Students having a coffee.

Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science

This curriculum is a translation of the curriculum of the Finnish degree program.

Curriculum responsibility: Maritta Pitkänen

Basis of Education

Foundations of the degree programme

The degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science leads to the Bachelor of Health Care degree; the qualification title is “bioanalyytikko (AMK)” (Biomedical Laboratory Technologist). The extent of the degree studies is 210 ECTS credits. It takes 3.5 years to complete the degree studies. Competence provided by the degree meets the standards of higher education generally defined in the European Union, which enables the mobility of labour and experts.

A biomedical laboratory technologist acts as an expert in clinical laboratory work in multiprofessional groups of health care (Government Decree 352/2003 on Polytechnics), develops and promotes evidence-based clinical laboratory work and participates in societal decision-making in accordance with sustainable development. Professional expertise comprises comprehensive skills and knowledge for acting in expert tasks of the field (Act 351/2003 on Polytechnics, section 4). A biomedical laboratory technologist’s area of core competence is the management and development of the laboratory test process. After completing the studies, he or she is expected to have basic competence in clinical physiology and isotope medicine, clinical neurophysiology, clinical haematology, immunohaematology, clinical histology and cytology, clinical immunology, clinical biochemistry, clinical microbiology, cell biology and molecular biology. Furthermore, he or she is expected to have competences in customer service, methodology, information technology, occupational safety and customer safety, information management, communication and languages. A biomedical laboratory technologist generates reliable laboratory test results, which will be used for evaluating the customer’s medical condition and for health promotion. Clinical laboratory work is governed by the values and ethical principles as well as national and international provisions and instructions of clinical laboratory work.

Granting a licence to practice as a health care professional

Upon application the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (VALVIRA) shall grant the degree holder a licence to practice as a licensed health care professional. For granting a licence it is required that the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science has the extent of 210 ECTS and covers the contents of the curriculum. The professional qualifications of a biomedical laboratory technologist are governed by Level 6 descriptors of knowledge and skills of the European Qualifications Framework (2006) and by the recommendation of the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene) on the application of the National Qualifications Framework (2010) and the common competences of qualifications at universities of applied sciences. The university of applied sciences shall verify that the graduating health care professional’s competence meets the requirements for professional skills.

Competence Standards


The degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science aims to provide the student with a comprehensive and strong competence in clinical laboratory work, application of knowledge, development and evaluation as well as ability for continuous learning. Competence acquired during the studies corresponds to the level descriptors of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and to Level 6 of the national framework for qualifications and other learning (Ministry of Education 2009:24).

Level 6 of the National Framework for Qualifications


The competence profile of a biomedical laboratory technologist is made up of general and professional competences.

The generic competences and working life skills of graduates from Savonia University of Applied Sciences have been defined in accordance with the statement of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences ( as follows: learning competence, ethical competence, working community competence, innovation competence and international competence. The generic competences create the basis for the acquisition of intellectual skills and expertise needed when solving problems of working life, and for their systematic deepening.


Biomedical laboratory technologist’s competences and core contents of studies, prepared in network cooperation between Finnish universities of applied sciences

A biomedical laboratory technologist cooperates actively with other professional groups of health care by providing patient care and laboratory tests required by the development of patient care, and by participating in the activities of multiprofessional teams as an expert in clinical laboratory work. The comprehensive management of the laboratory test process and the related in-depth understanding of pre-analytical factors of studies as well as the process quality management form the basis of a biomedical laboratory technologist’s expertise and distinguish it from other health care professions.

Competence corresponds to the competence level descriptors of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and to Level 6 of the national framework for qualifications and other learning, and the recommendation on the application of the National Qualifications Framework and the common competences of qualifications (


Structure of Studies

Structure of studies

The extent of the degree studies in Biomedical Laboratory Science is 210 ECTS credits. According to the curriculum, one year of studying yields 60 ECTS credits, which corresponds to a student’s workload of 1,600 hours. The student’s workload consists of direct contact teaching, distance learning and independent studying, online learning, practice etc. Furthermore, research and development activities based on the needs of working life are integrated into the studies.


Development of Expertise

Development of expertise

In Savonia’s curricula, the courses form study modules. In this way, they are not separate entities but instead support the student's overall development and the development of expertise. At the same time, instruction can be combined with working life oriented research and development activities.

The degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science is prepared so that
- the degree provides the competence required in working life
- the education ensures the development of the student’s expertise.
- prepares an individual study plan (ISP) to support his or her studies and to recognise his or her previously acquired competences
- is in charge of the progress of his or her studies.
Savonia’s teachers and other personnel guide and support the definition and attainment of the personal objectives.

The curriculum of the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science is made up of four annual themes:
1. Introduction to clinical laboratory work
2. Training in clinical laboratory work
3. Deepening the knowledge of clinical laboratory work
4. Application of clinical laboratory work

The annual themes consist of courses. The graduate’s general competences and degree programme-specific competences are linked to courses. The annual themes 1 “Introduction to clinical laboratory work” and 2 “Training in clinical laboratory work” provide basic competence in clinical laboratory work, the annual theme 3 “Deepening the knowledge of clinical laboratory work” provides in-depth competence in clinical laboratory work and the annual theme 4 “Application of clinical laboratory work” provides applied-level competence in clinical laboratory work. The competence evolves from the basic level through training into the application of clinical laboratory work. The student makes choices according to his or her career plan through learning exercises and methods, through practice enhancing professional competence and through the thesis.
The student may expand his or her expertise with elective studies, which can be chosen from the curricula of the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science or Savonia’s other degree programmes.

