Students having a coffee.

TR20SP Degree Programme of Radiography and Radiation Therapy

This curriculum is a translation of the curriculum of the Finnish degree program.

Curriculum responsibility: Maritta Pitkänen

Basis of Education

Degree Programme of Radiography and Radiation Therapy is taught mainly in Finnish language.
The translation of curriculum courses is to inform our international partner universities about course competences and core contents.

The degree program in radiography and radiation therapy leads to a Bachelor's degree in Health Care. The degree title is Bachelor of Health Care. The scope of the studies is 210 credits and the duration is 3.5 years. The skills produced by the degree correspond to the level of higher education (EQF level 6) defined jointly in the European Union, which enables the movement of labor and experts.

The radiographer works as an expert in evidence-based clinical radiography in multidisciplinary health care teams. The radiographer's work emphasizes patient / client care, the use of technology and the use of medical radiation. The core competencies of the radiographer's profession are various imaging studies (X-ray, ultrasound and magnetic studies) and related procedures, isotope studies and radiotherapy. In addition, patient and client care and guidance, as well as the safe use of medical radiation, are core competencies in the radiology profession. In addition to national and international legislation, the work of an radiologist is guided by the ethical principles of the radiologist's profession. Radiologists work in the X-ray, isotope, and radiotherapy departments of health centers and hospitals, as well as in private medical clinics and hospitals. In addition to healthcare organizations, they can work in healthcare companies (product development, marketing, training), as a radiation safety officer (STV) in health centers' native X-ray, dental X-ray and animal X-ray activities, in industrial and environmental health care and in nuclear power plants, research and education,

Legalization as a health care professional

The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (VALVIRA) legalizes the radiographer as a legalized professional. The precondition for legalization is that 210 ECTS credits have been completed in the radiography education, as well as the contents in accordance with the curriculum. The task of the university of applied sciences is to verify that the graduating health care professional has the competence required by the professional skills requirements.

Competence Standards

The radiography education is equivalent to level 6 at the Finnish (NQF) and European Framework of Qualifications (EQF).

The competency profile of radiographer consists of competencies that are general competencies and professional-specific competencies. The general qualifications (competencies) of those who have completed a bachelor's degree are defined at Savonia University of Applied Sciences in accordance with the statement of the The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene (ARENE).

The professional-specific competencies of an radiographer are the basis for the development of expertise. Occupation-specific competencies are based on the national NQF level.

Structure of Studies

The studies of an radiographer and radiation therapy are 210 ECTS credits. According to the curriculum, one year of study corresponds to 60 ETS credits, which means 1,600 hours of student work. The student's work consists of e.g. contact hours, distance and independent study, e-learning and internships. The study includes working life-oriented research and development activities.

Development of Expertise

In Savonia's curricula, the courses form broader study units. In this way, they are not detached but support the overall development of the student and the development of expertise. At the same time, it is possible to combine teaching and work-based research and development.

The radiographer curriculum is designed to ensure:
- the skills required in working life
- the development of the student's expertise

- draws up a personal study plan to support his / her studies, in which previously acquired skills are identified and recognized
- studies at least 5 ECTS of foreign languages ​​in courses belonging to professional studies
- is responsible for the progress of his / her studies
- assess the development of their competence (PLE, Personal Learning Enviroment)

Savonia teachers and other staff guide and support in defining and achieving personal goals.

The student's expertise develops each year in accordance with the designated annual and semi-annual themes. In the radiology degree program, these are

Year 1: Fundamentals of the profession of radiographer
Semester themes: Learning to be a radiographer, patient encounter and care in a radiographer's job
Year 2: Methods used by the radiographers
Semester themes: Professional and safe isotope and imaging research, X-ray in radiotherapy and radiological procedures
Year 3: Radiographer in working life
Semester themes: As a radiographer in working life, as an radiographer and developer
Year 4: Radiographer as a developer of working life and activities
Semi-annual theme: As an radiographer in working life

Methods and implementation

Savonia's education is based on the OIS (Open Innovation Space) model. It combines high-quality learning and teaching with research and development activities close to working life. The student is an active participant and works in a variety of spaces, groups, communities, and e-learning environments. Students, teachers, people working in research and development tasks and representatives of working life work together to solve different types of tasks that arise from practice. In this way, study combines theory and practice.

The proximity of Savonia's education to working life is realized through the diverse networking of teachers. Networks also ensure the continuous development of substance expertise. The staff creates learning situations and supports student learning. The study office, library and information services, international services and other support services help with studying. The training follows the principles of accessibility and sustainable development.

The curriculum structure of the radiology degree program is designed as flexible entities. The flexibility of studies is guaranteed by virtual studies, the use of social media as a learning tool and the use of alternative ways of demonstrating competence. The identification and recognition of prior learning is part of this process. In demonstrating previously acquired competence, the student must show that he or she has competence in accordance with the competence objectives of the course. The teacher tutor supports the personalization of studies and the development of competence. The student evaluates the development of his / her professional competence every semester and gives feedback every semester on the realization of studies and writes a blog about his / her progress.

Flexible ways of working in the studies of the degree program include:
- students perform study-related learning tasks in the context of working life
- e-learning and social media tools are used in the study (online study plan, Zoom, Moodle, One Drive, Google docs, Google sites, etc.)
- Competences previously acquired by students are identified through competence mapping
- the skills acquired by the student in working life can be studied
- the student can demonstrate previously acquired skills, for example by means of demonstration tests in working life or at an educational institution
- the student can complete part of his / her studies in projects and international exchange.

Learning in the radiographer degree program is based on the teaching and study strategy of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. The learning vision in line with the strategy emphasizes the development of the student's professional expertise and supporting it with teaching and guidance. The student is a self-directed individual who takes responsibility for his or her own professional growth and development. When a student takes responsibility for his or her own study, the teacher's activity is to support and monitor the learner's learning, competence development and learning process through guidance. Learning is the process by which a learner changes his or her previous systems of thought and concept in interaction with others. The emphasis in the education is on the student's independent study, which is supported by contact teaching and study.

Internationalization is part of studying. Students can study internationality and cultural competencies abroad in various exchange programs and in their own educational institution together with international students. According to the personal study plan, the student has the opportunity for 60 ECTS international studies when he / she completes an internship that promotes the professional skills of an radiologist 30 ECTS, international nurses Bachelor`s Degree Program in Nursing joint studies in social and health 20 ECTS and 10 ECTS English studies the program. During the studies, the student must complete at least 5 cr of foreign language teaching (other than language studies). The student can practice cultural skills while tutoring international exchange students and working in, for example, immigrant communities.

At the University of Applied Sciences, the starting point for teaching is current and future working life skills. In addition to teachers, students and working life experts participate in the curriculum work and its development. Central to achieving working life skills is education that promotes professional skills in working life, skills workshops related to different methods in working life in authentic environments, expert lecturers, theses and various development tasks commissioned by working life and know-how of patient data base systems (RIS, PACS, MIS).

The assessment follows the degree rules of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Assessment guides and reviews the achievement of the student's study goals. The assessment criteria are based on the objectives of the course and the student receives information about the assessment criteria at the beginning of the course. The student also has the right to receive information on the application of the assessment criteria to his / her study performance.

