience to changes. Creating a positive atmosphere promotes, as Asbari et al. (2019) emphasize the transfer of tacit knowledge between teachers. Based on Kuiri’s (2022) research, the focus of tacit knowledge transfer is making the knowledge visible either in written form or in transfers from teacher to teacher. One of the most significant findings of the research by Kuiri (2022) was the importance of transferring implicit information within the teaching team regularly and in a controlled manner, for example by utilizing brainstorming methods. The most important observation of the study was that a clear operating model should be defined for the transfer of tacit information, which should be included in the academic year planning.

Kuiri’s (2022) study was carried out for sales and marketing teachers at Savonia University of Applied Sciences, aimed to find out how to define clear guidelines for the transfer of tacit information in addition to models. Kuiri’s (2022) study is well supported by Asbari et al. (2019) research results, which show that working together as a team supports the transfer of teachers’ tacit knowledge. Additionally, according to Castellani (2021), sharing knowledge in facilitated situations is an effective way to transfer tacit knowledge. Different brainstorming workshop methods and the Learning Cafe method can be used in facilitating tacit knowledge transfer workshops. The use of brainstorming methods and the Learning Cafe method requires preparation, which is why it is good to define the meeting times in advance and who is responsible for the Learning Café workshop. Based on the findings of Kuiri’s (2022) study, the Bachelor of Business Administration team at Savonia University of Applied Sciences has introduced the transfer of tacit information as a part of the planning work for the academic year 2023-2024. (Vilkka 2021; Ojasalo et al. 2015)


Tiina Kuiri, Savonia UAS

Citations and References

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Castellani, P., Rosatto, C., Giaretta, E. & Davide, R. (2021). Tacit knowledge sharing in knowledge-intensive firms: the perceptions of team members and team leaders. Rev Manag Sci 15, 125–155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-019-00368-x

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Ojasalo, K., Moilanen, T. & Ritakoski, J. (2015). Kehittämistyön menetelmät. Uudenlaista osaamista liiketoimintaan. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy. Retrieved from https://www.ellibslibrary.com/book/978-952-63-2695-5.

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Vilkka, H. (2021). Tutki ja Kehitä. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus. Retrieved from https://www.ellibslibrary.com/reader/9789523701731