RDI projects


Project Information

NameCareer planning 2020
ContactSari Turpeinen
DescriptionThe aim of the “Career Planning 2020” project is to create a career planning and service model for the vocational
training organisations and University of Applied Science in North Savo, a career path and service model that fosters
the student's employability and further training.
Changing labor markets and reforms within skills and education policy pose many demands for up-to-date work life
information. There has been a immense changes for young generation in work recruitment processes and career
planning. The target for to career planning has changed: Previously the career was considered to chosen for life, as
the contemporary situation demands for a to continuous reflection of career path options and lifelong learning, constant updating of competences. Due to this change, teachers and career planning support personnel need a new
kind of methods and competencies: guidance and consultancy skills, up-to-date information on working life
development and the methodology to support in developing professional approach that strengthens the young
generations motivations and capacity in successfully setting reasonable career goals, finding the paths to reach them
and eventually achieving them.
The aim of the project is to develop the quality of the study and career support and planning work of the participating
institutions in the project as well as the career support and planning skills and work of the staff working in the teaching
work. The project strengthens the ways in which the participating institutions are involved in the service, co-operation
skills and student employability. The regionally consistent career support and planning model enchances equal
opportunities, streamlines transition and improves the quality and results of career support and planning services
PartnersYlä-Savon ammattiopisto
Savon ammattiopisto

ohjaushenkilöstö ja opettajat

Opiskelijat osallistuvat hankkeessa tehtävään uraohjauspalvelujen kehittämistyöhön.

Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu vastaa hankkeen johdosta, käytännön kehittämisestä ja toteutuksesta. Kaikki hankkeessa mukana olevat kumppanioppilaitokset tuottavat hankkeeseen teoreettista tietoa, viitekehystä ja
analysoituja tietosisältöjä, käytännön toimintamalleja sekä toteuttavat sovittuja kehittämispilotteja. Toimijat (eritysasiantuntijat/opot, pedagoginen henkilöstö/opettajat, opiskelijat ja työelämätoimijat/sidosryhmät) osallistuvat
kukin oman yhteisönsä ja asiantuntijuutensa mukaisesti työskentelyyn. Hankkeen toimijat sopivat tarvittaessa muusta verkosto- ja työelämäyhteistyöstä hankkeen toimintatarpeiden mukaan kuluessa.
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020