Course Table

Code Name 1 S 1 K 2 S 2 K 3 S 3 K 4 S 4 K
Orientation Studies
Basic Studies
Joint Studies for Social Services and Health Care
4 STYOP01 Orientation to Social and Health Care Studies 5              
4 STYAS02 Client and professional in social and health care services 5              
4 STYEN02 English in Social and Health Care and Intercultural Communication   5            
4 STYSV02 Swedish Language in Social and Health Care and Customer-oriented Communication     5          
4 STYTU02 Study, Insight, Development       5        
4 STYTY01 Working Life Skills, Wellfare in Work and Entrepreneuship         5      
Professional Studies
Obligatory Professional Studies
4 TRMALU The Mathematical-Scientific Basic of Radiographer Profession 5              
4 TRRAPE The Basic of Radiographer Profession 5              
4 TRAFY02 Anatomy and Physiology 5              
4 TRHTP04 Caring Skills 1 5              
4 TRHTPO06 Caring Skills 2   5            
4 TRKLD006 Clinical Treatment and Diagnostic Examinations   5            
4 TRHTP92 Intership: Careing Skills   5            
4 TRNAT05 Plain Radiography   5            
4 TRNTH1 Internship: Plain Radiography 1   5            
4 TRAEAK Professional Ethics and Facing The Customer     5          
4 TRUTI007 Ultrasound and Computerised Tomography Examinations     5          
4 TRULT95 Intership: Ultrasound Examinations     5          
4 TRANG20 Angiography and Image Guided Procedures       5        
4 TRISOT08 Radioisotope Examinations     5          
4 TRKNSÄ Critical Evaluation of Plain Radiography and Radiation Protection     5          
4 TRSÄD010 Basics of Radiotherapy       5        
4 TRSÄSÄ0010 Planning Radiotherapy and Radiotherapy       5        
4 TRSÄD98 Intership: Radiotherapy       10        
4 TRTT93 Internship: Computerised Tomography Examinations         5      
4 TRISOT94 Internship: Radioisotope Examinations         5      
4 TRLPV96 Intership: Fluoroscopy Examinations         5      
4 TRMML09 Magnetic and Mammography Examinations and Paediatric Imaging         5      
4 TRNTH2 Internship: Plain Radiography 2           5    
4 TRMAG97 Internship: Magnetic Resonance Examinations           5    
4 TRLMR92 Internship: Children's Examinations and Mammography Examinations           5    
4 TRNPKR Evidence-Based Clinical Radiography           5    
4 TRSTV1 Radiation Safety Officer           5    
Optional Professional Studies
Intership: Imaging examinations             0  
4 TRNAR1 Internship 1a: Deeping Plain Radiography Examinations             5  
4 TRNAR2 Internship 1b: Developing Plain Radiography Examinations             5  
4 TRMAGR1 Internship 2: Developing Mammography Examinations             5  
4 TRLAKU1 Internship 3: Developing Paediatric Imaging             5  
4 TRMATU1 Internship 4: Developing Magnetic Imaging Examinations             5  
4 TRTKTT1 Internship 5: Developing Computerised Tomography Examinations             5  
4 TRULTU1 Internship 6: Developing Ultrasound Examinations             5  
4 TRAGRT1 Internship 7: Developing Angiographic and Radiological Measures             5  
Internship: Radiotherapy             0  
4 TRANSUU1 Internship1: Developing Radioterapy Dose Planing             5  
4 TRSÄSYY1 Internship 2: Deeping Radiotherapy Knowledge and Skills             5  
4 TRSÄKEE1 Internship 3: Developing Radiotherapy             5  
Internship: Radioisotope Examinations             0  
4 TRMOIS1 Internship 1: Varety of Radioisotope Examinations             5  
4 TRISSY1 Internship 2: Deeping Radioisotope Examinations Knowledge and Skills             5  
4 TRISKE1 Internship 3: Developing Radioisotope Examinations             5  
Final Thesis
Final Thesis
4 SAVONT1 Thesis         15      
   5 SOTEONT10 Thesis Planning         5      
   5 SOTEONT20 Thesis Implementation           5    
   5 SOTEONT30 Thesis Finalisation             5  
   5 SOTEONT40 Maturity Test           0    
4 SAVONT2 Thesis         15      
   5 SOTEONT50 Thesis Project 1         5      
   5 SOTEONT60 Thesis Project 2           5    
   5 SOTEONT70 Finalising The Thesis Projects             5  
   5 SOTEONT80 Maturity Test           0    
Elective Studies
Optional Studies
4 STRALÄ1 Basics of Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy             5  
4 TRLARA1 Quality Management and Quality Assurance in Radiography             5  
4 TRSULA1 External Dose Planning in Radiotherapy             5  
4 STMON2 Multiprofessional Projects             5  

Course Descriptions

4 STYOP01 Orientation to Social and Health Care Studies

5 ects
The student is able to -assess and develop his or her learning skills -make justified choices considering internationalisation, professional options and career planning in the field -operate in the Savonia environment -use all required information systems safely considering data security -communicate and interact in study-related situations
Study practices (methods, RPL, level tests, data acquisition, school safety and security, student union, internationality, counselling and welfare services). Basics of oral and written communication. Information systems at Savonia UAS. Skills and expertise development in the personal learning environment (PLE)
Participation in lessons, Completion of online studies. Level tests. Preparation of the personal study and career plan. Accepted completion of assignments.
Course material
Karuaho Anne, Kyytsönen Suvi, Kainulainen Anja

4 STYAS02 Client and professional in social and health care services

5 ects
The student is able to: -describe social and health care services and the key features of related legislation -describe the values and ethical basis of a welfare society -explain the importance of social and health care services in the society and for an individual client -apply the safety and security requirements of the social and health care field -explain the principles of entrepreneurial approach and the importance of people-oriented development of services -describe the rights of a client and a professional
Essential social and health care services and related legislation. The basis of a welfare society and the roles of a client and a professional. Data protection and security as well as digitalisation of social and health care services. Voluntary intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship in social and health care. The development of people-oriented social and health care services through service design.
Participation in lectures/Online studies of data protection and security and a test. Exam on social and health care legislation, video assignment, group assignment (service path), independent studies, passed line exams.
Course material
-The National Advisory Board on Social Welfare and Health Care Ethics ETENE -Social and Health Services Legislation -Kuntoutusportti -Ministry of Social Affairs and Health -Entrepreneurship education -Material in Moodle.
Kellomäki Marjaana, Komulainen Johanna

4 STYEN02 English in Social and Health Care and Intercultural Communication

5 ects
The student is able to -use English in his or her work at the level required for his or her professional development -tell about his or her working environment and duties in English -interview and guide, mentor and care for different clients in English -use essential professional vocabulary and source books -identify cultural differences and describe the special features of his or her own culture -understand the impact of culture on communication
Encountering the client and guiding, mentoring and caring for him or her. Telling about the working environment and duties, other important interactions in a multicultural environment, studying the field-specific material in English, essential professional vocabulary. The concepts of culture and intercultural communication, basic cultural differences, improving intercultural communication skills
Participation in contact lessons, discussions and practice-based exercises. Accepted completion of oral and written assignments, passed exams. Online studies with no contact lessons. Accepted completion of related exercises and assignments, a passed exam.Simulations.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Savela Sanna, Kaartinen Pekka

4 STYSV02 Swedish Language in Social and Health Care and Customer-oriented Communication

5 ects
Upon completing the course, the student can - use written and oral Swedish in his or her work tasks as required by Act 149/22 - present his or her professional field in Swedish in writing and orally - describe special competence of his or her profession and its role in multiprofessional cooperation - present operational principles of multiprofessional cooperation and cooperation networks
Field-specific core competence and presentation of one’s own work and work environment in Swedish (material and glossary). Interviews with and supervision of different customers in Swedish in customer situations, bilingual Finland as a work environment. Concept of multiprofessionalism, needs and significance of multiprofessionalism in social services and health care. Networks as providers of well-being, bilingual Finland as a work environment
Oral and written test in Swedish, planning and preparation of material in a cooperative manner under the teacher’s supervision.
Course material
TUUNANEN, Maria & WALLINHEIMO, Kirsi. 2013. Flexvård - Svenska för högskolor, Helsinki: Otava. Other material to be announced at the beginning of the course.
No prerequisite studies
Kaartinen Pekka, Ruhanen Lea

4 STYTU02 Study, Insight, Development

5 ects
The student is able to: -describe the significance of research data and of the paradigm of field-specific science in the development of expertise and practical work -explain the principles, stages and progress of RDI work -retrieve information from the most important field-specific databases and assess the validity of the information -describe the data collection methods, data analysis processes and reporting methods in RDI work -utilise research and evidence based information in his or her work and in developing the social and health care -evaluate assignment and scientific research reports -apply the principles of academic writing and reporting
Paradigm and its importance in the field-specific practical work, development and research. The principles, stages and progress of RDI work. The principles of information retrieval and the most important field-specific databases. The most important data collection methods, data analysis processes and reporting methods in RDI work. The utilisation of research and evidence based information one’s own work and in developing the social and health care. The assessment of RDI work. The principles of academic writing and reporting.
Assignments and an exam/or a written assignment.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Turunen Elina, Turunen Pirjo