The courses contribute to the competence in biomedical laboratory science in accordance with the table below.


Methods and implementation

Implementation of education

Education at Savonia is guided by OIS. This way of thinking combines high-quality learning and instruction, as well as research and development activities based on the needs of working life. OIS is short for Open Innovation Space. The student is an active player, and he or she works in various premises, groups, communities and online learning environments. Students from different fields, teachers, those in charge of research and development tasks and working life representatives all carry out different tasks arising from the professional practice. This way, studying combines both theory and practice.
The working life orientation of education at Savonia is implemented through the diverse networking of teachers. The networks also ensure the continuous development of substantive expertise. The staff creates learning situations and supports the student’s learning process. The Student Affairs Office, the Library and Information Services, the International Office and other support services are there to help. Education complies with the principles of accessibility and sustainable development.

The curriculum of the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science is divided into flexible modules. The flexibility of the studies is ensured by the virtual studies, the use of social media as a learning tool and the use of alternative means of demonstrating competence. Recognition and accreditation of previously acquired competences is part of this process. In order to demonstrate previously acquired competences, the student shall prove to have competence referred to in the course objectives. Personalisation of studies (individual study plan, ISP) and development of competence are supported by the teacher tutor.

Here are some examples of flexible practices related to the degree studies:
- students complete study-related learning exercises in working life contacts
- online learning tools and social media tools are used in studying (Savonia’s electronic ISP, Adobe Connect Pro, Moodle, Google docs, Google sites etc.)
- students’ previously acquired competences are recognised with the help of surveys of competence
- the student can prove his or her previously acquired competences e.g. through a demonstration of competence in working life or at an educational institution
- the student completes some of his or her studies by participating in projects.

In the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science, learning is based on the instruction and studying strategy of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. In this strategy, the learning outlook emphasises the development of the student’s professional expertise and supporting it with instruction and supervision. The student is a self-directive individual who assumes responsibility for his or her professional growth and development. As the student assumes responsibility for his or her studying, the teacher’s task is to support and follow the student’s learning, competence, development and learning process with supervision. Learning is a process where the learner changes his or her earlier thinking and concept systems in interaction with others. Education emphasises the student’s independent study, which is supported by direct contact teaching and learning.

Internationalisation is part of the studies. Students can learn about internationality and acquire cultural competences abroad through various exchange programmes, and at Savonia together with international students. (see WellPro study module). During the studies, the student shall earn at least 5 ECTS credits from instruction given in a foreign language (other than language studies). The student may improve his or her cultural skills by tutoring international exchange students and acting e.g. in immigrant communities.

Instruction is based on the working life skills of today and tomorrow. Working life representatives participate in the curriculum work and its development. Essential factors for the acquirement of working life skills include practice in working life, theses commissioned by working life and various cooperation projects.

Evaluation complies with the Degree Regulations of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Evaluation serves the purpose of steering and adjusting the objectives set for the studies. The evaluation criteria are based on the objectives of the course, and the student is informed of these criteria at the beginning of each course. The student also has the right to be informed of the application of the evaluation criteria to his or her study performance.

Course Table

Code Name 1 S 1 K 2 S 2 K 3 S 3 K 4 S 4 K
Orientation Studies
Basic Studies
Joint Studies for Social Services and Health Care
4 STYOP01 Orientation to Social and Health Care Studies 5              
4 STYEN02 English in Social and Health Care and Intercultural Communication       5        
4 STYAS02 Client and professional in social and health care services 5              
4 STYTU02 Research, innovation and development       5        
4 STYTY01 Working Life Skills, Wellfare in Work and Entrepreneuship             5  
4 STYSV02 Swedish Language in Social and Health Care and Customer-oriented Communication             5  
Professional Studies
Professional Studies
Obligatory Professional Studies
4 TBLUOTI Natural Science Knowledge and Skill 5              
4 TBLABO1 Learning about Laboratory Work 5              
4 TBLABNOL Laboratory Examinations and Quality 5              
4 TBKEMI1 Clinical Chemistry 1 5              
4 TBPREA9 Clinical Practice: Preanalytic   5            
4 TBKEMI2 Clinical chemistry 2   5            
4 TBAMEAK Professional Ethics and Encouter The Customer   5            
4 TBANKFY Anatomy and Physiology and Methods of Clinical Physiology   5            
4 TBSOMOR Cell Morphology   5            
4 TBKHEMA Clinical Hematology   5            
4 TBIMMUNB Immunology (Basic)     5          
4 TBMOLBB Molecular Biology (Basic)     5          
4 TBCLPHIS Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine     5          
4 TBCLMIT Clinical Microbiology (theory)     5          
4 TBKLHEMO9 Clinical Hematology     5          
4 TBKLEM9 Clinical Practice: Clinical Chemistry     5          
4 TBIMMUNA Immunology (Advanced)       5        
4 TBCLMIP Clinical Microbiology (practice in UAS)       5        
4 TBMOLBIA Molecular biology (Advanced)       5        
4 TBHISSY1 Clinical Histology and Sytology       5        
4 TBNEULÄ Clinical neurophysiology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy         5      
4 TBLABINT Future Laboratory Innovations and Multiprofessional Cooperation         5      
4 TBMICGE9 Clinical Microbiology and Gene Technology, Practice         5      
4 TBKLFYS9 Clinical Physiology, Practice         5      
4 TBIMHE9 Immunohematology, Clinical Practise           5    
4 TBPAT9 Clinical histology and sytology, practice           5    
4 TBBIOPA Biobank             5  
Optional Professional Studies
4 TBVIERI1 Point of Care 1           5    
4 TBERIKAKE1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Chemistry 1             5  
4 TBERIKAHI1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Histology and Sytology 1             5  
4 TBLABPO1 Laboratory Studies and Patient Safety 1           5    
4 TBERIKAMI1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Microbiology 1             5  
4 TBERIKANE1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Neurophysiology 1             5  
4 TBERIKANE2 Specialized Studies, Clinical Neurophysiology 2             5  
Final Thesis
Final Thesis
4 SAVONT1 Thesis         15      
   5 SOTEONT10 Thesis Planning         5      
   5 SOTEONT20 Thesis Implementation           5    
   5 SOTEONT30 Thesis Finalisation             5  
   5 SOTEONT40 Maturity Test             0  
4 SAVONT2 Thesis         15      
   5 SOTEONT50 Thesis Project 1         5      
   5 SOTEONT60 Thesis Project 2           5    
   5 SOTEONT70 Finalising The Thesis Projects             5  
   5 SOTEONT80 Maturity Test             0  
Elective Studies
10 (NonStop)
Optional Studies

