Opening hours

During mid-week holidays the libraries are open until 14.00. On holidays the libraries are closed.

Ke 26.3.
Iisalmi8 - 16-
Kuopio8 - 169 - 15
Varkaus9 - 16-
Iisalmi campus library

Mon – Fri 8 – 16
Service hours: Mon – Fri 9 – 12
(with the access key Mon – Fri 7 – 20,
Sat 8 – 16)

Campus library Opus

Mon – Fri 8 – 16
Service hours: Mon – Fri 9 – 15
(with the access key
Mon – Fri 7 – 20, Sat 8 – 17)

Varkaus campus library

Mon – Fri 9 – 16
Service hours: Thursday 9 – 14
(with the access key Mon – Fri 7 – 20,
Sat 7.45 – 16)



P.O.Box 72 (Haukisaarentie 2), 74101 IISALMI
P.O.Box 6 (Microkatu 1), 70201 KUOPIO (Campus map)
P.O.Box 1000 (Opiskelijankatu 3), 78201 VARKAUS
Music and Dance Kuopionlahdenkatu 23 C, 70100 KUOPIO

Telephone & WhatsApp

Iisalmi 044 785 6629
Kuopio and Varkaus 044 785 6307

The School of Music and Dance 050 358 6105 has a joint library with the Kuopio unit of the Sibelius Academy and Kuopio Conservatorium. The library is run by the University of Arts Helsinki.



Juppi, Mira 044 785 5080 Head of Information Services
Antikainen, Tuija 044 785 6671 Information service assistant, Iisalmi
Jääskeläinen, Jouni 044 785 7023 IT developer
Korhonen, Aila 044 785 6304 Information service assistant
Mikkanen, Anne 044 785 6670 Information specialist (Agriculture, Social Sciences, Design)
Räty-Härkönen, Anu 044 785 6468 Information specialist (Business, Tourism and Hospitality)
Rönnqvist, Kirsi 044 785 5081 Information specialist (Engineering)
Savolainen, Tanja 044 785 6453 Information specialist (Health care)
Vaittinen, Jaana 044 785 6455 Information service assistant, Kuopio and Varkaus
Voutilainen, Soili 040 710 4245 Information specialist (Music and Dance)

Visit Savonia libraries

The facilities, collections and services of the Savonia Library are at your disposal. If you have Savonia Tuudo mobile application you can create library card by yourself. Otherwise visit the library at service time. By proving your identity you will receive a separate library card from us. With the same card, you can borrow from all Savonia libraries.

You don’t need a library card to use the e-material as a Savonian. The eLibrary is open 24/7. If you have a reading disability, you can get the books you need in an accessible format.

Hungry for knowledge?

The Savonia Library offers you an extensive and up-to-date collection of printed and electronic materials in various fields for your professional information needs. Start searching for printed and electronic materials in Savonia-Finna. You can find the theses in Theseus and Savonia-Finna. You can find the main sources in your field in the Information Seeker’s Guide. Almost all electronic materials are available to Savonia residents 24/7.

Can’t find a book in Savonia or another nearby library? Make a purchase proposal for the book at You can also ask the library to order it as an interlibrary loan from elsewhere in Finland or abroad. Material is acquired and collections are developed in accordance with the collection policy.

As a Savonia student, you can study information retrieving organized by the library at different stages of your studies. This guidance is integrated in your studies. After the library tutorial, you can also get personal guidance for information retrieval.

How to look for information you need?

When you start searching for data for your thesis, read first the guide Basics of Information Retrieval. This guide lets you review information sources and teaches you about information retrieval and search result evaluation. The Subject Guides of your field provide you with more detailed information on subject dictionaries, databases and other sources of information used in your field.

Missing key words?

Wondering what words to use for information? Enter your topic description or work plan for Finto AI. As a result, you will receive topic suggestions based on the concepts of the General Finnish Ontology YSO. Continue searching for information with these keywords and consider other possible words.

Savonia-Finna is your starting place

Information retrieval should almost always start at Savonia-Finna information service. Through Savonia-Finna’s various tabs you can find materials from the libraries of Finnish universities, as well as Finnish newspaper articles. Through the National Repository Library tab you can order magazine articles. On the International e-articles tab, you will find numerous peer-reviewed studies and articles from several different disciplines and publishers in electronic format. A search is useful when you only need a few articles or want to map out how much has been written on a topic. Databases found in the Information Seeker’s guides are suitable for more detailed searches.

Interlibrary loans

Did you find the reference only, but you don’t get the full article or research to read? See the Basics of Information Retrieval Guide for tips on locating material. Didn’t help? If necessary, the material is ordered as a remote service from elsewhere in Finland or abroad. For the thesis, you can get five free domestic interlibrary loans or article copies.

Personal guidance – book a librarian!

Have you already read the guides and instructions, but still feel you need personal guidance? Book an information specialist to help you with information seeking problems online, for example via Zoom, or on campus.

Thesis instructions at student intranet Reppu