RDI projects


Project Information

ContactJenni Lappi
DescriptionFoodWalley is a project that creates a new way of acting in food sector business in Northen Savo. The traget is to
develop the whole food sector by networking and offering both new and established services to companies.
Organizations behind the project are University of Eastern Finland, Savogrow and Unviersity of Applied Scienses
This project has its base on a pre study done by Uef in spring 2017. This study they found out that food companies
needed support in several analyses, product development and marketing. FoodWalley is created for businesses
dealing with needs like that. Also networking between organizations and customers is to be developed. The main goal is to establish a service that functions via joined service.
PartnersItä-Suomen yliopisto, Savonia, Kehitysyhtiö Savogrow
Funded byEAKR Flat Rate 2014-2020