Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Hankkeen tiedot | |
Nimi | European Later Life Active Network |
Aloituspäivä | 1.10.2013 |
Lopetuspäivä | 30.9.2016 |
www-sivut | https://portal.savonia.fi/amk/sites/default/files/pdf/tki_ja_palvelut/hankkeet/paattyneet/ellan.pdf |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Yhteyshenkilö | Jukka Aho |
Kuvaus | The proposed project is to share and distribute good practice and innovation related to Ageing. The desired outcome of the project is better quality of higher education related to the care of people in later life.
The main aim of the project is to develop an agreed Core European Competencies Framework for working with older people. The main aim will be achieved by o discovering older people’s thoughts on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of health and social care professionals when working with older people, o analysing research and literature on competences required in older people’s care, o exploring professionals’ views of desired competences for all working with older people In addition, the project aims to positively influence health and social care professionals’ interest in working with older people The aim will be achieved by o exploring factors that inhibit or facilitate the image of older people in society and working with older people with students of social and health care o identifying and sharing innovative learning approaches to working with older people – exemplars of good practices. |
Kehittämistarve | Demographic ageing is a global fact. Europe faces severe population ageing in the near future. The strategic plan of EIPAHA (2011) emphasizes the idea of active ageing. It calls for a new vision of ageing and promotion of positive possibilities in older age. The challenge is how to transfer this vision into practice of working with older people. Higher education institutions have a crucial role in meeting this challenge.
This network project promotes European cooperation, innovation, exchange of good practice, and research related to the ageing of population. The project reconstructs the educational approach by developing a European Competencies Framework for working with the older people, and thus adds to the quality of higher education in professions providing the care for older people. |
Toimenpiteet | |
Tulokset | The main output of the project is a European Competencies Framework for working with the older people in health care and social work. The Framework improves the quality of education of professionals working with older people. Thus, the impact of ELLAN consists of better education, and consequently in enhanced work motivation, mobility of personnel and improved elderly care in Europe. |
Kumppanit | |
Rahoittaja | Erasmus/LLP 2013-2017 |