Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Hankkeen tiedot | |
Nimi | Professional network of Master`s degree in Informatics as a second competence |
Aloituspäivä | 1.1.2014 |
Lopetuspäivä | 30.6.2017 |
www-sivut | - |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Yhteyshenkilö | Marina Malinen |
Kuvaus | While the PROMIS project relies on a network of partners, we must keep in mind that one of the main objectives of this project is to expand a network of “Informatics as a Second Competence” Master’s degrees in Central Asia. This wide network will continue to exist after the project and contribute to strengthening the relations which will be established between academic and professional players during the project.
The core courses common to every Master’s degree are the following: Semester 1 Algorithms and data structures (5 ECTS) Object-oriented programming (6 ECTS) Computer operating systems (3 ECTS) Mathematics for informatics (3 ECTS) Databases (3 ECTS) English for Informatics 1 (2 ECTS) Semester 2 Software engineering (5 ECTS) Project management (3 ECTS) Web development (5 ECTS) Computer English 2 (2 ECTS) Semester 3 Data mining and Data warehouse (4 ECTS) Human-Computer Interaction (3 ECTS) Software engineering Project 1 (5 ECTS) Semester 4 Software engineering Project 2 (5 ECTS) Internship at a company (2 months minimum) |
Kehittämistarve | The creation of quality Master’s degrees in Central Asia will contribute to the constitution and consolidation of stable relations between academic and professional players.
The academic quality of the Master’s degrees reinforced by the training at the European universities and universities in Central Asia will lead to a sustainable cooperation between the concerned universities. Partnership agreements will consolidate the connections created in the framework of the project. The creation of double/multiple degrees will constitute an important element for the durability of the network. The accreditation of all the Master’s degrees will provide a solid basis for creating a stable network. The support of the relevant ministries (scholarships for students) will contribute to strengthening the durability of the Masters. In the long term, the courses within the program may extend to other domains and other universities in Central Asia. |
Toimenpiteet | |
Tulokset | 1. Creation of new ISC Master’s degrees in all Central Asian countries
2. Developing quality courses in the ERAMIS network In order to create course material common to all of the partners, which is necessary for implementing reverse teaching, thematic and methodological training sessions will be organised in Europe and Central Asia. 3. Professionalization of the Master’s degrees 4. Internationalisation In order to strengthen the ties between European and Central Asian Master’s degree programs, at least 25% of all classes will be taught in English, thus the necessity to produce the relevant course material in English. 5. Sustainability 6. Dissemination and communication of the results A web site will be designed for communication purposes and conferences for companies will |
Kumppanit | 1. Beuth UAS Berlin, Germany
2. eLeDia GmbH Berlin, Germany 3. Ilmi Solutions Oy Kuopio, Finland 4. Savonia UAS Kuopio, Finland 5. Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication (TSITC) Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 6. Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management (TSIEM), Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 7. SYMETRIX Grenoble France 8. University Pierre Mendes France Grenoble, France 9. Bukhara State University (BSU), Bukhara, Uzbekistan 10. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (NUUz), Tashkent, Uzbekistan 11. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) Almaty, Kazakhstan 12. Kazakh-Russian University (KRU) Astana, Kazakhstan 13. Osh Technological University named after M.Adyshev (OshTU) 14. Kyryz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU) 15. Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Kaunas, Lithuania 16. Lublin University of Technology (LUT) Lublin, Poland 17. Khujand State University named B. Gafurov (HGU) Khujand, Tajikistan 18. Technological University of Tajikistan (TUT) Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
Rahoittaja | Erasmus/Tempus 2013-2017 |