4 STYTY01 Working Life Skills, Wellfare in Work and Entrepreneuship

5 ects
student is able to -explain the main principles of management and financial planning in the social and health care field -work as a team member -describe the factors influencing occupational well-being -explain the most important employment legislation in the service sector and the collective agreements in the social and health care sector affecting the employee -seek possibilities to provide health and social services in the private and third sectors within the limits of the legislation -market his or her own expertise and the services of his or her work community
The concepts of management and organisation. Human resource management. Employment in the service sector and related contracts and legislation. Occupational well-being. Work community skills. Team work skills. Entrepreneurship in the social and health care sector. Service design, cost accounting, pricing, budgeting. Marketing thinking and methods in the work community.
This is an online course, material can be found in Moodle - Contact teaching option is possible - Independent studying - Accepted completion of individual and group assignments, passed exams. - A graded final exam/assessed individual assignment
Course material
Material in Moodle.
Prerequisites: This course can be taken when the student has gained a good understanding of the social and health care environment and of his or her own work, mainly after the second academic year. The course can be taken during the summer semester or as targeted studies to a certain student group.
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRMALU The Mathematical-Scientific Basic of Radiographer Profession

5 ects
The student is able to - make unit conversions in physics, chemistry and drug calculations, perform percentage calculations, perform solution and dilution calculations, solve linear and quadratic equations - use the most important formulas of power, root and logarithmic calculations - identify the quantities and orders of magnitude used to measure physical phenomena - explain radiation and its types, the principles of electricity, magnetism, sound waves and mechanics - explain the principle of radiography
- unit conversions, percentage calculations, solution and dilution calculations, linear and quadratic equations - formulas of power and root calculations and logarithmic calculations - International System of Units (SI system), quantities - X-radiation - ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation, electricity, magnetism, sound and ultrasound, mechanics - radiography
- Participation in contact lessons, accepted completion of assignments, independent studies, examinations
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course; eMaterials.
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRRAPE The Basic of Radiographer Profession

5 ects
The student is able to - make unit conversions in physics, chemistry and drug calculations, perform percentage calculations, perform solution and dilution calculations, solve linear and quadratic equations - use the most important formulas of power, root and logarithmic calculations - identify the quantities and orders of magnitude used to measure physical phenomena - explain radiation and its types, the principles of electricity, magnetism, sound waves and mechanics - explain the principle of radiography
- unit conversions, percentage calculations, solution and dilution calculations, linear and quadratic equations - formulas of power and root calculations and logarithmic calculations - International System of Units (SI system), quantities - X-radiation - ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation, electricity, magnetism, sound and ultrasound, mechanics radiography
- Participation in contact lessons, accepted completion of assignments, independent studies, examinations
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course; eMaterials.
Kärnä Niina

4 TRAFY02 Anatomy and Physiology

5 ects
The student is able to - describe the bodiliy structures and functions from cells to organ systems - apply the knowledge to his or her studies later and to independent data acquisition
- cell, tissue, blood, blood circulation, immune system, respiration, digestion, production of urine, musculoskeletal system, nervous system , acid-base balance, senses of sight and hearing and pain , cellular biology, hormone functions
Lectures, exercises, discussions. Two written exams taken individually, anatomy and physiology.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course; eMaterial
Tiitu Virpi

4 TRHTP04 Caring Skills 1

5 ects
The student is able to - describe the importance of the values and principles serving as the basis of good patient care - explain the importance of functional ability and rehabilitative care in welfare promotion - identify the clients’ care needs - follow various care practices in different situations and environments - explain the ABCDE method when examining the patient’s basic vital functions and the ISBAR method when reporting on them - describe the factors influencing patient safety and understand the importance of HaiPro - identify the elements of safe interaction - document patient care in line with the care process model and national documentation model - explain the importance of multiprofessional collaboration and the role of a radiographer in that - explain the legal and ethical bases of pharmacological treatment - explain a radiographer’s responsibilities and duties related to the safe implementation of pharmacological treatment - explain the basic concepts of pharmacological treatment, administration routes and pharmaceutical forms - explain the principles of the intravenous fluid and medication administration and is able to administer medication under supervision - explain the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medication administered through different routes - explain the most common mechanisms of action - explain the factors affecting drug response, adverse reactions and drug interactions - name the main stages of the pharmacological treatment process - use the electronic databases of pharmacological treatment - perform accurate drug calculations - give first aid
Caring skills: - safe interaction with the client/patient and his or her mentoring - patient safety - ABCDE, ISBAR - care needs - care practices (help in daily actions and the use of technical aids, monitoring secretion and the use of aids, palliative and end of life care) - asepsis Basics of pharmacological treatment: - acts, decrees and other instructions regulating pharmacological treatment - basic concepts of pharmacological treatment - administration routes (per. os, per. rectum, s.c, i.m,) and pharmaceutical forms - intravenous fluid therapy and medication - pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics - adverse reactions and drug interactions, monitoring drug response - medication administration by a radiographer - the electronic drug databases - HaiPro - drug calculations Basic resuscitation: - PPE-D - first aid for respiratory and circulatory disorders, disorders of consciousness and for injuries - first aid for anaphylactic reactions
Active participation in lectures, skills workshops (100%), resuscitation demonstration and participation in first aid exercises (100%), accepted completion of independent assignments, accurate (100%) drug calculations, simulation studies, exams
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr
Jehkinen Riikka

4 TRHTPO06 Caring Skills 2

5 ects
The student is able to -explain the most important disorders caused by internal medicine and surgical diseases and their impact on a person’s life control and functional ability as well as the most important and common examination and treatment methods - explain the effects of an invasive procedure, surgical operation and anaesthesia on human physiology and anatomy - describe a multiprofessional care process and nursing care in internal medicine and perioperative nursing - guide and counsel the patient and close relatives at different stages of the care process to ensure the continuity of care - apply the principles of aseptic technique to nursing care and analyse patient safety factors
The care processes and clinical pathways of internal medicine and perioperative patient groups. Intravenous cannulation.
Accepted completion of assignments and Moodle exams, compulsory attendance at skills workshops and simulations, accepted completion of internal medicine and perioperative nursing exams.
Course material
Material will be announced at the beginning the the course. Material in Moodle.
Anatomy and Physiology, Caring Skills I
Hirvonen Tiina

4 TRKLD006 Clinical Treatment and Diagnostic Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - define the aetiological and pathophysiological factors of diseases and explain the effects of the disease-related changes on the body system - explain the most important disorders caused by internal medicine and surgical diseases and their effects on a person’s life control and functional ability - describe the antecedent factors affecting laboratory testing and compare the test results with the reference ranges of laboratory tests - perform the most important diagnostic examinations in accordance with patient and work safety and quality requirements and take blood samples under supervision, perform point-of-care tests and the most important clinical physiology tests
Aetiology and pathophysiology of diseases, internal medicine and surgery (gastroenterology, orthopaedics and traumatology), sample surveys, clinical physiology, microbiology
Key lectures, skills workshops, online assignment, exams
Course material
Material will be announced at the beginning the course.
Anatomy and Physiology, Caring Skills I
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRHTP92 Intership: Careing Skills

5 ects
The student is able - to work according to the principles and ethical guidelines of patient care - to give examples of safe professional interaction - to work in different caring situations and write documentation under supervision - to identify the most important examination and treatment methods of diseases - to follow the most important care practices, and he or she also learns the safe use of instruments - to give first aid - to administer medication under supervision - to apply the hospital infection prevention methods and aseptic techniques - to observe the basic vital functions by using the ABCDE methods and draw correct conclusions from them under supervision - to use the ISBAR method when reporting on them - to use ergonomically correct work methods
Internship in internal medicine inpatient wards, surgical inpatient wards at hospitals providing specialised medical care or in health centres’ inpatient wards. Starting level, objectives, self- assessment and development needs.
Internship in the hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship instructions.
Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr, Clinical Treatment and Diagnostics Examinations 5 cr, Caring Skills I 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr, Data protection and security training.
Huovinen Anne