Course Descriptions

4 STYOP01 Orientation to Social and Health Care Studies

5 ects
The student is able to -assess and develop his or her learning skills -make justified choices considering internationalisation, professional options and career planning in the field -operate in the Savonia environment -use all required information systems safely considering data security -communicate and interact in study-related situations
Study practices (methods, RPL, level tests, data acquisition, school safety and security, student union, internationality, counselling and welfare services). Basics of oral and written communication. Information systems at Savonia UAS. Skills and expertise development in the personal learning environment (PLE)
Participation in lessons, Completion of online studies. Level tests. Preparation of the personal study and career plan. Accepted completion of assignments.
Course material
Karuaho Anne, Kyytsönen Suvi, Kainulainen Anja

4 STYEN02 English in Social and Health Care and Intercultural Communication

5 ects
The student is able to -use English in his or her work at the level required for his or her professional development -tell about his or her working environment and duties in English -interview and guide, mentor and care for different clients in English -use essential professional vocabulary and source books -identify cultural differences and describe the special features of his or her own culture -understand the impact of culture on communication
Encountering the client and guiding, mentoring and caring for him or her. Telling about the working environment and duties, other important interactions in a multicultural environment, studying the field-specific material in English, essential professional vocabulary. The concepts of culture and intercultural communication, basic cultural differences, improving intercultural communication skills
Participation in contact lessons, discussions and practice-based exercises. Accepted completion of oral and written assignments, passed exams. Online studies with no contact lessons. Accepted completion of related exercises and assignments, a passed exam.Simulations.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Savela Sanna, Kaartinen Pekka

4 STYAS02 Client and professional in social and health care services

5 ects
The student is able to: -describe social and health care services and the key features of related legislation -describe the values and ethical basis of a welfare society -explain the importance of social and health care services in the society and for an individual client -apply the safety and security requirements of the social and health care field -explain the principles of entrepreneurial approach and the importance of people-oriented development of services -describe the rights of a client and a professional
Essential social and health care services and related legislation. The basis of a welfare society and the roles of a client and a professional. Data protection and security as well as digitalisation of social and health care services. Voluntary intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship in social and health care. The development of people-oriented social and health care services through service design.
Participation in lectures/Online studies of data protection and security and a test. Exam on social and health care legislation, video assignment, group assignment (service path), independent studies, passed line exams.
Course material
-The National Advisory Board on Social Welfare and Health Care Ethics ETENE -Social and Health Services Legislation -Kuntoutusportti -Ministry of Social Affairs and Health -Entrepreneurship education -Material in Moodle.
Kellomäki Marjaana, Komulainen Johanna

4 STYTU02 Research, innovation and development

5 ects
The student is able to: -describe the significance of research data and of the paradigm of field-specific science in the development of expertise and practical work -explain the principles, stages and progress of RDI work -retrieve information from the most important field-specific databases and assess the validity of the information -describe the data collection methods, data analysis processes and reporting methods in RDI work -utilise research and evidence based information in his or her work and in developing the social and health care -evaluate assignment and scientific research reports -apply the principles of academic writing and reporting
Paradigm and its importance in the field-specific practical work, development and research. The principles, stages and progress of RDI work. The principles of information retrieval and the most important field-specific databases. The most important data collection methods, data analysis processes and reporting methods in RDI work. The utilisation of research and evidence based information one’s own work and in developing the social and health care. The assessment of RDI work. The principles of academic writing and reporting.
Assignments and an exam/or a written assignment.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Turunen Elina, Turunen Pirjo

4 STYTY01 Working Life Skills, Wellfare in Work and Entrepreneuship

5 ects
student is able to -explain the main principles of management and financial planning in the social and health care field -work as a team member -describe the factors influencing occupational well-being -explain the most important employment legislation in the service sector and the collective agreements in the social and health care sector affecting the employee -seek possibilities to provide health and social services in the private and third sectors within the limits of the legislation -market his or her own expertise and the services of his or her work community
The concepts of management and organisation. Human resource management. Employment in the service sector and related contracts and legislation. Occupational well-being. Work community skills. Team work skills. Entrepreneurship in the social and health care sector. Service design, cost accounting, pricing, budgeting. Marketing thinking and methods in the work community.
This is an online course, material can be found in Moodle - Contact teaching option is possible - Independent studying - Accepted completion of individual and group assignments, passed exams. - A graded final exam/assessed individual assignment
Course material
Material in Moodle.
Prerequisites: This course can be taken when the student has gained a good understanding of the social and health care environment and of his or her own work, mainly after the second academic year. The course can be taken during the summer semester or as targeted studies to a certain student group.
Laitinen Kaija

