RDI projects


Project Information

NameConcept development and piloting of Material technology RDI center in Northern Savo
ContactOsmo Miinalainen
DescriptionThe main aim of this project is to combine the local materials technology expertise to help R&D activities of local
companies. There is a number of small and medium-sized businesses in North Savo who have the need for e.g.
testing services, but the services provided by local educational institutions. The project will build up a concept for a
Material Technology RDI center, which will provide research, development, training and innovation services. The
project implemented in cooperation with Material Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Savonia
University of Applied Sciences experts and local vocational school (Sakky) among the different education sectors. One key innovation of the project relates specifically to the integration of three different level educational institutes.

Project implementation is divided into four sector-specific work packages, with detailed development targets that have been designed with the companies committed to the project. Work packages include Metals and Corrosion Control; Wood and building materials as well as plastics and composites; New materials and Bio-based materials; The development of the Centre's activities;

During this project operations of the future RDI center will be formed via pilot studies. The Centre, working as a virtual network of experts, enhances competitiveness, growth and internationalization of the local enterprises. Direct impacts of the project include increase in competitiveness of the R&D and the development of testing services, more efficient utilization of educational infrastructure, equipment and learning environments, and business expertise, and the rise of the professional level of customized training. Indirectly, the project adds e.g. attractiveness of science and technology by increasing the students' integration into the business area of the operation of theses and development projects contribute.
Funded byEAKR Flat Rate 2014-2020