4 TRNAT05 Plain Radiography

5 ects
The student is able to - prepare a patient for a plain radiographic examination according to the process thinking principles - position a patient for a plain radiographic examination according to the process thinking principles - use literature in English to learn more about patient positioning for plain radiographic projections - apply the radiation protection principles to a plain radiographic examination - define the criteria for a good x-ray - use radiologic knowledge in plain radiographic examinations
- plain radiography, plain radiographic examinations, preparing a patient for and counselling him or her on a plain - radiographic examination according to the process thinking principles - the imaging techniques and projections used in plain radiographic examinations, the principles and quality assurance of radiation protection - radiology of plain radiographic examinations
- key lectures, group assignments, skills workshops, lessons in skills workshops, skills tests, process assignment concerning plain radiographic examinations , group exam - summarising the source material in English and writing the information down on a form
Course material
- to be announced at the beginning of the course and eMaterial
Mathematical and Scientific Basis for a Radiographer’s Profession 5 cr, Basics of a Radiographer’s Profession 5 cr, Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr
Kärnä Niina

4 TRNTH1 Internship: Plain Radiography 1

5 ects
The student has the ability to - perform the most common plain radiographic examinations according to the process thinking principles - use electronic patient data systems responsibly - guide, counsel and monitor patients of different ages and provide care for them during plain radiographic examinations - choose the imaging technique used in plain radiographic examinations - position the patient for image projections - work according to the principles of radiation protection and by taking both patient and work safety into account - evaluate plain x-rays on the basis of the criteria for a good x-ray - perform technical quality assurance measurements and explain the importance of the results for plain radiography imaging - be a good work community member - find further information on his or her professional field - assess his or her professional skills
- x-rays of bones and skeleton, respiratory system , abdomen and maxillary sinus as well as panoramic plain radiographic examinations, PLE
- internship in the x-ray departments of health centres and hospitals providing specialised medical care (regional hospital) , writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills in tutorials
Course material
Internship instructions
Mathematical and Scientific Basis for a Radiographer’s Profession 5 cr Basics of a Radiographer’s Profession 5 cr, Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr, Plain Radiography 5 cr, Caring Skills1 5 cr, Caring skills II 5 cr, Clinical Treatment and Diagnostics Examinations 5 cr , Internship: Caring Skills 5 cr, Data protection and security training
Kärnä Niina

4 TRAEAK Professional Ethics and Facing The Customer

5 ects
The student is able to -describe the human development stages from infancy to old age according to the theories of developmental psychology - develop his or her own self-knowledge through examining his or her own life and professional field - explain the principles of professional ethics and describe their importance in the social and health care field - identify his or her own values and assess them in relation to the value base in the social and health care field- - identify ethical issues related to his or her future work - explain the AVEKKI action pattern and he or she is motivated to work according to that in his or her future work - prevent threatening and violent situations professionally - encounter a person as a member of his or her community in different client service situations - identify the principle of a reflective approach to work and dialogical interaction - assess and develop his or her discussion, negotiation and communication skills in client and work community situations - identify the underlying principles and importance of evidence-based practices
- the course and development of life from infancy to old age according to the theories of developmental psychology - examining one’s own life; a crisis and overcoming it - development of emotions, social skills and self-esteem professional ethics, values and the principles of client service in the social and health care field - encountering a client/patient (an individual, group, family and community) with respect and dialogical interaction - evidence-based practices - a reflective approach to work the diversity of client service, changing clientship, user-orientation and partnership in client work - anticipating challenging client situations (AVEKKI) - the basis of patient counselling - multiprofessional client service
- participation in simulations, challenging client situation exercises (AVEKKI, presence required) and in group work, reflective learning diary
Course material
material will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Jäntti Aija

4 TRUTI007 Ultrasound and Computerised Tomography Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - explain the structures and operating principles of the equipment used to perform ultrasound and computed tomography examinations - plan and describe the implementation and assessment of the ultrasound and computed tomography examinations and radiological procedures according to the process thinking principles by using information on the disease in question, on computed tomography examination / radiological procedure, contrast medium, the principles of radiation protection and on work and patient safety. - use the knowledge of topographic anatomy when examining the ultrasound and computed tomography images - use the information on a patient’s diseases/traumas diagnosed by using the ultrasound and computed tomography method
- ultrasound and computed tomography method, ultrasound and computed tomography image formation and equipment - image processing - process thinking in the most common ultrasound and computed tomography examinations - the principles of radiation protection - contrast media - technical quality assurance - topographic anatomy and radiology
Key lectures, assignments, seminars, visit to the ultrasound and computed tomography departments, independent studies, exams/tests
Course material
- to be announced at the beginning of the course; eMaterial
Plain Radiography 5 cr, Careing Skills II 5 cr, Clinical Treatment and Diagnostic Examinations 5 cr
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRULT95 Intership: Ultrasound Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - follow the principles of process thinking - work according to the principles of professional ethics - perform ultrasound examinations and ultrasound- guided procedures and assist in them - guide, counsel and monitor patients of different ages and provide care for them during the most common ultrasound examinations and procedures - use electronic patient data systems to find preliminary information on a patient and register his or her medical data - justify and assess his or her work by taking both patient and work safety into account - assure quality as a team member - work as a good work community member and participate in development work - assess his or her professional skills and competence
Ultrasound examinations and procedures, topographic anatomy, preparing a patient for an examination and providing guidance to him or her, laboratory samples, PLE
Internship in the x-ray department of hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship in the x-ray department of hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations 5 cr, Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr, Caring Skills I 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr, Internship: Caring skills 5 cr, Data protection and security training
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRANG20 Angiography and Image Guided Procedures

5 ects
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRISOT08 Radioisotope Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - explain the structure and operating principles of the imaging equipment used in radioisotope examinations - give examples of the used patient data systems and image processing software - plan and explain the implementation and assessment of the most common radioisotope examinations on the basis of the information on the disease in question, contrast medium used in the radioisotope examination, on radiopharmaceutical as well as on radiation protection principles and on work and patient safety - use the information on topographic anatomy when examining radioisotope images - use the information on a patient’s diseases/traumas diagnosed by using radioisotope examinations - assess and develop his or her professional skills and competence as well as learning skills and ask for support if needed
- interaction, scintillation detector, gamma radiation spectrum and measuring it, the structure and function of a gamma camera and SPECT and PET cameras, SPECT-CT, PET-CT, image formation, static, dynamic and synchronised imaging and tomography , isotope generator, cyclotron - patient data systems and image processing software, image processing - process thinking in the most typical radioisotope examinations - radiopharmaceutical preparation in a cleanroom (GMP) - principles of radiation protection - technical quality assurance - PSP
- key lectures, assignments, seminars, visit to x-ray departments, independent studies, exams, updating PSP, PSP discussions
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course; eMaterial
Caring Skills I 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr, Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr, Plain Radiography 5 cr, Internship: Plain Radiography 5 cr, Internship: Caring Skills 5 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRKNSÄ Critical Evaluation of Plain Radiography and Radiation Protection

5 ects
The student is able to - define the criteria for a good x-ray - assess the pathology of an x-rayed trauma critically, tarkoittaa - name the ways to measure the patient’s radiation doses - calculate the patient’s entrance skin doses (ESAK) - find national and international evidence-based information - utilise various databases diversely in data acquisition
- the criteria for a good x-ray - the pathology of an x-rayed trauma - the ways to measure radiation doses - evidence-based clinical radiography - data acquisition
- participation in contact lessons, accepted completion of assignments, independent studies, data acquisition exercises, exams
Course material
- material to be announced at the beginning of the course and eMaterial
Plain Radiography 5 cr, Internship: Plain Radiography 5 cr
Kärnä Niina

4 TRSÄD010 Basics of Radiotherapy

5 ects
The student is able to - explain the operating principles of the machines used to deliver external radiotherapy treatment and internal radiotherapy treatment (brachytherapy) - explain the radiotherapy-induced changes in the cells in a human body - identify and name the most common types of cancer and their treatments
The physics and machines of radiotherapy. Radiation biology. Types of cancer.
Participation in lectures, compulsory participation in lectures delivered by oncologists, accepted completion of assignments and exams.
Course material
Joensuu, H., Aalberg, V., Roberts, P., Kellokumpu-Lehtinen, P., Jyrkkiö, S., Kouri, M. & Teppo, L. (toim.) 2013. Syöpätaudit. Duodecim. Jussila, A-L., Kangas, A. & Haltimo, M. 2010. Sädehoitotyö. Helsinki: WSOY. Levitt, S.H, Purdy, J.A, Perez, C.A. Vijayakumar, S, (toim.) 2012. Technical basis of radiation therapy: practical clinical applications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Paile, W. (toim.) 2002. Säteilyn terveysvaikutukset. STUK. Other current material and literature.
Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations 5 cr, Radioisotope Examinations 5 cr , Professional Ethics and Encountering the Client 5 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRSÄSÄ0010 Planning Radiotherapy and Radiotherapy

