RDI projects


Project Information

NameKunnon Savotta
ContactHanna-Mari Nevala
DescriptionIn Kunnon Savotta project, Savonia University of Applied Sciences and the city of Kuopio are developing a new method for occupational wellbeing. Savonia and Kuopio are also co-operating with local wellness companies Element Studio and Alfido. Kunnon Savotta is aiming for reducing sick leaves and increasing wellbeing at the workplace.

We are piloting e.g. small-group coaching (Pilates, yoga and gym), mindfulness exercises during workday and new styles for developing teamwork. The piloting group is workers at home care. After year 2017 we are expanding our method for other work environments in city of Kuopio.

PartnersKunnon Savotta -hankkeessa yhteistyökumppaneina toimivat Kuopion kaupunki sekä kuopiolaiset hyvinvointialan yritykset Alfido Oy sekä Element Studio Oy.
Funded byOpetus ja kulttuuriministeriö