Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Päättyneet projektit ja hankkeet
Hankkeen tiedot | |
Nimi | Dual Curricula - Study and Work Practice in Agriculture and Food Safety |
Aloituspäivä | 15.1.2021 |
Lopetuspäivä | 14.1.2024 |
www-sivut | - |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Yhteyshenkilö | Ardita Hoxha-Jahja |
Kuvaus | The objectives are:
1) Two new piloted Bachelor curricula: - Dual Bachelor curricula on Livestock and Animal-source Product Safety (LAPS), at AUT; - Dual Bachelor curricula on Agribusiness, at UNIKO; 2) Strengthening of practical training in current BA curricula in agribusiness, animal production and food safety; 3) Developed capacities and offers in departments and HEIs of Partner countries for Life-long Learning (LLL), resp. installed working units responsible for LLL, further training, extension and knowledge transfer; 4) Developed e-learning tools for knowledge transfer. |
Kehittämistarve | DualAFS aims for better employability of graduates, improved competitiveness and knowledge in agriculture/livestock sciences and increased agriculture/livestock/food business to gain better income in the future. In a long term the aim is to bring prosperity in the remote and rural regions of Albania and Kosovo.
DualAFS develops the students’ and other beneficiaries’ knowledge in agriculture, livestock and animal source product (food) quality and safety. DualAFS internationalizes the education in agriculture; fosters innovations and builds solid bridges and pathways between the stakeholders on different levels. DualAFS also improves the openness of higher education through innovative digital educational materials and supporting the availability of education. |
Toimenpiteet | The aims are accomplished by following key activities and outputs:
a) 2 new piloted Bachelor curricula in Agriculture (1 BA in LAPS at AUT, 1 Agribusiness at UNIKO); b) Strengthened practical training in current Bachelor curricula in Agriculture (Animal husbandry, Agribusiness) and animal-source food safety in all 4 HEIs of AL and XK; c) Upgraded/trained teaching staff and the staff for practical training in the company for the implementation of Dual studies; d) Developed support measures (incentives) for better access of students from rural areas and farms to the Dual study; e) Upgraded teaching infrastructure (equipment for labs and e-learning, etc.) for the implementation of the Dual study curricula; f) Development of regulatory framework (university regulations, administrative orders, etc.) on cooperation between universities and WL partners in AL and XK for practical training part of Dual studies; g) Development of Life Long Learning (LLL) in all 4 HEIs of AL and XK; h) Developed e-learning tools for knowledge transfer and for LLL; i) Development of regulatory framework proposals for the transfer of technology and knowledge and for the provision of consultancy/extension services from universities of AL and XK to the agricultural and food sector. |
Tulokset | Work packages and lead partners:
WP1 Project constitution, set-up LP: P2, P1 WP2 Baseline Survey Research LP: P3 WP3 Capacity Building and material development LP: P2, P3 WP4 Curriculum Development and implementation LP: P3, P4, P5, P6 WP5 E-learning and equipment purchase LP: P3, P1 WP6 Approval for piloting and accreditation LP: P3, P4 WP7 Quality Plan and assurance LP: P2, P1 WP8 Dissemination & Exploitation LP: P4, P5, P7-10 WP9 Management LP: P1 |
Kumppanit | |
Rahoittaja | Erasmus + 2017-2020 |