RDI projects


Project Information

Euroopan sosiaalirahaston, vipuvoimaa EU:lta, sekä ELY-keskuksen logot.
NameGameOver? - Continue!
ContactJaana Konttinen
DescriptionGame Over? - Continue! The project strengthens the future prospects, well-being and life management of young
people in North Savonia through digital gaming activities. Young people studying at the 2nd level who are excited
about playing but have dropped out of school or have accumulated a lot of absences participate in group activities,
where they get to practice various skills that support their attachment and motivation to study and work. At the same
time, new research data on the effects of the operating model on the overall well-being of young people is produced.
The target group is young people whose studies have been interrupted or are in danger of being interrupted.
PartnersOsatoteuttajana ovat Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu sekä Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Hankkeen aktiivisina kumppaneina ovat Savon Diginatiivit ry ja3D Talo oy.

Hankkeen kohderyhmänä ovat 16-29 -vuotiaat opiskelunsa keskeyttäneet tai paljon poissaoloja kerryttäneet 2. asteella opiskelevat nuoret.
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020