Remarkable corner stone for Savonia – the first group of Bachelor’s degree programme in nursing students are graduating. The need for qualified registered nurses is worldwide recognized. There is a global shortage of health care workers, who represent more than 50% of the global health care workforce. In Europe the demand for nurses is rising, and Finland makes no difference.
There is a need to educate international students, in which Savonia plays an important role by creating the solutions to meet the needs of tomorrow’s working life. The personalized education model has provided the possibilities to nursing students to plan their studies and have an impact on their internship placements. The degree-based education ensures the student’s competence.
What are these future professionals like?
The first group of nursing students started their studies in August 2018. The curricula is based on the requirements of the EU in view of the level of higher education. The skills and expertise gained through this 3,5-year programme follow national nursing programme. For the teachers and the other professionals, the planning and conducting the courses accordingly in English has been a brilliant learning experience. Not to forget the continuous support of the management over the years.
But what about these future professionals? These nursing students have been the pilot group of all courses throughout their studies. They have learned to adapt, study hard and successfully developed their professional competences in the field of nursing. The students have also showed continuous appreciation towards the education, in different learning occasions.

Nursing students have also adapted and integrated into the Finnish culture, and gained the nursing job positions in mid- and southern parts of Finland. As the number of working-age people declines and Finland’s dependency ratio deteriorates, migration and its ability to attract international experts will be increasingly important for the country’s welfare and economic growth. The Finnish Government’s target state is to triple the number of foreign degree students at higher education institutions by 2030. The goal is that the majority (75%) of foreign students to find a job and stay in Finland after graduation. This goal is very well realized in the nursing degree programme.
Today, we are proudly celebrating the graduation of the first group of nursing students! It has been our pleasure to be the tutor teachers for these remarkable nursing students. We wish them all the best on our behalf, and especially on Savonia’s behalf.
Leena Koponen and Katri Huuskola
Senior Lectures, International Business Unit
Savonia UAS
Bachelor’s Degree programme in Nursing Curricula:
Education Policy Report of the Finnish Government 2021. Publications of the Finnish Government 2021:64.
Savonia UAS 2021. A partner for sustainable growth 2021-2030. Savonia Strategy 2021-30.
WHO 2020. Nursing and midwifery