Kaksi lehtoria.

This is the way towards a dream job in Savonia.*

*Join our talent community and follow our open positions.

Work with us

Do you want to be part of a bold, collaborative, reliable and effective work community?

We want to be the best higher education community in Finland – join us in our mission of turning dreams into new careers!

Talent community

In the talent community, we bring together talented people who are interested in working with us at Savonia. When you join our talent community, you are also submitting an open application to work at Savonia. We use the talent community to look for diverse talents for Savonia’s varied positions in teaching, research, development and innovation, as well as higher education services. We look for talented people from the talent community for a variety of positions with varying durations of employment. Through the talent community, we can also invite you to our future recruitments. We use the talent community to keep in touch with potential future employees.

Proven to be a good workplace

At Savonia University of Applied Sciences, we are committed to developing the skills and well-being of our staff. We closely monitor employee satisfaction, employee experience, and our organisation’s culture.

Good workplace is one where employees trust the leadership of their organisation, take pride in what they do, and enjoy working with their colleagues.

Our campuses are located in three lively locations in Kuopio, Iisalmi and Varkaus.