Academic info, counselling & accessibility

Academic info, counselling & accessibility
Education system
Degree structures
The completion of a Bachelor degree at Savonia UAS takes 3.5 to 4 years. The Bachelor degree program studies consist of basic studies, professional studies, electives as well as a Bachelor’s thesis. The requirement for Master’s studies at a university of applied sciences is a UAS Bachelors’ degree or another suitable degree and at least two years of work experience after the completion of the previous degree. In the link below you will find e.g. the curricula/structure of degree programs.
Credit system
Savonia utilizes European Credit Transfer (ECTS) system where students complete 60 ECTS credits per academic year. The extend of the Bachelor degrees is therefore 210-240 credits and the extend of Master’s degrees 60-90 credits.
Academic culture
Studying at a Finnish UAS requires self discipline and ability to work independently. Students are given a lot of personal responsibility. Academic culture is rather flexible and relaxed. You can e.g. call your teacher with their first name.
Studies at Savonia are tightly linked with the working life. Degree studies include many traineeship periods as well as practical projects. Theoretical studies include both lectures and tutorials, group work, projects and independent studying. Laboratory work is included in some curricula. School of Health Care utilizes heavily simulation as a learning method where students practice skills in real-life-like situations and then evaluate their own performance.
Grading system
ECTS grading scale | Savonia UAS grading scale |
A excellent | 5 excellent |
B very good | 4 very good |
C good | 3 good |
D satisfactory | 2 satisfactory |
E sufficient | 1 sufficient |
FX fail | 0 fail |
X fail | fail is not specified |
Some courses are also graded as passed (HYV) or failed.
Course enrollment
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students who start their studies at Savonia enroll to the course implementations in the electronic student administration system Peppi. Course enrollment is made twice during the academic year. Later they also enroll as present or absent and make their course choices in Peppi in accordance with the instructions of their school.
Exchange students enroll to the courses according to their Learning Agreements during the orientation days, with the help of Savonia International Services and the study fields’ international coordinators.
Study counselling and career guidance
Purpose of the counselling, guidance and advisory services is to counsel and advise the students in their personal and professional development, in learning and study and career planning. Counselling and advisory services are available for students in all stages of their studies; before they start their studies, in the beginning of their studies, during their studies, in the finishing stages of their studies and after they have completed their studies. Counselling is given as group and individual counselling; virtual counselling is also available.
Student Welfare Counsellor services
Savonia students are offered the services of a Student Welfare Counsellor. The Counsellor guides, listens to, and helps with many study challenges. You can discuss confidentially any matter that burdens your mind.
Accessibility and support
In Savonia, reasonable adjustments can be made to enable accessible learning.
Special arrangements are practical arrangements for teaching, supervision or examination. They may include e.g.
- arranging accessible learning spaces
- more time to complete an examination
- a separate examination room
- the use of technical aids (e.g. computer) and / or
- learning support.
To be granted special arrangements, you must have a certificate from a doctor or an equivalent expert, indicating the grounds for special arrangements. The Study Counsellor evaluates the need for special arrangements. Contact your Study counsellor for further information. Manager of the study field decides on the possibility to have remedial education.
Savonia teaching facilities are modern so many accessibility issues (e.g. availability of elevators) is already being taken care off.
In Finland the state offers required assistive devices for Finnish students needing these special aids. In case you need an assistive device in your studies, you need to bring it along to Finland.
Savonia can help you with employing a personal assistance or the assistant can arrive with you to Finland. The working contract is made between the student and the assistant, and Savonia is only helping with the practical arrangements. Please note that hiring an assistant in Finland is very costly.
Some mobility programs (such as Erasmus+) offer additional scholarships for students with special needs to cover these costs.
Student housing
Kuopas student housing company in Kuopio rents a few apartments that are suitable for students with disabilities at Samoilijantie 6, Taivaanpankontie 15, Ahkiotie 8 and Minna Canthin katu 27.
Public transportation
Almost all local buses in Kuopio have low floors which make it easy to access them. Customers in wheelchairs can utilize local buses in Kuopio free of charge. Personal assistants traveling with a customer with special needs can also travel free of charge in local buses in Kuopio.
Accessibility in Vilkku buses in Kuopio
Contact person in accessibility matters
Anne Koskela
Director of Student Services
tel. +358 44 785 5050