RDI projects


Project Information

NameBest for North Savo!
ContactPäivi Tikkanen
DescriptionThe function of this project is to answer to working lifes progressive demand of multi know-how, wellbeing at work, young students capability to get work and stay at work. The aim of this project (Best for North-Savo!) is to develop and coach the new ways to study and do work. In the new way of work, will combine the persons professional skills, creativity and social skills to confront others.

The purpose is to increase the employment of educated people, improve their wellbeing at work and lengthen their job careers. In addition, the purpose is to increase the expertise of social- and health care companies as well as schools of social- and healthcare and culture by using guiding methods of culture. In Finland there is strong will to include arts, culture and exercise to the part of the social- and healthcare operations and structure.

The main method in this project is to strengthen the co-operation between education and social- and healthcare organizations. The result will be the new ways to do multiprofessional co-operate models and flexible paths of study for students, which will include many levels of vocational education. The strong link between education and working life enables this new model becoming a constant part of working culture.

The coordinator of this project is Savo Consortium for Education and other organisations in this project are Kuopio Conservatory, Ingmanedu Vocational College for Culture studies and Savonia University of Applied Sciences. The partners are Eastern-Finland University, Kuopio University Hospital, Art University (Sibelius-Academy, Kuopio unit), The city of Kuopio and Kuopio Invalid Union.

There are 4 operations in this project:
1. First we will coach the teachers at schools/colleges and social- and healthcare stuff to increase their knowledge of culture- and art based methods and benefits of these methods.
2. We will develop the content of education by adding the new way of work to the curriculum. Then we will create the updated education contents by co-operation of schools, colleges, university of applied sciences and social- and health care organizations.
3. We will tell and inform about new model to other regions in Finland.
4. We will evaluate the results and impacts of this project.

The results will be the new kind of knowledge and content of work for all participants. Also the results will be positive development in employment of educated people, their wellbeing at work and lengthen their job careers.
Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä (hankkeen hallinnoija), Kuopion konservatorion kannatusyhdistys ry, Tri Mathias Ingmanin säätiö ja Savonia ammattikorkeakoulu oy.
Eri koulutusalojen/koulutusorganisaatioiden (Pohjois-Savon alueen 2.asteen oppilaitokset, ammattikorkeakoulut ja
yliopistot) opettajat ja muu koulutushenkilöstö sekä Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisaatiot (Pohjois-Savo).
Tutkinto-opiskelijat (erityisesti SOTE-, hyvinvointi- ja kulttuurialoilla opiskelevat nuoret sekä aikuiset) sekä Sote-organisaatioiden palveluja käyttävät asiakkaat.
Lopullisena hyötyjänä ovat sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon asiakkaat.
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020