Health screening

for students of health care and natural resources

Health requirements

In order to take part in a traineeship period in the study fields of health care, natural resources or social services, you need to be physically healthy and have proper vaccination coverage. If your vaccinations and necessary tests are not in order, you will not be able to start your internship in Finland. If you need to acquire some of the required vaccinations, you have to pay for them yourself. You cannot start your internship until the vaccination can be deemed effective.

If you are coming from a country with high incidence in tuberculosis, you are recommended to be screened for tuberculosis. These tuberculosis tests are taken by the Kuopio / Iisalmi health care centers.  It takes about 2 weeks to get results and you cannot start your practical traineeship before getting the results.

Screening for exchange students of health care in Kuopio

Before starting your clinical traineeship in Savonia, you have to:

  1. submit the certification-of-health-screening-and-immunization form to the International Coordinator of School of Health Care Kuopio 2 weeks before your arrival. Documents should be translated in English and attached to original documents.
  2. International coordinator will book an appointment for health screening at the local health care center in Kuopio for your 1st week in Finland.  

For more information: International Coordinator / School of Health Care, Kuopio: Ms Marja Gröhn-Rissanen,

Screening for exchange students of social services & natural resources in Iisalmi

Book an appoint for health screening at the local health care center in Iisalmi for your 1st week in Finland:

More information about the health screening arrangements at Iisalmi campus, please contact the International Coordinator of the School of Health Care and Social Services, Iisalmi: Ms Hannele Tams,