5 ects
The student has the ability to - identify and name the most common types of cancer and their treatments - explain the radiotherapy treatments for the most common types of cancer - explain radiotherapy as part of a cancer patient’s holistic care - describe the guidance and counselling for radiotherapy patient and explain the side effects of radiotherapy and their prevention and treatment - explain the main principles of radiation dose planning - apply the principles of radiation protection and quality management to the radiotherapy process and work according to them
- Radiotherapy planning, implementation and assessment - Radiotherapy treatment dose planning - External beam radiotherapy techniques - Patient care and holistic guidance and counselling - Nutrition for a cancer patient - Radiation protection and quality assurance
- participation in lectures, visits to radiotherapy departments and skills workshops, accepted assignments, a seminar and an exam
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations 5cr, Radioisotope Examinations 5 cr Professional Ethics and Encountering the Client 5 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRSÄD98 Intership: Radiotherapy

10 ects
The student is able to - work according to the radiotherapy process - follow the principles of professional ethics at work - perform external radiotherapy treatment in teams - take radiotherapy planning CT and MRI scans and make radiation therapy plans under supervision - guide, counsel and monitor radiotherapy patients of different ages and provide care for them - use electronic patient data systems and radiotherapy information systems responsibly to record patients’ medical reports - follow the principles of radiation protection and justify and assess his or her work by taking both patient and work safety into account - use iodinated contrast media and medicaments safely - assure quality as a team member - work as a good work community member and participate in development work - assess his or her own professional skills and competence
external beam radiotherapy treatment, planning external beam radiotherapy treatment, CT and MRI scanning, treatment dose planning, counselling patients, topographic anatomy, PLE
Treatment Dose planning exercises at school before starting the radiotherapy internship. Internship in the radiotherapy departments of central and university hospitals, written assignment concerning a radiotherapy patient’s care path, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship instructions
Basics of Radiotherapy 5 cr , Radiotherapy and Radiation Therapy Planning 5 cr, Data protection and security training,, Tests in Kanta (
Jäntti Aija

4 TRTT93 Internship: Computerised Tomography Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - perform the most common computed tomography examinations and radiological procedures according to the process thinking principles - follow the principles of professional ethics - use electronic patient data systems and register medical data responsibly - guide, counsel and monitor patients of different ages and provide care for them during computed tomography examinations and radiological procedures - use iodinated contrast media and medications safely - choose the imaging technique used in computed tomography examinations and radiological procedures- - position the patient for computed tomography examinations - work according to the principles of radiation protection by taking both patient and work safety into account - evaluate the computed tomography images in view of the success of the examination - define the used technical quality assurance measurements and explain the importance of the results for computed tomography imaging - work as a good work community member - find further information on his or her professional field - assess his or her professional skills and competence
- computed tomography examinations and radiological procedures, PLE
Internship in the imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship instructions
Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr, Caring Skills I 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr, Internship: Cring Skills 1 5 cr, Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations 5 cr, Data protection and security training
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRISOT94 Internship: Radioisotope Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - perform the most common radioisotope examinations and treatments according to the process thinking principles - follow the principles of professional ethics in his or her work - use electronic patient data systems and register medical data responsibly - guide, counsel and monitor patients of different ages and provide care for them during radioisotope examinations and treatments - explain the principles of the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals in cleanrooms - choose the imaging techniques used in radioisotope examinations - position the patient for imaging projections - follow the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - evaluate radioisotope images in view of a successful examination - perform technical quality assurance measurements under supervision and explain the importance of the results for radioisotope imaging - work as a good work community member - find further information on his or her professional field - assess his or her professional skills and competence
- radioisotope examinations and treatments, PET-CT, PLE
Internship in the radioisotope imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
-Internship instructions
Anatomy and Physiology 5 Cr, Caring Skills I 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr, Radioisotope Examinations 5 cr, Data protection and security training.
Jäntti Aija

4 TRLPV96 Intership: Fluoroscopy Examinations

5 ects
The student is able to - perform the most common angiographic examinations and radiological procedures according to the process thinking principles - follow the principles of professional ethics - use electronic patient data systems and register medical data responsibly - guide, counsel and monitor patients of different ages and provide care for them during angiographic examinations and radiological procedures - name the iodinated contrast media and medicaments used in fluoroscopy examinations - choose the imaging techniques used in angiographic examinations and radiological procedures - position the patient for examinations and procedures - follow the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - evaluate angiographic images in view of a successful examination define technical quality assurance measurements under supervision and explain the importance of the results for angiographic imaging - work as a good work community member - find further information on his or her professional field - assess his or her professional skills and competence
- angiographic examinations and radiological procedures , PLE
Internship in the angiography imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship instructions
Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr,Caring Skills I 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr, Internship: Caring Skills 5 cr, Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations 5 cr, Data protection and security training
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRMML09 Magnetic and Mammography Examinations and Paediatric Imaging

5 ects
The student - explains the principles of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and patient safety during the examinations as well as the most common MRI examinations and procedures - applies the basics of radiography to mammography examinations and can explain the basic projections of mammography and evaluate mammography images based on the criteria for a good image - plans and describes the performance and assessment of a paediatric imaging examination by using knowledge of growth and development and information on the disease and imaging examination in question, on the principles of radiation protection and on patient safety - masters the calculations needed in paediatric medication and intravenous fluid therapy, - applies knowledge of topographic anatomy and radiology to imaging
- physical phenomena of magnetic resonance imaging /MRI, image formation, sequences and filtering - the most common magnetic resonance imaging / MRI examinations, - mammography equipment, breast anatomy, imaging projections and the criteria for a good image, follow-up mammography examinations, patient guidance and counselling, palpation, mammography screening in Finland, quality assurance in mammography examinations - growth and development of children. The effects of illness and hospitalisation on a child/young person and the family. - special features of medication for children and adolescents, paediatric drug calculations - special features of pain management in children and adolescents - children’s and adolescents’ imaging examinations. Preparing children and adolescents and their families for imaging examinations and procedure - patient guidance on imaging examinations. - radiation, patient and equipment safety in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), mammography and paediatric imaging examinations
Participation in lectures, participation in visits to MRI and mammography departments, tutorials and lectures delivered by a radiologist and a seminar is compulsory, assignments, exams
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course
Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations 5 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRNTH2 Internship: Plain Radiography 2

5 ects
The student is able to - perform the most common plain radiographic examinations according to the process thinking principles - work according to the ethical principles in the field - use the electronic patient data systems responsibly - guide, counsel and monitor patients of different ages and provide care for them during plain radiographic examinations - choose the imaging techniques used in plain radiographic examinations - position the patient for imaging projections - work according to the principles of radiation protection by taking both patient and work safety into account - evaluate plain x-rays on the basis of the criteria for a good x-ray image - perform technical quality assurance measurements under supervision and explain the importance of the results for plain radiography imaging - work as a good work community member - find further information on his or her professional field - assess his or her professional skills and competence
- x-rays of bones and skeleton, respiratory system , abdomen and maxillary sinus as well as panoramic plain radiographic examinations
- Internship in the x-ray departments of health centres and hospitals providing specialised medical care (regional hospital) , writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
- Internship instructions
Mathematical and Scientific , Basis of a Radiographer’s Profession 5 c, Basics of a Radiographer’s Profession 5 cr, Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr, Plain Radiography 5 cr, Caring Skills 1 5 cr, Caring Skills II 5 cr,, Data protection and security training, Clinical Nursing and Diagnostics Examinations 5 cr , Internship: Caring Skills 5 cr,
Kärnä Niina

