Exam Visit

Exam Visit
General information
In Savonia, an Exam Visit (Exam) is possible on the Microkatu campus in Kuopio, Iisalmi campus and Varkaus campus.
The Exam room is technically supervised (video and audio recording) therefore personal items such as jackets or cellphones are not allowed in the Exam room. There are lockers for your personal belongings outside the Exam room.
The doors to the Exam rooms are open during the buildings’ opening hours. It is strictly forbidden to enter the Exam room without a booked Exam.
Please, respect the other examiners and enter to the Exam room just before your Exam starts because there might be other examiners finishing their Exam. Silence is required in the Exam room and discussions are not allowed.
Arriving to the Exam room, Iisalmi campus
Directions to the Exam room in Iisalmi can be found at the main door of the Iisalmi kampus.
Arriving to the Exam room, Varkaus campus
Directions to the Exam room in Varkaus can be found at the main door of the Varkaus kampus.
Arriving to the Exam room, Microkatu campus
In front of the A-lobby on Microkatu, there are parking spaces where it is possible to park using parking applications (EasyPark, Parkman). There will also be a parking garage on campus where parking will be possible with parking applications during the summer of 2022.
The Exam Visit space B2013 is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 till 16.00 in Microkatu 1.
The Exam room is located on Microkatu Campus’ 2nd floor, next to the Savonia library and Campus Heart.
You can take your Exam only in the Exam room you have chosen and during the time you have booked. There will be a computer reserved for you and you will receive the computer number when booking the Exam.
This is how you will find to the Exam room from the A-lobby and from the nearest bus stops
On the video below you can watch the route to Exam room from Savilahdentie and from the nearest bus stops. You can also find more instructions on the images and videos below.

You will find the first Exam room guide sign in the A-lobby. Head to the right until there are two lifts on your right. The take lift or stairs to the 2nd flood and you will see the second Exam room guide sign on the wall to the Exam room.
Walk straight ahead through two pairs of glass doors and you’ll find the Exam room at the end of the corridor. There is also an Exam room sign.

Place your personal belongings in the lockers and wait for your Exam to start. Enter the Exam room just before your Exam starts, because there might be another examiner finishing their Exam. Silence is required in the Exam room and discussions are not allowed.
Exam computers software’s
• Word (without proofreader)
• Excel
• Power Point
• PDF-reader
• 7zip
In case of a problem
In case your Exam is interrupted due to technical problems, leave the Exam room and call the number 044 785 7088.