Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Hankkeen tiedot | |
Nimi | Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan |
Aloituspäivä | 1.11.2017 |
Lopetuspäivä | 31.10.2021 |
www-sivut | trunak.eu |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Yhteyshenkilö | Virpi Laukkanen |
Kuvaus | The objectives are:
- Analysis of the state of the play and need of university autonomy in Kazakhstan and suggest/recommend a model of university governance. - To clearly define the roles of key stakeholders of academic governance. - To engage the stakeholders in a more in-depth debate on autonomy and provide institutional perspective on autonomy by involving the rectors, i.e. this project is offering a bottom-up approach. - To contribute to a constructive discussion together with the Ministries, about the model of governance to apply in Kazakh universities. - To implement on a pilot basis the model of autonomy. - To establish a Consulting Group for assistance to universities implementing the governance reform. - To disseminate the results and achievments of the project and the experiences gained by the Partner universities and the Ministries. |
Kehittämistarve | The aim of the project is to provide a basis for consensus around a feasible model of university autonomy for Kazakhstan that can help to take decisions about what level of fiscal and academic autonomy that is desirable.
Toimenpiteet | |
Tulokset | |
Kumppanit | |
Rahoittaja | Erasmus + 2017-2020 |