4 TRMAG97 Internship: Magnetic Resonance Examinations

5 ects
The student - follows the principles of professional ethics - performs the most common magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations and procedures according to the principles of process thinking - uses electronic patient data systems to obtain preliminary information on the patient and registers his or her medical data - guides, counsels and monitors patients of different ages and provides care for them during magnetic resonance imaging examinations and procedures - masters the safe use of adjuvants and medicines - chooses the imaging techniques used in the examinations and procedures and positions the patient for an examination - evaluates MRI images on the basis of the criteria for a successful examination - follows the principles of radiation protection and justifies and assesses his or her work by taking both patient and work safety into account - assures quality as a team member - works as a good work community member - finds further information on his or her professional field - assesses his or her professional skills and competence
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations and procedures, the principles of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations, patient safety and guidance in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations, PLE
Internship in the imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship instructions.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mammography and Paediatric Imaging Examinations 5 cr Data protection and security training.
Jäntti Aija

4 TRLMR92 Internship: Children's Examinations and Mammography Examinations

5 ects
The student - works according to the principles of professional ethics - performs fluoroscopic, mammography and paediatric imaging examinations according to the process thinking principles in radiography - uses electronic patient data systems to obtain preliminary information on the patient and registers his or her medical data - guides, counsels and monitors patients of different ages and provides care for them during fluoroscopic, mammography and paediatric imaging examinations - guides and counsels the patient and the child’s family/relatives on imaging examinations and procedures - chooses the imaging techniques used in the examinations and positions the patient for imaging projections - evaluates x-ray images on the basis of the criteria for a good image - follows the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - performs technical quality assurance measurements under supervision and explains the significance of the results - works as a good work community member - finds further information on his or her professional field - assesses his or her professional skills and competence
Gastrointestinal fluoroscopy, paediatric x-ray examinations, mammography, guiding and counselling the patient and family, PLE
- Internship in the x-ray departments of health centres and hospitals providing specialised medical care (regional hospital) , writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills
Course material
Internship instructions
Fluoroscopy Examinations 5 cr, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mammography and Paediatric Imaging Examinations 5 cr, Data protection and security training
Kärnä Niina

4 TRNPKR Evidence-Based Clinical Radiography

5 ects
After the course the student is able to - evaluate evidence-based national and international scientific research - evaluate expert knowledge in clinical radiography - apply theoretical knowledge of radiation protection in clinical radiography - activate the patient transfers, taking into account the patient's resources, as well as their own ergonomics and body control - analyze his/her skills in relation to the demands of working life in the job search situation
evidence-based clinical radiography - radiation protection - personal learning environment (PLE)
participation in classroom teaching, completion of assignments, self-study, information retrieval exercises, participation in exams, personal learning environment (PLE) PAKOLLINEN ennen valmistumista
Course material
- the more detailed information on the material is given in the course plan
practicing medical imaging, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy 15 cr
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRSTV1 Radiation Safety Officer

5 ects
Leppäsaari Pirjo, Laitinen Kaija

4 TRNAR1 Internship 1a: Deeping Plain Radiography Examinations

5 ects
Kärnä Niina

4 TRNAR2 Internship 1b: Developing Plain Radiography Examinations

5 ects
Kärnä Niina

4 TRMAGR1 Internship 2: Developing Mammography Examinations

5 ects
The student - is able to guide and counsel a patient and provide care for him or her - performs basic and special mammography projections - assesses the image quality by using the assessment tools in mammography - detects the most common changes seen on the images - performs follow-up examinations as a team member: procedures, aseptic procedures, adjuvants, sampling and sample processing - performs mammography equipment quality assurance procedures and can explain their importance - deepens his or her skills in the quality control of imaging projections - deepens his or her skills in radiation protection and optimisation in mammography - finds evidence-based information on mammography - assesses and develops his or her professional skills and competence
- Mammography examinations and procedures, ultrasound examinations related to mammography, mammography screening, PLE
- Internship in the x-ray departments of hospitals providing specialised medical care (regional hospitals), - internship can be partly completed in health centres or in the private sector; writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills An evidence- based assignment
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRLAKU1 Internship 3: Developing Paediatric Imaging

5 ects
The student - is able to guide a patient and care for him or her considering the child’s development and the family - assesses plain radiography projections and images on the basis of the criteria for a good x-ray image - performs contrast media and ultrasound examinations - interprets and detects pathological changes seen on the radiograph - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explains the significance of the results - implements optimisation of radiation exposure during the imaging sessions - finds evidence-based information on paediatric imaging examinations - assesses and develops his or her own professional skills and competence
- plain radiography for paediatric imaging, ultrasound examinations, examinations using contrast media, radiological examinations outside the x-ray department, PLE
- Internship in the x-ray departments of hospitals providing specialised medical care, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills in tutorials An evidence- based assignment
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Kärnä Niina

4 TRMATU1 Internship 4: Developing Magnetic Imaging Examinations

5 ects
The student - is able to guide and counsel a patient and provide care for him or her - follows the principles of patient safety - performs magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, examinations and procedures - masters the safe use of adjuvants - interprets and detects anatomical structures and pathological changes seen on an MRI image - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explains the importance of the results for plain radiography imaging - finds evidence-based information on MRI - assesses and develops his or her professional skills and competence
- magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance-guided procedures, PLE
Internship in MRI departments, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills An evidence-based assignments
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Jäntti Aija

4 TRTKTT1 Internship 5: Developing Computerised Tomography Examinations

5 ects
- The student - develops his or her optimisation skills in computed tomography (CT) examinations - interprets and detects pathological changes on the CT images, eg the most common leaks, fractures, dislocations, metastases etc. - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explain the importance of the results for computed tomography imaging - finds further evidence-based information on computed tomography imaging - assesses and develops his or her professional skills in computed tomography imaging
- computed tomography (CT) examinations and radiological procedures, PLE
- Internship in the imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own skills and learning - Assignment: Examine and explain the use of DLP (Dose Length Product) and CTDI (Computer Tomography Dose Index) in computed tomography (CT) examinations. Examine and explain the radiation doses of ten (10) computed tomography (CT) examinations and the methods of radiation dose optimisation.
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRULTU1 Internship 6: Developing Ultrasound Examinations

5 ects
The student - is able to guide and counsel a patient and provide care for him or her - performs ultrasound examinations and ultrasound-guided procedures - follows the principles of quality work - finds evidence-based information on ultrasound examinations - assesses and develops his or her own professional skills and competence
- ultrasound examinations and ultrasound-guided procedures for adults, PLE
-Internship in the imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own skills and learning. Instructions for an evidence-based assignment
Course material
Internship instructions Instructions for an evidence-based assignment
Professional studies
Kärnä Niina

4 TRAGRT1 Internship 7: Developing Angiographic and Radiological Measures

5 ects
The student - guides, counsels and monitors patients of different ages and provides care for them during angiographic examinations and radiological procedures - masters the safe use of iodinated contrast media and medicaments - follows the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - evaluates angiographic images in view of a successful examination and procedure - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explains the importance of the results for angiographic imaging -finds further information on angiographic examinations and radiological procedures - is able to assess his or her professional skills and competence in angiographic examinations and radiological procedures - prepares a Visual CV for job seeking purposes
- angiographic examinations and radiological procedures - a Visual CV
Internship in the angiographic imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills Assignment: A process description of a chosen angiographic examination or radiological procedure OR a development task assigned by a working life representatives OR an evidence-based assignment
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Laitinen Kaija

4 TRANSUU1 Internship1: Developing Radioterapy Dose Planing

5 ects
The student - implements the dose planning process for external radiotherapy treatment - takes CT and MRI planning scans to provide data for radiotherapy dose calculations - implements the most common dose plans - masters the basics of dose planning and is able to assess the dose plans taking account of optimisation - uses Treatment Planning Systems and understands their importance for holistic care in radiotherapy - follows the principles of radiation protection by taking both patient and work safety into account - finds evidence-based information on radiotherapy and treatment planning - is able to assess his or her own professional skills and competence in the radiotherapy process
CT and MRI planning and dose planning for external radiotherapy, PLE
Internship in the radiotherapy departments of central and university hospitals, recording a radiotherapy patient’s care pathway in writing, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own skills and learning. A written dose planning assessment assignment required for alternative internship. Separate instructions.
Course material
Internship instructions
Internship: Radiotherapy 5 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRSÄSYY1 Internship 2: Deeping Radiotherapy Knowledge and Skills

