RDI projects


Project Information

NameSleep Well - Work Well
ContactEija Partanen-Kivinen
DescriptionSleep Well - Work Well

It has been discovered that continuous sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on one’s health and ability to work (e.g. impaired brain function, work efficiency and problem solving skills, daytime fatigue exposing one to accidents at work and in traffic, increased risk of depression and memory disorders, increased sick leaves from work and increased use of health services, unfavorable changes in metabolism, risk of cardiovascular diseases, higher incidence of breast cancer, higher mortality).

This project aims at providing methods for employers, in particular, to proactively intervene in employees’ sleeping difficulties and to improve the wellbeing and productivity of employees suffering from sleeping disorders. During the preparations of the project, it has been discovered that employees and employers do not have concrete, proactive solutions to sleeping difficulties that would take advantage of the new technologies and, thus, support the work organisation and affect the employees’ wellbeing. Sleep disorders and the effect of sleep deprivation on both cognitive performance and on one’s health have been the subject of a number of studies, but less attention has been paid to the connection between sleep and work. Hence, new solutions and experiments taking advantage of new technologies are needed.

The purpose of the project is to influence the prevalence of sleep disorders by finding, in particular, work-related solutions. The focus is primarily on the work itself and on work performance (training for supervisors and individual, flexible planning of work). In addition, group interventions are offered to employees suffering from sleep disorders. By intervening in employees’ sleep disorders, the project aims at improving the wellbeing at work and the productivity of work, reducing the number of sick leaves, and extending the length of careers, both from the perspective of individuals and work communities.
PartnersToteutus : Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu (hallinnoija) ja Savonia-amk (osatoteuttaja).

Yhteistyökumppanit: Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa, Lieksan kaupunki, Joensuun kaupunki. Yhteistyöorganisaatioiden valitsemat henkilöstöryhmät ja esimiehet.
Funded byESR+ 2021-27