RDI projects


Project Information

NameFinnish Industrial Symbiosis System and Model - Y in Northern Savo
ContactTerhi Rahkonen
DescriptionThe project brought to the North Savo, two new circulating economy models for enterprises development.

Industrial symbiosis in action look at the materials and the effluents from companies and other operators, so that
operators can find each other flows of materials for new products and business. The aim is to organize the North Savo workshops in different regions of at least 2-3 workshops / region.

Developed by the Finnish Environment Model - Y is the assessment of the environmental impact of business
development life cycle modeling tool. The model has been developed and tested in the North Karelia region and the
introduction the model of North-Savo it will be further developed to provide information about the impact of the
deferred rotation of economy measures for companies. The development model aimed at activating the companies to take to implement a variety of development activities related to the circulation economy. The aim of the project to pilot a model of at least 3-5 of the company in each area of operation; Central-Savo, Upper- Savo, Inner-Savo and the Kuopio region.
PartnersNavitas koordinoi, muut kumppanit Savonian lisäksi Syke ja Iisalmen Teollisuuskylä Oy,
Funded byEAKR Flat Rate 2014-2020