Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Hankkeen tiedot | |
Nimi | Virtual learning environment in smart mini factory |
Aloituspäivä | 1.11.2021 |
Lopetuspäivä | 31.10.2023 |
www-sivut | - |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Yhteyshenkilö | Arto Toppinen |
Kuvaus | The concrete objective of the project is to create joint on-line learning course " Sustainable smart manufacturing and
solutions". The course is consisted in 5 modules and every module has a special quality of the whole course. The course presents a new, innovative education model which is implemented as a flexible online course and can rapidly adopt immersive training using augmented and virtual reality. It is combining physical and virtual learning facilities so it broadly increase student access to emerging technologies via smart factories and other real-world settings. |
Kehittämistarve | Currently, education and training views Industry 4.0 technologies in segregated silos. Few programs, if any, align the interacting segments. Teaching is still aligned with the traditional engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical,
chemical, etc.) associated with Industry 2.0. To succeed in Industry 4.0, educators will be required to radically rethink their models, methods and offerings to meet the needs of industry and a rapidly changing society. Robotics, big data analysis and artificial intelligence are growing and ongoing changes in technology used in companies. This development is accelerating and these changes are challenging the skills and competences of young students but also those people who already are working in companies. The main goal of vocational education and training is to provide competent workers for companies and support individual opportunities to learn, study and develop personal path in life long continuous learning, reaching to career in working life. This includes new, innovative and flexible opportunities for students of all ages. Development of technology is also a opportunity for vocational education and training. New technology via remote and digital learning facilities offers larger possibilities to learn and study when studying is not bounded to location or time. This is one of the priorities in this project. The aim is to organize learning opportunities for students in vocational education and training by utilizing physical, modern learning equipment in partner organisations and creating virtual learning modules for students and teachers in VET. |
Toimenpiteet | The project consists of following activities: a) creation of 5 new study modules on smart manufacturing, b) transnational meetings, c) a piloting phase, d) student case studies, e) multiplier events and f) training activities |
Tulokset | |
Kumppanit | YSAO (Finland), TECHNICAL EDUCATION COPENHAGENS (Denmark), Carl-Benz-Schule Gaggenau (Germany) |
Rahoittaja | Erasmus+ 2021-2027 |