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NimiFostering green transition through mobility and effective communication between Finnish and Chilean HEIs
YhteyshenkilöHarri Auvinen
KuvausThe project aims to consolidate the collaboration between seven Higher Education Institutions (hereon HEIs), seeking excellence and innovation in education in the field of sustainable and circular bioeconomy. The project is built on mutual learning focusing on staff mobility, curriculum development and broader stakeholder engagement establishing the seedlings to facilitate working life cooperation. We think agroforestry biosystems require a new educational approach. We want to participate in that education and generate professionals with a conviction of sustainability, where the bioeconomy is a proper option in production and consumption.
KehittämistarveTransition to a circular and sustainable bioeconomy, climate-smart forestry, biosystems perspective, and biodiversity are critical to attain the ambitious targets and lines of action set by the Paris agreement, United Nations Sustainable Development goals, and European Union’s Green Deal. In Latin America, embracing the bioeconomy approach has implied going for the target of re-shaping agriculture and forestry to include the biodiversity resource valorization in medicine; the eco-intensification of agriculture; biotechnology applications in mature sectors such as mining, food and winery, the bio-refineries world, and the ecosystem services. However, still, it did not achieve a sustainable and competitive bioeconomy due to the lack of a regulatory framework; coordination of technical and technological potential, market entry constraints, especially for bioeconomy-related small businesses, and the scarcity of resources to promote the creation of innovative business enterprises.
ToimenpiteetMobility package 1: Building strong relations and foreseeing opportunities for students and staff:
o Short term staff from Chile to Finland,
o Curriculum innovations & working life opportunities
Mobility package 2: Student-centered curricula in sustainable and circular bioeconomy and research development
o Short term staff exchange from Finland to Chile
o Joint RDI projects & joint publications
Virtual package: Mapping and developing universities’ educational portfolio and effective communication:
o Curriculum development,
o Bioeconomy webinars series with relevant groups
TuloksetThe activities have been carefully planned and divided into two mobility packages and a virtual package.

Mobility package 1: Building strong relations and foreseeing opportunities for students and staff:
o Short term staff from Chile to Finland,
o Curriculum innovations & working life opportunities
Mobility package 2: Student-centered curricula in sustainable and circular bioeconomy and research development
o Short term staff exchange from Finland to Chile
o Joint RDI projects & joint publications
Virtual package: Mapping and developing universities’ educational portfolio and effective communication:
o Curriculum development,
o Bioeconomy webinars series with relevant groups
KumppanitThe collaboration between Finland - Chile started in spring 2020 and consolidated with the signing of a MoU in early 2021. Since then, the participating institutions have been proactively and successfully collaborating. Among the outcomes the co-creation of a high-quality webinar with the participation of different stakeholders amongst students, academics, companies, ministries and the embassy of Finland in Chile; developing an intensive open course on “sustainable solutions for circular bio-based world” with participation of students from five continents, and by means of seminars held online by each institution to find mutual interests and opportunities in education and research.
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