RDI projects


Project Information

NameDevelopment of digital capacities and approaches in old-aged care
ContactAija Hietanen
DescriptionThe aim of the project is to strengthen the ability of nurses working in the Age Centre units in the well-being area ofNorth Savo to use digital tools for their work. The capabilities target the various applications and equipment already inuse by its own work unit, as well as national e-services, such as the functionalities of Kanta services. The digitalsolutions used have an impact on the workflow of staff, well-being at work, the balance between individual conditions(e.g. skills, attitudes and motivation) and work requirements and load factors. At best, digital solutions will facilitatecooperation and the flow of information and free up professional resources for customer work, making the sector moreattractive. The project will make it possible to identify concrete challenges for digital solutions and well-functioningpractices to those who are in charge of the project. In a broad picture, it is possible to focus resources on thechallenges identified in a targeted manner. The project will develop a new practice for strengthening and maintainingdigital capacities through institutional cooperation: During their studies, students in the field of health and socialscience at the Savonia University of Applied Sciences acquire digital skills and, in their traineeships, will transfer newknowledge to professionals and clients in aged care. This will enable cost-effective and regular digital capacities to bemaintained in the units. Skilled staff and a good flow of information will increase the region’s vitality. The role of UEF isto identify the situational awareness of the use of skills and digital tools in the units, to contribute to the development ofthe digitalisation mentoring model and to identify the experience and co-creation of the model, based on the feedbackreceived, for use in the institution and in the world of work. Cooperation will explore the applicability and replicability of the digitalisation mentoring model in other well-being centres.
PartnersHankkeen päätoteuttaja: Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Hankkeen osatoteuttaja: Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu

1) Vanhuspalveluiden sote-alan ammattilaiset (8 työyksikköä, joista henkilökuntaa a’ 20 = 160 osallistujaa). Ammattilaisten työyksiköt valitaan ensimmäisen työpaketin tulosten perusteella yhdessä Pohjois-Savon hyvinvointialueen Ikäkeskuksen johdon kanssa.

2) Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun sote-alan opiskelijat (20 opiskelijaa). Savonian-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat valitaan opetussuunnitelman mukaisen gerontologisen hoitotyön opintojaksoon liittyvän harjoittelun ja opiskelijan omankiinnostuksen perusteella. Opiskelijoilla on myös mahdollista valita digimentorointi -opintojakso valinnaisena opintona.
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020