RDI projects


Project Information

NameVirtual learning environments for social and health care sector
ContactAntti Kotimaa
DescriptionThe project develops and tests virtual learning environments to support social and health care workers and students, work guidance, learning and recruitment. This improves the know-how of students and employees and provide information to support recruitment processes. Multiple pilots and test will ensure that developed virtual learning environments can be effectively exploited at the end of a project. The project builds an easily approachable way of developing and providing new services.

The virtual learning environments produced in this project are designed to enable familiarization or work guidance regardless of time and place. The virtual learning environment includes materials to basic work situations as well as instructions to technical equipment. Same environments can be used in various difficulty levels to support different levels of learning. Students could also get acquainted with genuine working environments already during their studies, which could possibly shorten traineeships and they could focus more on the actual work during the trainee period. Students would be able to explore virtually other genuine environments and workplace environments. This enables new professionals to have a broader vision of working life and its needs and allow "Silent knowledge" transfer for new professionals. The virtual environments can be utilized as part of the recruitment process, allowing the employer to see how the possible employee works in different situations related to the job.

As result of this project organizations involved receives tools to recruitment process, orientation and training. Also operating model to updating and possible commercialization of these solutions is created. The business and competitiveness of businesses operating in the area are being raised.
PartnersProjektin kohderyhmänä ovat hoitoalan työnantajat, työntekijät ja opiskelija.
Välillisiä kohderyhmiä ovat työnhakijat, opiskelijat sekä jo töissä oleva henkilökunta.
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020