RDI projects


Project Information

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NamePaths to co-management in elderly care teams
ContactSatu Pirskanen
DescriptionAt present, there is no attraction or grip strength in Finnish elderly care. It´s management cultureis traditional and bureaucratic. Personnel´s possibilities to affect to their work and planningcustomer services have been minor. Professionals in elderly care do not experience their work as valuable and significant.

That is why there is need for a new model of management – co-management in teams. The need to change the management has come out from North-Savo´s Wellbeing Services County, Attendo and Pohjois-Savon Muisti. Co-management in teams means that work is organized and decisions are made at teams. Teams in elderly care organizations have a mandate and a responsibility to plan and make work with customers more independently than at present. Teams supervisor´s role changes to coach and support the team.

Organizations in elderly care need knowledge about co-management and development expertise to implement the change. The aim of this project is to produce information and help teams individually to move forward. The project provides organizations with a goal-oriented and controlled development structure when selected pilot teams transit to co-management. The transition will expand to other teams in organizations after the project when experiences and results of this project are to be seen.

The aim of this project is to build alternative pathways for the transition of elderly care organizations to community-based co-management orientation. The aim is to develop a newmodel of change management that starts with the development needs arising from the internal motivation of the personnel and the reality of the work communities.

As a result of the project, the partner organisations' pilot teams have developed their operations to be community-driven. Changes are reflected in the indicators of the functionality of co-management. Team members' well-being at work has improved and increased their commitment to work, workplace and the sector of elderly care. The work of the leaders has evolved towards a coaching approach. As a result of the project, the management of organizations will make plans and decisions on how to move to co-management orientation at the level of the entire organization.

The different paths to co-management orientation are described in the Paths to co-managementin elderly care -guide. The guide is used in partner organizations and organizations of elderly care nationwide.

In the long term, the changes will be reflected in the activities of partner organizations and their management. The meaningfulness of the work will be strengthened and the operations will become smoother. The impacts of the teams co-management model on customer work are/will be positively reflected, for example, in customer feedback and the quality of nursing. In the long term, the economic impact of co-management approach will be more pronounced in organizations.

The organizations involved in the project will become examples of how elderly work can be better organized and managed. The attraction and grip power of the organizations involved in the project will be strengthened.
PartnersHankkeen päätoteuttajana toimii Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu ja osatoteuttajana Savon Koulutuskuntayhtymä. Yhteistyöorganisaatiot ovat Pohjois-Savon Hyvinvointialue, Attendo Oy ja Pohjois-Savon Muisti.

Hankkeen varsinaisina kohderyhminä ovat yhteistyöorganisaatioiden vanhustyön organisaatioiden johto, lähijohto, työyhteisöt ja niiden jäsenet sekä muut vanhustyön toimijat. Hankkeen välilliset kohderyhmät ovat
vanhuspalvelujen asiakkaat ja omaiset, ammattikorkeakoulun ja toisen asteen opiskelijat sekä niiden opettajat.
Funded byEAKR FR 40% 2021-27 palkkojen yksikkökust.malli