4 STYSV02 Swedish Language in Social and Health Care and Customer-oriented Communication

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student can - use written and oral Swedish in his or her work tasks as required by Act 149/22 - present his or her professional field in Swedish in writing and orally - describe special competence of his or her profession and its role in multiprofessional cooperation - present operational principles of multiprofessional cooperation and cooperation networks
Field-specific core competence and presentation of one’s own work and work environment in Swedish (material and glossary). Interviews with and supervision of different customers in Swedish in customer situations, bilingual Finland as a work environment. Concept of multiprofessionalism, needs and significance of multiprofessionalism in social services and health care. Networks as providers of well-being, bilingual Finland as a work environment
Oral and written test in Swedish, planning and preparation of material in a cooperative manner under the teacher’s supervision.
Course material
TUUNANEN, Maria & WALLINHEIMO, Kirsi. 2013. Flexvård - Svenska för högskolor, Helsinki: Otava. Other material to be announced at the beginning of the course.
No prerequisite studies
Kaartinen Pekka, Ruhanen Lea

4 TBLUOTI Natural Science Knowledge and Skill

5 ects
Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBLABO1 Learning about Laboratory Work

5 ects
Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBLABNOL Laboratory Examinations and Quality

5 ects
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBKEMI1 Clinical Chemistry 1

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - can define the concepts of clinical chemistry - knows the areas of use and methodological principles of the studies in clinical chemistry - can conduct basic studies of clinical chemistry applying theoretical information and following the stages of the clinical laboratory test process - can apply the principles of quality management, occupational safety and patient safety in his or her work - knows the national and international information sources for clinical chemistry - can conduct studies of clinical chemistry under supervision in a clinical chemistry laboratory - can conduct studies related to food product development for students of catering carried out in pairs
Studies of clinical chemistry in patient care. Methods and measurements used in studies of clinical chemistry: photometry, colorimetric, enzymatic and immunochemical methods, chromatography, electrophoresis. Basic studies related to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Food analytics
Participation in lectures and practice, completion of online assignments and work specifications, test
Course material
Kouri, T. et al. 1999. Suositus virtsan perustutkimuksia ja bakteeriviljelyä varten. Moodi, erillisjulkaisu7. Labquality Oy, Helsinki Niemelä O & Pulkki K. (ed.) 2010 Laboratoriolääketiede. Kliininen kemia ja hematologia. Kandidaattikustannus Oy. Helsinki Penttilä, I. (ed.) 2004 Kliiniset laboratoriotutkimukset. WSOY, Helsinki National (Moodi, KliinLab) and international publications of the field
Natural scientific knowledge and skills in biomedical laboratory science 1 and 2, Learning about laboratory work 1, Laboratory sampling and quality. Theoretical studies can also be completed in working life
Other considerations
The course includes practice where protective clothing is necessary.
, Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBPREA9 Clinical Practice: Preanalytic

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - can explain the operational principles of primary health care and the laboratory organisation and understand the activities of a health centre and a laboratory as part of health service provision and health promotion - can plan and implement the pre-analytical stage of the laboratory test process and apply theoretical knowledge in practice situations - can recognise special characteristics of customers and interact professionally with customers, colleagues and other professional groups - can follow quality management principles in examinations of clinical physiology and point-of-care analytics - can apply principle of patient safety and occupational safety in his or her work Organisation of the workplace where practice is carried out; tasks, facilities and security plan. Position of the workplace in the Finnish health care system and in regional laboratory activities. Customer services in the workplace, sampling, handling, storage and dispatch. Technical implementation of electrocardiography. Point-of-care analytics in the workplace. Patient safety and occupational safety. Maintenance of equipment, waste management
Organisation of the workplace where practice is carried out; tasks, facilities and security plan. Position of the workplace in the Finnish health care system and in regional laboratory activities. Customer services in the workplace, sampling, handling, storage and dispatch. Technical implementation of electrocardiography. Point-of-care analytics in the workplace. Patient safety and occupational safety. Maintenance of equipment, waste management
Participation in practice, completion of learning exercise, self-evaluation and feedback discussion
Course material
Literature used in prerequisite studies and literature used to broaden and deepen the topics of the practice
Laboratory sampling and quality, Studying the functioning of organs, Professional ethics and facing the customer
Other considerations
It is recommended that the practice which enhances professional competence should be completed non-stop or in no more than two parts. It is possible to complete the practice in a laboratory within primary health care or in a corresponding laboratory in Finland and/or abroad.
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBKEMI2 Clinical chemistry 2

