Savonia Article: Job coaching as part of psychiatric rehabilitation in Siun sote – Individual Placement and Support!

Traditionally, it has been thought that a mentally ill person must first rehabilitate up to a certain point before they can start planning matters related to employment. That way of thinking has been changed in the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model. In the IPS model, work is seen as an important part of psychiatric rehabilitation and therefore employment matters are already discussed in the early stages of the recovery process.
The idea of the model is that the work itself rehabilitates and thus functions as a meaningful part of psychiatric treatment. In the IPS model of Siun sote, the job coach and the employee who is responsible for the client’s psychiatric treatment are working together. The job coach is responsible for matters related to employment, and as a result of the cooperation, the client receives individual support suitable for her or his situation. (5)
IPS job coaching in Siun sote
In IPS job coaching, the client’s skills, resources and interests are the basis for applying for jobs and looking for a suitable match. At the same time, employers’ recruitment needs are met by offering competent and motivated workforce. The goal is to quickly find employment in the open labor market in a paid employment relationship. (8) A job coach helps the client find a job and also supports the employer, for example, in customizing the job description or working hours to meet the needs of both the client and the employer. IPS job training offers support for both the client and the employer, not only during the start of the work phase, but also during the employment relationship. (6)

A job coach helps the client in all matters related to studies or work, such as making targeted job applications, updating a CV and preparing for a job interview. Getting a job always affects the client’s financial situation, so a job coach helps in coordinating work and benefits. The support offered by the job coach varies according to the client’s individual needs. For example, the client can practice traveling to work by bus together with the customer. The job coach’s important task is to bring out the client’s strengths and skills and to strengthen their work self-esteem. Clients may be focused only on the illness and living with it, and do not see their own potential in working life.
IPS job training in Siun sote is suitable for people who want to return to work after becoming ill but need support to find a job that suits them, or for people who have been away from working life for a long time and want to get back to work. Sickness allowance, rehabilitation subsidy or disability pension are not an obstacle to coaching.
Influencing social attitudes and reducing the stigma associated with mental health problems
“Mental health disorders are not an obstacle to work. Most workplaces already have employees who live with mental health disorders and are very successful in their work. It is in everyone’s interest that the stigma associated with mental health challenges crumbles. A modern employer wants to be part of social sustainable development. Nowadays, these are also connected to the brand and the image of the organization. The potential of partially abled employees is not used in workplaces. I think companies should recognize the opportunity in utilizing that potential.” States the project expert Marjo Vallimies from Siun sote IPS project. (11)
IPS facts:
- Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar, depression). The model originates from the United States. (3)
- In the IPS model, a 25-item quality measuring criteria is used, which also guides the implementation of the operational model (1)
- IPS job coaching uses client work forms designed for the IPS model, which are available in Finnish (9) and English (4)
- IPS job coaching is the only job coaching model based on research information that has been proven with strict scientific criteria to be an effective means of supporting the employment and return to work for people partially able to work. The effectiveness is twice or three times higher than in other job training services (2)
- The IPS model is currently being implemented in Finland. Here you can find more information about IPS projects in Finland. (10)

The IPS project is being carried out in Siun sote the Joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services between 2020 and 2023. During the project, a job coaching service has been developed and implemented in Siun sote mental health and substance abuse services. When the project period ends on June 30, 2023, IPS job training will continue as Siun sote’s own activity. (7)
Virpi Koponen, Welfare and Health Coordinator student from Savonia UAS
IPS – Individual Placement and Support Project. Finnish Institute for health and welfare THL. Photographs.
(1) BECKER, Deborah, SWANSON Sarah, REESE, Sandra, BOND, Gary and MCLEMAN, Bethany 2015. SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT FIDELITY REVIEW MANUAL. Third Edition December, 2015. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at https://ipsworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ips-fidelity-manual-3rd-edition_2-4-16.pdf
(2) HARKKO, Jaakko, LEHTO, Sarita, PITKÄNEN, Sari and ALA-KAUHALUOMA, Mika 2018. Selvitys sijoita ja valmenna -mallin (IPS-mallin) tuloksista ja toimeenpanosta. Working papers of the Rehabilitation Foundation 55/2018. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at https://kuntoutussaatio.fi/assets/files/2018/11/Sijoita-ja-valmenna-tyoselosteita-55-18.pdf (in Finnish)
(3) IPS 2023. What is IPS? Website of the IPS Employment Center. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at What is IPS? – The IPS Employment Center (ipsworks.org)
(4) IPS 2023The IPS Library. View or download, forms, handouts, fidelity manuals, past newsletters, and more. ? Website of the IPS Employment Center. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at Library – The IPS Employment Center (ipsworks.org)
(5) SIUN SOTE 2021. ”Sain toivoa eteenpäin” – IPS edistää mielenterveyshäiriöitä sairastavien työllistymistä. Siun sote – Joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services blog. Published on 21 September 2021. Referenced 3/27/2023. Available at Sain toivoa eteenpäin” – IPS edistää mielenterveyshäiriöitä sairastavien työllistymistä – Ajankohtaista – siunsote.fi (In Finnish)
(6) SIUN SOTE 2022. Siun soten IPS – Sijoita ja valmenna -kehittämishankkeen laatuarvioinnissa myönteistä palautetta – ”asiakkaat tyytyväisiä palveluun”. Siun sote – Joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services blog. Published on 29 September 2022. Referenced 3/27/2023. Available at Siun soten IPS – Sijoita ja valmenna -kehittämishankkeen laatuarvioinnissa myönteistä palautetta – ”asiakkaat tyytyväisiä palveluun” – siunsote.fi (in Finnish)
(7) SIUN SOTE 2023. Website of the Siun sote – Joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at Front page – English (siunsote.fi)
(8) THL 2023. IPS – Individual Placement and Support Project. Website of the Finnish institute for health and welfare. Updated on 25 Jan 2023. Referenced 3/27/2023. Available at IPS – Individual Placement and Support Project – THL
(9) THL 2023. Asiakastyön lomakkeisto. Website of the Finnish institute for health and welfare. Updated on 12 Jan 2023. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at Asiakastyön lomakkeisto – THL
(10) THL 2023. IPS try-out projects. Website of the Finnish institute for health and welfare. Updated on 25 Jan 2023. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at IPS try-out projects – THL
(11) VALLIMIES, Marjo 2022. Työ on lääkettä. Published on 3 May 2022. Referenced 4/3/2023. Available at IPS-hanke edistää 18 – 30-vuotiaiden mielenterveydenhäiriöihin sairastuneiden henkilöiden työllistymistä – Blogi -luotsijoensuu.fi (in Finnish)