Opiskelijoita konetekniikan laboratoriossa.

Master’s degree programmes

Master’s degree programmes

Savonia UAS has two Master’s degree programmes. The next application period is not yet known.

Älypuhelin ja stetoskooppi.

Digital Health

The Master’s Degree in Digital Health provide the graduates with skills needed for innovative development of digital social and health care services, service production, expert organisation management and for the development of service quality and management.

Important information for applicants

Opiskelija makoilee sängyllä ja käyttää kannettavaa tietokonettaan.

How to apply?

Where can I find the application form? How do I fill in the application form?

Opiskelijat tekevät ryhmätyötä yhteistyötilassa.

Tuition fees for Master students

How much is the tuition fee?
Is there a scholarship available?

Opiskelija opiskelee kampuksen ravintolassa.

One study place per term provision

I have been offered several study places, but how many study places I can accept?

If you have any questions related to applying, please contact the Admission services.

Savonia UAS Admission services

Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Admission services
P.O. Box 6 (Microkatu 1)