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - can define the concepts of clinical chemistry - knows the areas of use and methodological principles of the studies in clinical chemistry - can conduct basic studies of clinical chemistry applying theoretical information and following the stages of the clinical laboratory test process - can apply the principles of quality management, occupational safety and patient safety in his or her work - knows the national and international information sources for clinical chemistry - can conduct studies of clinical chemistry under supervision in a clinical chemistry laboratory
Studies of clinical chemistry in patient care. Basic studies related to the functions of kidneys and to the fluid balance of the organs. Particle and cell calculation from urine and puncture fluids. Enzyme and protein studies. Hormones and most common hormone studies
Participation in instruction, exercises, online work and practice enhancing professional competence, written test and work specifications
Course material
Kouri, T. et al. 1999. Suositus virtsan perustutkimuksia ja bakteeriviljelyä varten. Moodi, erillisjulkaisu7. Labquality Oy, Helsinki Niemelä O. & Pulki K. (ed.) 2010 Laboratoriolääketiede. Kliininen kemia ja hematologia. Kandidaattikustannus Oy. Helsinki Penttilä, I. (ed.) 2004 Kliiniset laboratoriotutkimukset. WSOY, Helsinki National (Moodi, KliinLab) and international publications of the field
Natural scientific knowledge and skills in biomedical laboratory science 1 and 2, Learning about laboratory work 1, Laboratory Sampling and quality, Clinical chemistry 1
Other considerations
The course includes practice where protective clothing is necessary.
, Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBAMEAK Professional Ethics and Encouter The Customer

5 ects
Korhonen Ulla, Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBANKFY Anatomy and Physiology and Methods of Clinical Physiology

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student: Upon completing the course, the student: - knows the main features of the musculoskeletal system as well as the structure and functions of the nervous system and the sensory systems - can explain the principles and methods of basic examinations in clinical physiology - can carry out basic examinations in clinical physiology independently in accordance with the principles and quality requirements of occupational safety and patient safety and evaluate their results - can apply the patient examination process in his or her work - knows the main features of the musculoskeletal system as well as the structure and functions of the nervous system and the
-General structure and functions of muscles and joints. Nervous system, sight, hearing, sense of pain and control of motor functions. - musculoskeletal system, functions of the nervous system and the sensory systems - Electrical functions of the heart and its measurement, blood pressure control and measurement, essential measurements in respiratory physiology (PEF, spirometry) in accordance with the patient examination process - firs aid
Oikkonen Anni

4 TBSOMOR Cell Morphology

5 ects
can explain the most common causes of leukopenia and leukocytosis can explain what is meant by anemia and the most common blood malignancies understand the mechanisms and classifications of hematological diseases understand laboratory tests related to the diagnosis of hematological diseases distinguishes between normal and abnormal hematological laboratory results is able to identify findings that deviate from the normal cell morphology of a blood smear in various malignant blood diseases recognize laboratory results consistent with leukemia and other white blood cell disorders is able to evaluate the obtained laboratory results and the factors influencing the reliability of the results at different stages of clinical laboratory work is able to apply the principles of quality management and occupational and patient safety in their work is able to apply the laboratory research process when performing clinical hematology examinations know national and international sources of information in the field
the most common causes of leukopenia and leukocytosis the most common diseases of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets laboratory diagnostics related to blood diseases classification of major blood diseases microscopy and cell morphology of anemias and malignant blood diseases perform basic hematological laboratory testing and assess laboratory data Biomedical Laboratory Scientists participation in bone marrow sampling and bone marrow sample preparation
participation in key lectures, completion of assignments, independent study, practical exercise, exam
Clinical Hematology, Laboratory sampling and quality, Natural Scientific Knowledge and Skill in Biomedical laboratory
Other considerations
100% participation in exercises
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBKHEMA Clinical Hematology

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBIMMUNB Immunology (Basic)

5 ects
Mähönen Anssi, Vuohelainen Susanna

4 TBMOLBB Molecular Biology (Basic)

5 ects
Mähönen Anssi, Vuohelainen Susanna

4 TBCLPHIS Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - can explain the areas of use and methodological principles of essential clinical physiological studies and isotope studies - can apply basic clinical physiological studies as part of wider research entireties - can apply the principles of patient safety, occupational safety and radiation safety in his or her work - recognises deviations in results caused by technical reasons and the patient's condition and can act accordingly in order to ensure a reliable result - can apply the patient examination process in his or her work - present the physical foundations of radioisotopes - present the use of radioisotopes in isotope studies of various organs functions - present the technology and imaging methods used in isotope studies
- Functionality tests on circulatory and respiratory organs (ecg, spirometry, clinical exercise test, diffusion capacity). - Control and determination of acid-base equilibrium, energy metabolism, determination of autonomic nervous system functions, circulatory regulation studies. - Use of isotopes in the study of the functions of circulatory and respiratory organs - Labelling cells with an isotope - Administrative protection against radiation, structural protection against radiation, functional protection against radiation. - Occupational safety and patient safety. - Safe handling of radioactive substances - Agreed Moodle lectures of Internal Medicine
Participation in key lectures, completion of assignments, completion of online assignments, practice, independent study, exam.
Course material
is indicated at the beginning of the course
Anatomy and Physiology and Methods of Clinical Physiology
Other considerations
100% participation in practical lessons
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBCLMIT Clinical Microbiology (theory)

5 ects
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBKLHEMO9 Clinical Hematology

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBKLEM9 Clinical Practice: Clinical Chemistry

5 ects
Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBIMMUNA Immunology (Advanced)

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna, Mähönen Anssi

4 TBCLMIP Clinical Microbiology (practice in UAS)

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - understands the main concepts of the clinical microbiology - can do some basic microbiological tests - can use a clinical laboratory process when working in laboratory - can work according the main principles regarding patient and occupational safety - can work according clinical quality requirements
- equipment of a microbiological laboratory - aseptic work, occupational safety, work safety - microbiological analysis material and specific requirements for the pre-analytics - general fundamentals of microbiological analyses - documentation, validation and interpretation of the results - using sustainability development way in work - quality assurance
practice (participation 100 %), independent study, online assignments, practice report
Clinical Microbiology (Theory), Learning about laboratory work,
Other considerations
The course includes practice where protective clothing is necessary
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBMOLBIA Molecular biology (Advanced)