5 ects
The student - guides and counsels patients and provides care for them during demanding radiotherapy treatments - is familiar with radiation sensitisers used in radiotherapy and knows their effects on the patient - masters radiotherapy work and gives external radiotherapy in a team taking different treatment methods into account - participates in the implementation of internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy) and is able to work in a team taking the role of a student - implements image-guided radiotherapy - takes planning scans for radiotherapy - masters the basics of dose planning and is able to assess the plan considering the patient care - masters radiotherapy treatment data recording - uses radiotherapy information systems and understands their importance for holistic patient care - follows the principles of radiation protection by taking patient and work safety into account - performs technical quality assurance measurements actively and explains the importance of the results for radiotherapy - finds evidence-based information on radiotherapy and patient guidance and counselling - is able to assess his or her own professional skills and competence in a radiotherapy process
Holistic implementation of demanding radiotherapy treatments in external and internal radiotherapy, special features of radiotherapy, radiotherapy CT- and MRI planning, PLE
Internship in the radiotherapy departments of central and university hospitals, recording a radiotherapy patient’s care pathway in writing; writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills. A written evidence-based assignment required for alternative internship. Separate instructions.
Course material
Internship instructions
Internship: Radiotherapy 5 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRSÄKEE1 Internship 3: Developing Radiotherapy

5 ects
The student - is familiar with the needed pharmaceuticals and used radiation sensitisers and their effects on the patient - masters the use of radiotherapy treatment machines and gives external radiotherapy in a team taking different treatment methods into account - masters the implementation of internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy) and is able to work in a team taking the role of a student - implements image-guided radiotherapy - takes CT and MRI planning scans for radiotherapy - masters the basics of dose planning and is able to assess the plan considering the patient’s nursing care - masters radiotherapy treatment data recording - uses radiotherapy information systems and understands their importance for holistic patient care - follows the principles of radiation protection by taking patient and work safety into account - performs technical quality assurance measurements actively and explains the importance of the results for radiotherapy - finds evidence-based information on radiotherapy and patient guidance and counselling - develops his or her skills and competence in radiotherapy - is able to assess his or her own professional skills and competence in the radiotherapy process
Holistic implementation of demanding radiotherapy treatments in external and internal radiotherapy, special features of radiotherapy, radiotherapy CT and MRI planning, development of radiotherapy, PLE
Internship in the radiotherapy departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills. A written evidence-based assignment required for alternative internship. Separate instructions.
Course material
Internship instructions
Internship: Radiotherapy 10 cr
Jäntti Aija

4 TRMOIS1 Internship 1: Varety of Radioisotope Examinations

5 ects
The student -performs radioisotope examinations and therapy in a multifaceted manner according to the process thinking principles in radiography - explains the principle of the preparation of conventional and PET radiopharmaceuticals in cleanrooms or by using an injector - chooses the imaging techniques used in radioisotope examinations - positions the patient for imaging projections - follows the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - evaluates radioisotope images in view of a successful examination - makes the required reconstructions - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explains the importance of the results for radioisotope imaging - finds evidence-based information on radioisotope examinations and therapy - is able to assess his or her own professional skills and competence in radioisotope examinations and therapy
radioisotope examinations and therapy , PET-CT
Internship in the radioisotope departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills Assignment: A working-life oriented development task OR finding evidence-based information to solve a practical problem by using research questions The work is presented during a lesson in the ward
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Jäntti Aija

4 TRISSY1 Internship 2: Deeping Radioisotope Examinations Knowledge and Skills

5 ects
The student -performs radioisotope examinations and therapy in a multifaceted manner according to the process thinking principles in radiography - prepares conventional and PET radiopharmaceuticals in cleanrooms and by using an injector - explains the imaging techniques used in radioisotope examinations - positions the patient for imaging projections - follows the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - evaluates radioisotope images in view of a successful examination - makes the required reconstructions - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explains the importance of the results for radioisotope imaging - finds evidence-based information on radioisotope examinations and therapy - is able to assess his or her own professional skills and competence in radioisotope examinations and therapy
- radioisotope examinations and therapy , PET-CT
Internship in the radioisotope imaging departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills Assignment: A working-life oriented development task OR finding evidence-based information to solve a practical problem by using research questions The work is presented during a lesson in the ward
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Jäntti Aija

4 TRISKE1 Internship 3: Developing Radioisotope Examinations

5 ects
The student -performs radioisotope examinations and therapy in a multifaceted manner according to the process thinking principles in radiography - prepares conventional and PET radiopharmaceuticals in cleanrooms or by using an injector - explains the imaging techniques used in radioisotope examinations - positions the patient for imaging projections - follows the principles of radiation protection and patient and work safety - evaluates radioisotope images in view of a successful examination - makes the required reconstructions - performs technical quality assurance measurements and explains the importance of the results for radioisotope imaging - finds evidence-based information on radioisotope examinations and therapy - is able to assess his or her own professional skills and competence in radioisotope examinations and therapy
- radioisotope examinations and therapy , PET-CT
Internship in the radioisotope departments of central and university hospitals, writing down the starting level and objectives in a blog, assessment of one’s own learning and skills Assignment: A working-life oriented development task OR finding evidence-based information to solve a practical problem by using research questions The work is presented during a lesson in the ward
Course material
Internship instructions
Professional studies
Jäntti Aija

4 SAVONT1 Thesis

15 ects
Student can - choose a topic for thesis that is suitable for his or her field and his or her professional development and justify the choice from different perspectives - plan and implement a working life oriented research and development work based on the needs of the user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based information in the thesis process and in the development of his or her expertise - appropriately use research and development methods or artistic methods that are suitable for his or her professional field and for the topic of the thesis - prepare a clearly defined, logical and professionally appropriate report on his or her thesis - evaluate the essential contents, results or output of his or her thesis and justify their significance from the perspectives of his or her field, the client’s/user’s need and his or her professional development - evaluate his or her thesis process, its reliability and ethicality as well as his or her professional growth and learning during the work - cooperate in a flexible manner with players involved in the thesis process and demonstrate his or her expertise - take the maturity test on his or her thesis.
SAVONT1 Thesis 15 ECTS ONT10: Planning the thesis (5 ECTS) - orientation to thesis and its preparation - choice and definition of topic - preparation of thesis plan and compilation of background material ONT20 Implementation of thesis process (5 ECTS) - preparation of thesis - results/output of thesis ONT30 Finalising the thesis (5 ECTS) - reporting and publication of thesis ONT40 Maturity test
The thesis is always working life oriented. It may take the form of a a) development work planned and implemented by a student or a group of students to meet the user's or client's needs. Development may focus on a product, service, process, working method, learning material or instruction, digital material, supervised activity etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output and the need for further development in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. b) research-based thesis, in which a student or a group of student approaches a practical problem or item to be developed with appropriate research methods. The student shall prepare a report describing the planning, implementation and results of the thesis and interpreting the results. c) production, in which a student of a group of students demonstrates competence as an expert or as an artist by planning and implementing an event, a seminar, an artistic performance etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. d) compiled thesis, in which parts planned as a thesis (e.g. projects) are implemented and reported. In the written synthesis, article or other publication, which is part of the thesis, the student shall present the essential results/output in a form that is suitable for the professional field in question. The student shall choose either SAVONT1 or SAVONT2 as the form of completion.
Course material
The student shall acquire the material required for the thesis him or herself. Savonia’s thesis reporting instructions
Method studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme
Other considerations
The student may adapt the Thesis course to a schedule that is appropriate to his or her work.
Linden Jari

5 SOTEONT10 Thesis Planning

5 ects
The student can - choose a topic that is relevant for the development of both the field of study and his/her own expertise - motivate his/her topic choice from various viewpoints - create a thesis topic description and complete it into a thesis plan (=work plan) - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the thesis process - present his /her knowledge and skills.
selecting a thesis topic and narrowing it down - writing a thesis topic description - signing an agreement on thesis project and supervision - finding a thesis supervisor - information retrieval - writing a thesis plan (= work plan) and finding source material
participation in thesis info sessions, writing a thesis topic description, independent work, information retrieval, presenting a thesis plan (=work plan) in a thesis seminar.
Course material
The student acquires the material required in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting Instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may create an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT20 Thesis Implementation

5 ects
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based knowledge to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - create a report that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study. - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
working independently on the thesis - guidance related to the various phases of the thesis - the results/outcome of the thesis - presentation of the thesis in a seminar
Independent studies and information retrieval.
Course material
The student acquires the material required in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting Instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. Thesis Planning -course (5 cr).
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for his/her thesis process.

