RDI projects


Project Information

NameContinuous learnging as a part of social and health care work
ContactHeli Kekäläinen
DescriptionThe project develops a continuous learning model and competence ecosystem for the wellbeing service county of North Savo. The main themes of the project are: competence identification, competence recognition, competence OpenBadge, and agile methods of continuous learning.
The aim is to develop and strengthen the strategy-based competence management of organizations and micro and small enterprises in the wellbeing service county of North Savo and to identify their future competence needs. Competence open badges will be built from the identified competencies of the future. The criteria for competence badges are built in co-operation with vocational college and university of applied sciences.
In addition, the aim is to develop competence identification methods implemented in everyday work, which are used to identify the competence acquired by employees in their work. This competence is compared to the competence badges and, if necessary, the employee can supplement his / her competence with the help of micro-courses or other agile continuous learning methods developed in the project.
PartnersSavon koulutuskuntayhtymä / Savo Vocational College
Funded byESR+ 2021-27