Strengthening MBA Programs on Anti-Bribery and Corruption throughout Europe
Virpi Oksanen
A comprehensive set of learning material, data, facts and other related pieces of information is still missing in Europe. There are number of stakeholders, actors and such, and practical information can be scattered about, hard to find and evaluate. To make it easier for European HEIs to get started with including anti-bribery and corruption competences to their curricula an online course will be developed.
The call for transparency is increasing all over the world, and in the light of the latest developments the need for it in Europe is no less obvious. There is a clear lack of awareness, recognition and prevention studies within the curricula of European Institutes of Higher education when it comes to bribery and corruption. The project aims to create studying and learning material to help in ensuring that sufficient attention has been given to the issues.
An online course of 3ECTS, on Master’s level, open for European HEIs is created to correct this lack of compentences. The course will be published on open moodle, familiar to most HEIs in Europe, for any professor, lecturer or other counsellor to start implementing. Experts within the fight against bribery and corruption, scholars, experts and other parties have gathered a vast amount of information on the topic, and teaching experts have modified the material into suitable units, making the competence building process smooth and logical. Pedagogical skills of the digital kind have been put to use, to make the course interesting, active and easy to use, for both educators and students.
The course will be open for educators and students early 2022.
IPAG Business School in Paris, University of Gothenburg, Transparency International, Alfred Compliance, Savonia University of Applied Sciences.