5 ects
Mähönen Anssi, Vuohelainen Susanna

4 TBHISSY1 Clinical Histology and Sytology

5 ects
Vuohelainen Susanna

4 TBNEULÄ Clinical neurophysiology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - knows the concepts of clinical neurophysiology and the basics of the studies and is trained to apply the stages of the clinical laboratory test process in his or her studies following the principles of occupational safety and patient safety - can technically conduct basic studies of clinical neurophysiology and evaluate their quality - follows the principles of quality management, occupational safety and patient safety - knows the functions of medicinal substances at the receptor level - knows impact mechanisms of medicinal substances on laboratory tests - knows the principles of implementing pharmacotherapy - knows the laboratory tests used to follow pharmacotherapy and knows the toxicological impact of medicinal substances as well as toxicological laboratory tests - can link the impact of medicinal substances to laboratory tests - can describe the content of an essential act, decree or another instruction - can explain the basic concepts related to pharmacotherapy, the ways of administering drugs and the forms of drugs - can explain the main features of the stages of drugs in the system, depending on the type of administration - can explain the main features of the most common impact mechanisms - can explain the factors influencing the response to pharmacotherapy, the adverse effects and the synergism - can use electronic databases of pharmacotherapy - can conduct drug calculations correctly
Understanding the functions of the nervous system in relation to essential studies of clinical neurophysiology. Functions and recording of the peripheral nervous system. Electrical activity of the brain and method to record it (EEG). Electroneuromyography (ENMG), evoked potentials. Use of EEG applications. Impact of medicinal substances on laboratory tests (2 h). Haematological impact of medicinal substances (1 h). Follow-up of pharmacotherapy with laboratory tests (4 h). Groups of medicinal substances and functions of medicinal substances at the receptor level (2 h). Specifications of medicinal substances (2 h). Laboratory diagnostics of poisonings (3 h). Basic concepts of pharmacotherapy, provisions governing pharmacotherapy, ways of administering drugs and forms of drugs, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, adverse effects and synergism of medicinal substances, follow-up of response to pharmacotherapy, drug calculations.
Key lectures, assignments, online assignments, practice periods, workshops, independent study, pharmacology exam, drug calculation exam. Pharmacotherapy: Requirements: active participation in direct contact teaching, completion of independent assignments. Pharmacotherapy: basics of pharmacotherapy exam 0‒5 and drug calculations 100% correct
Course material
Lectures given by a physician and a chemist. Pharmacotherapy: SAANO, Susanna & TAAM-UKKONEN, Minna. 2013. Lääkehoidon käsikirja. Helsinki: WSOY, SanomaPro. ERNVALL, Sirpa, PULLI, Antero, SALONEN, Anne-Marie, NURMINEN, Marja-Leena & KAUKKILA, Hanna-Sisko. 2009 (or newer edition) Lääkelaskenta. WSOY.
No prerequisite studies
Other considerations
Theory exam 1‒5, drug calculation exam, basics of pharmacotherapeutic competence exam (test and calculations). Evaluation criteria ‒ drug calculations exam: 100% correct, theory exam: see separate table, basics of pharmacotherapeutic competence: test 80% correct, drug calculations 100% correct. Calculator may be used in drug calculation exams. As regards drug calculations, three demonstrations of competence may be allowed per course. If the student’s performance is not approved, he or she shall prepare an individual study plan concerning additional instruction, after which he or she shall obtain new entitlements (3) to take the exam.
Kolehmainen Sanna, Ylinen Eeva-Riitta

4 TBLABINT Future Laboratory Innovations and Multiprofessional Cooperation

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBMICGE9 Clinical Microbiology and Gene Technology, Practice

5 ects
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBKLFYS9 Clinical Physiology, Practice

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - can guide customers to studies of clinical physiology and conduct studies of clinical physiology in accordance with various quality criteria and standards governing patient examinations - can interpret results as required by patient safety
Customer guidance. Conduct of electrocardiography. Conduct of spirometry. Conduct of clinical tolerance test
Approved minimum level description, self-evaluation and completion of practice
Course material
Literature announced during theoretical studies and practice period
Anatomy and physiology, Clinical physiology, theory and practice at Savonia
Other considerations
It is possible to complete the practice in a clinical microbiology laboratory in Finland and/or abroad, e.g. in Kempen (Belgium), Salzburg (Austria), Umeå (Sweden) or Debrecen (Hungary).
Oikkonen Anni

4 TBIMHE9 Immunohematology, Clinical Practise

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBPAT9 Clinical histology and sytology, practice