5 SOTEONT30 Thesis Finalisation

5 ects
The student can - create a report that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - assess the thesis process, its reliability and ethicalness as well as his/her professional growth and development - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise - write a maturity test essay on the thesis process.
- finalizing the thesis as well as writing and editing the report based on the feedback received in the thesis seminar and from the thesis supervisor - detection of plagiarism - submitting the thesis for assessment
Independent studies and information retrieval.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. Thesis Planning -course (5 cr). Thesis Implementation -course (5 cr).
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT40 Maturity Test

student can - write the maturity test showing expertise in the field of his/her studies and proficiency in communication and language skills - discuss the maturity test assignment in a logical manner, showing professional competence and with relevance to the assignmnet questions - summarise his/her thesis and focus on the essential concepts, facts and findings - write a professional text in the appropriate style and without grammar mistakes.
Enrolling to and writing the maturity test.
student enrols to the maturity test after his/her thesis has been submitted for assessment.The student in an international degree programme who has completed his/her school education in Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in Finnish or Swedish. The student who has completed his/her school education abroad or in a language other than Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in the language of instruction of the degree programme in question.
Course material
student receives the maturity test assignment after entering the examination classroom.

4 SAVONT2 Thesis

15 ects
Student can - choose a topic for thesis that is innovative for his or her field and his or her professional development and justify the choice from different perspectives - plan and implement a working life oriented research and development work based on the needs of the user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based information in the thesis process and in the development of his or her expertise - appropriately use research and development methods or artistic methods that are suitable for his or her professional field and for the topic of the thesis - prepare a clearly defined, logical and professionally appropriate report on his or her thesis - evaluate the essential contents, results or output of his or her thesis and justify their significance from the perspectives of his or her field, the client’s/user’s need and his or her professional development - evaluate his or her thesis process, its reliability and ethicality as well as his or her professional growth and learning during the work - cooperate in a flexible manner with players involved in the thesis process and demonstrate his or her expertise - take the maturity test on his or her thesis.
SAVONT2 Thesis 15 ECTS: ONT50 Thesis, project 1 (5 ECTS), ONT60 Thesis, project 2 (5 ECTS), ONT70 Synthesis and publication of thesis projects (5 ECTS), ONT80 Maturity test
The thesis is always working life oriented. It may take the form of a a) development work planned and implemented by a student or a group of students to meet the user's or client's needs. Development may focus on a product, service, process, working method, learning material or instruction, digital material, supervised activity etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output and the need for further development in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. b) research-based thesis, in which a student or a group of student approaches a practical problem or item to be developed with appropriate research methods. The student shall prepare a report describing the planning, implementation and results of the thesis and interpreting the results. c) production, in which a student of a group of students demonstrates competence as an expert or as an artist by planning and implementing an event, a seminar, an artistic performance etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. d) compiled thesis, in which parts planned as a thesis (e.g. projects) are implemented and reported. In the written synthesis, article or other publication, which is part of the thesis, the student shall present the essential results/output in a form that is suitable for the professional field in question. The student shall choose either SAVONT1 or SAVONT2 as the form of completion.
Course material
The student shall acquire the material required for the thesis him or herself. Savonia’s thesis reporting
Method studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may adapt the Thesis course to a schedule that is appropriate to his or her work.
Linden Jari

5 SOTEONT50 Thesis Project 1

5 ects
- implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based or artistic methods to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
Planning, implementation and reporting on a project.
Presenting the project plan. Approval of the the project plan. Independent studies and information retrieval. Implementation of the project. Reporting on the project.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis project independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT60 Thesis Project 2

5 ects
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based or artistic methods to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
Planning, implementation and reporting on a project.
Presenting the project plan. Approval of the the project plan. Independent studies and information retrieval. Implementation of the project. Reporting on the project.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis project independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT70 Finalising The Thesis Projects

5 ects
he student can - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - assess the thesis process, its reliability and ethicalness as well as his/her professional growth and development - create a report, article or other publication that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study
Creating a report, article or other publication that presents the main results/outcomes in a format that meets the professional standards of the field. Presenting the thesis projects in a seminar.
Reporting on the thesis projects. Presentation of the thesis projects in a seminar.
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. SOTEONT50 Thesis Project 1 SOTEONT60 Thesis Project 2.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.

5 SOTEONT80 Maturity Test

- write the maturity test showing expertise in the field of his/her studies and proficiency in communication and language skills - discuss the maturity test assignment in a logical manner, showing professional competence and with relevance to the assignmnet questions - summarise his/her thesis and focus on the essential concepts, facts and findings - write a professional text in the appropriate style and without grammar mistakes.
Enrolling to and writing the maturity test.
The thesis supervisor prepares maturity test questions on the student's thesis content. The student answers the question(s) of his/her choice.
Course material
The student is not allowed to bring any material to the examination room. The maturity test comprises about four pages of text written by the student or 400-600 word. The student can spend up to three hours (3x60 min) on the test.
Completion of LIONT50 Thesis Project 1 and LIONT60 Thesis Project 2.

4 STRALÄ1 Basics of Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy

5 ects
Student - can plan, implement and evaluate the use of nuclear medicines under supervision in isotope studies on a patient in accordance with occupational safety, patient safety and quality criteria - can evaluate the quality of making nuclear medicines ready for use in different stages, applying evidence-based information and applicable legislation
Basics of radiochemistry. Nuclear medicines: conventional nuclear medicines and positron emission tomography (PET), quality assurance for nuclear medicines. Making nuclear medicines ready for use (asepsis and protection against radiation). Clean room work. Applications of isotope studies
Direct contact teaching, independent study, assignments, seminars, completion of clean room proficiency certificate
Course material
To be specified later
Professional studies
Jäntti Aija

4 TRLARA1 Quality Management and Quality Assurance in Radiography

5 ects
The student - can explain the essential concepts of quality management - can apply the principles of quality management to clinical radiography - understands the most important legislation and other regulations guiding the quality of radiography and is able to follow them at work - can apply quality assessment methods
- the essential quality tools and concepts of quality management - laws and regulations guiding quality management - service quality - clinical quality (skills, competence and patient safety) - process quality - technical quality - clinical audit i.e. radiation safety audit and self-assessment
- Independent studies, online studies, completion of assignments as per instructions, online exams. Accepted completion of all online assignments and exams and their submission in Moodle by deadline.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Radioisotope Examinations ,Fluoroscopy Examinations , Plain Radiography, Basics of Radiotherapy, Computed Tomography Examinations, Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Examinations
Partanen Tuula, Laitinen Kaija

4 TRSULA1 External Dose Planning in Radiotherapy

5 ects
The student is able to - explain the principles of biological and physical dose planning - explain different radiotherapy treatment techniques and their choice criteria - describe the fractionation in radiotherapy - explain the dose limits for the target and organs at risk - implement and assess dose plans for the most common targets
Biological basis of radiotherapy, basics of dose planning, biological dose planning, physical dose planning, the use of different imaging methods as a basis for dose planning, becoming familiar with the dose planning system and implementation of dose plans
Contact lessons and independent studies, assignments and seminars
Course material
- To be announced later
Professional studies
Jäntti Aija

4 STMON2 Multiprofessional Projects

5 ects
The student is able to - work on projects and plan and implement project work from the initial ideas to evaluation - work in multiprofessional collaboration with working-life representatives and students - use specialist networks in working-life oriented project/development work - use creative problem-solving when developing customer-oriented practices and working methods - identify and generate new ideas in view of sustainable and economical ways to develop work - build, share and utilise expertise and partnerships in multiprofessional teams and networks
Concepts, methods and stages of project work, multiprofessional work. Collaboration and networking with the client and other operators. The principles of innovation and sustainable development.
Work on various projects according to the PSP. Project planning, implementing and reporting. Assessment of one’s own project work skills and the development of multi-professional skills.
Course material
To be announced at the beginning of the course.
Kärnä Niina


We reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum due to the need to update the content being studied.