RDI projects


Project Information

NameFast Track
ContactMinna Tarvainen
DescriptionProject aims to form a systematic service model (as a part of Team Finland services) to support internationalization and market entries of Finnish companies in northern Savo area. One specific aim is to find an efficient way to find relevant cooperation partners in new target markets. Specific aim is also to support local companies in their preparation work concerning e.g. international marketing material, cultural understanding and business branch related understanding.

Operations focus on building company groups (one group per year) who have common interest towards one target market. Company groups will be trained in different ways and at the same time client/contact search will be started in the target market. The main effort will be on the company meetings and discussions in the target country, preparation work beforehand and specific program related to these cooperation meetings. Also support will be offered after the contact trips for the company groups.

As a result of the project the cooperation between international business service organisations in the area and globally will be clarified and developed, especially the Team Finland services.

Another result will be knowledge sharing between the project companies, as project companies will be both already internationalised and not yet internationalised companies.
PartnersOsatotetuttajana hankkeessa on Kuopion alueen kauppakamari. Hankkeen tahtotilana on toimia tiiviissä yhteisyössä myös mm. seuraavien tahojen kanssa:

-Team Finland organisaatiot
- Kuopion kaupunki
- Muut seutukunnat/kaupungit maakunnan alueella
- Maakunnan yritysneuvojat, sekä kehitysyhtiöt
- Itä-Suomen yliopisto
- Kuopion terveysteknologian innovaatiokeskittymä ja mahdolliset muut toimialakohtaiset toimijat
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020