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student - knows the concepts of clinical histology and cytology and can explain the basics of the studies and their areas of use - can evaluate the validity and reliability of histological and cytological samples - can apply the histological and cytological sampling process in his or her work and knows the various work stages - can define and recognise the most typical tissues as well as histological and cytological cells - can work safely and well in a histological and cytological laboratory - understands histological and cytological laboratory tests as part of patient care
Implementation of basic studies in clinical histology and cytology
Central hospital practice with minimum level description and personal objectives in a blog, self-evaluation and feedback discussion as well as completion of supervised practice
Course material
Bancroft J., Stevens A. 1996. Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques (4th or newer edition) Churchill Livingstone. Tokyo (as applicable) Frilander R., Heikkinen R., Laurila A., Ruotsi S. 2002. Gynekologisen irtosolunäytteen tutkiminen, Pohjois-Savon ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Kuopio Markus Mäkinen, Olli Carpén, Veli-Matti Kosma, Veli-Pekka Lehto, Timo Paavonen, Frej Stenbäck (ed.) Patologia.2012. Sanderson J. B. 1994. Biological Microtechnique. BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited. Oxford (as applicable). Rantala I., Lounatmaa K. (ed.) 1998. Biologinen valomikroskopia. Yliopistopaino. Helsinki. Schroderus, A-M. & Tiilikainen, R. 2013. Learning material of clinical histology. Thesis. Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Field-specific national and international articles and publications (as applicable) It is recommended that the practice which enhances professional competence should be completed non-stop or in no more than two parts. It is possible to complete the practice in Finland and/or abroad, e.g. in Kempen (Belgium), Baraton (Kenya), Kaunas (Lithuania), Umeå (Sweden), Debrecen (Hungary), Maputo (Mozambique) or Innsbruck, Salzburg or Vienna (Austria).
Anatomy and physiology 1 and 2, Chemistry 1 and 2, Biochemistry, Molecular biology and cell biology, Laboratory equipment and work methods, Sampling, Clinical histology and cytology, theory and practice in Savonia’s laboratory class
Other considerations
It is recommended that the practice which enhances professional competence should be completed non-stop or in no more than two parts. It is possible to complete the practice in Finland and/or abroad, e.g. in Kempen (Belgium), Baraton (Kenya), Kaunas (Lithuania), Umeå (Sweden), Debrecen (Hungary), Maputo (Mozambique) or Innsbruck, Salzburg or Vienna (Austria).
Mähönen Anssi

4 TBBIOPA Biobank

5 ects
Mähönen Anssi, Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBVIERI1 Point of Care 1

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBERIKAKE1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Chemistry 1

5 ects
Saukkonen Mirja

4 TBERIKAHI1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Histology and Sytology 1

5 ects
Vuohelainen Susanna

4 TBLABPO1 Laboratory Studies and Patient Safety 1

5 ects
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBERIKAMI1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Microbiology 1

5 ects
Korhonen Ulla

4 TBERIKANE1 Specialized Studies, Clinical Neurophysiology 1

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 TBERIKANE2 Specialized Studies, Clinical Neurophysiology 2

5 ects
Kolehmainen Sanna

4 SAVONT1 Thesis

15 ects
Student can - choose a topic for thesis that is suitable for his or her field and his or her professional development and justify the choice from different perspectives - plan and implement a working life oriented research and development work based on the needs of the user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based information in the thesis process and in the development of his or her expertise - appropriately use research and development methods or artistic methods that are suitable for his or her professional field and for the topic of the thesis - prepare a clearly defined, logical and professionally appropriate report on his or her thesis - evaluate the essential contents, results or output of his or her thesis and justify their significance from the perspectives of his or her field, the client’s/user’s need and his or her professional development - evaluate his or her thesis process, its reliability and ethicality as well as his or her professional growth and learning during the work - cooperate in a flexible manner with players involved in the thesis process and demonstrate his or her expertise - take the maturity test on his or her thesis.
SAVONT1 Thesis 15 ECTS ONT10: Planning the thesis (5 ECTS) - orientation to thesis and its preparation - choice and definition of topic - preparation of thesis plan and compilation of background material ONT20 Implementation of thesis process (5 ECTS) - preparation of thesis - results/output of thesis ONT30 Finalising the thesis (5 ECTS) - reporting and publication of thesis ONT40 Maturity test
The thesis is always working life oriented. It may take the form of a a) development work planned and implemented by a student or a group of students to meet the user's or client's needs. Development may focus on a product, service, process, working method, learning material or instruction, digital material, supervised activity etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output and the need for further development in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. b) research-based thesis, in which a student or a group of student approaches a practical problem or item to be developed with appropriate research methods. The student shall prepare a report describing the planning, implementation and results of the thesis and interpreting the results. c) production, in which a student of a group of students demonstrates competence as an expert or as an artist by planning and implementing an event, a seminar, an artistic performance etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. d) compiled thesis, in which parts planned as a thesis (e.g. projects) are implemented and reported. In the written synthesis, article or other publication, which is part of the thesis, the student shall present the essential results/output in a form that is suitable for the professional field in question. The student shall choose either SAVONT1 or SAVONT2 as the form of completion.
Course material
The student shall acquire the material required for the thesis him or herself. Savonia’s thesis reporting instructions
Method studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme
Other considerations
The student may adapt the Thesis course to a schedule that is appropriate to his or her work.
Linden Jari

5 SOTEONT10 Thesis Planning

5 ects
The student can - choose a topic that is relevant for the development of both the field of study and his/her own expertise - motivate his/her topic choice from various viewpoints - create a thesis topic description and complete it into a thesis plan (=work plan) - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the thesis process - present his /her knowledge and skills.
selecting a thesis topic and narrowing it down - writing a thesis topic description - signing an agreement on thesis project and supervision - finding a thesis supervisor - information retrieval - writing a thesis plan (= work plan) and finding source material
participation in thesis info sessions, writing a thesis topic description, independent work, information retrieval, presenting a thesis plan (=work plan) in a thesis seminar.
Course material
The student acquires the material required in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting Instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may create an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT20 Thesis Implementation

5 ects
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based knowledge to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - create a report that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study. - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
working independently on the thesis - guidance related to the various phases of the thesis - the results/outcome of the thesis - presentation of the thesis in a seminar
Independent studies and information retrieval.
Course material
The student acquires the material required in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting Instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. Thesis Planning -course (5 cr).
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for his/her thesis process.

5 SOTEONT30 Thesis Finalisation

5 ects
The student can - create a report that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - assess the thesis process, its reliability and ethicalness as well as his/her professional growth and development - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise - write a maturity test essay on the thesis process.
- finalizing the thesis as well as writing and editing the report based on the feedback received in the thesis seminar and from the thesis supervisor - detection of plagiarism - submitting the thesis for assessment
Independent studies and information retrieval.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. Thesis Planning -course (5 cr). Thesis Implementation -course (5 cr).
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT40 Maturity Test

student can - write the maturity test showing expertise in the field of his/her studies and proficiency in communication and language skills - discuss the maturity test assignment in a logical manner, showing professional competence and with relevance to the assignmnet questions - summarise his/her thesis and focus on the essential concepts, facts and findings - write a professional text in the appropriate style and without grammar mistakes.
Enrolling to and writing the maturity test.
student enrols to the maturity test after his/her thesis has been submitted for assessment.The student in an international degree programme who has completed his/her school education in Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in Finnish or Swedish. The student who has completed his/her school education abroad or in a language other than Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in the language of instruction of the degree programme in question.
Course material
student receives the maturity test assignment after entering the examination classroom.

4 SAVONT2 Thesis

15 ects
Student can - choose a topic for thesis that is innovative for his or her field and his or her professional development and justify the choice from different perspectives - plan and implement a working life oriented research and development work based on the needs of the user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based information in the thesis process and in the development of his or her expertise - appropriately use research and development methods or artistic methods that are suitable for his or her professional field and for the topic of the thesis - prepare a clearly defined, logical and professionally appropriate report on his or her thesis - evaluate the essential contents, results or output of his or her thesis and justify their significance from the perspectives of his or her field, the client’s/user’s need and his or her professional development - evaluate his or her thesis process, its reliability and ethicality as well as his or her professional growth and learning during the work - cooperate in a flexible manner with players involved in the thesis process and demonstrate his or her expertise - take the maturity test on his or her thesis.
SAVONT2 Thesis 15 ECTS: ONT50 Thesis, project 1 (5 ECTS), ONT60 Thesis, project 2 (5 ECTS), ONT70 Synthesis and publication of thesis projects (5 ECTS), ONT80 Maturity test
The thesis is always working life oriented. It may take the form of a a) development work planned and implemented by a student or a group of students to meet the user's or client's needs. Development may focus on a product, service, process, working method, learning material or instruction, digital material, supervised activity etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output and the need for further development in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. b) research-based thesis, in which a student or a group of student approaches a practical problem or item to be developed with appropriate research methods. The student shall prepare a report describing the planning, implementation and results of the thesis and interpreting the results. c) production, in which a student of a group of students demonstrates competence as an expert or as an artist by planning and implementing an event, a seminar, an artistic performance etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. d) compiled thesis, in which parts planned as a thesis (e.g. projects) are implemented and reported. In the written synthesis, article or other publication, which is part of the thesis, the student shall present the essential results/output in a form that is suitable for the professional field in question. The student shall choose either SAVONT1 or SAVONT2 as the form of completion.
Course material
The student shall acquire the material required for the thesis him or herself. Savonia’s thesis reporting instructions
Method studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme
Other considerations
The student may adapt the Thesis course to a schedule that is appropriate to his or her work.
Linden Jari

5 SOTEONT50 Thesis Project 1

5 ects
- implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based or artistic methods to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
Planning, implementation and reporting on a project.
Presenting the project plan. Approval of the the project plan. Independent studies and information retrieval. Implementation of the project. Reporting on the project.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis project independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT60 Thesis Project 2

5 ects
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based or artistic methods to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
Planning, implementation and reporting on a project.
Presenting the project plan. Approval of the the project plan. Independent studies and information retrieval. Implementation of the project. Reporting on the project.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis project independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT70 Finalising The Thesis Projects

5 ects
he student can - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - assess the thesis process, its reliability and ethicalness as well as his/her professional growth and development - create a report, article or other publication that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study
Creating a report, article or other publication that presents the main results/outcomes in a format that meets the professional standards of the field. Presenting the thesis projects in a seminar.
Reporting on the thesis projects. Presentation of the thesis projects in a seminar.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. SOTEONT50 Thesis Project 1 SOTEONT60 Thesis Project 2.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT80 Maturity Test

- write the maturity test showing expertise in the field of his/her studies and proficiency in communication and language skills - discuss the maturity test assignment in a logical manner, showing professional competence and with relevance to the assignmnet questions - summarise his/her thesis and focus on the essential concepts, facts and findings - write a professional text in the appropriate style and without grammar mistakes.
Enrolling to and writing the maturity test.
The thesis supervisor prepares maturity test questions on the student's thesis content. The student answers the question(s) of his/her choice.
Course material
The student is not allowed to bring any material to the examination room. The maturity test comprises about four pages of text written by the student or 400-600 word. The student can spend up to three hours (3x60 min) on the test.
Completion of LIONT50 Thesis Project 1 and LIONT60 Thesis Project 2.


We reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum due to the need to update the content being studied.