ABOWE won the Finnish KÄRKI (SPEARHEAD) competition

ABOWE won the Finnish KÄRKI (SPEARHEAD) competition
ABOWE won the Finnish KÄRKI (SPEARHEAD) competition
ABOWE project was chosen as the winner among the projects of all Finnish universities of applied sciences in the series Soveltava tutkimustieto ja innovaatiot (Applied Research Knowledge and Innovations) in the national KÄRKI 2014 (SPEARHEAD) competition.
The Award was announced on Tuesday 13.5.2014 at Sibelius House in Lahti as part of the Evening Gala of national Universities of Applied Sciences Days.
Project Manager Ari Jääskeläinen from Savonia University of Applied Sciences received the Award on behalf of the ABOWE and read greetings from Adjunct Professor Elias Hakalehto from Finnoflag Oy who was in Japan to participate Biotech Japan 2014 Conference.
Thanks from Mr. Jääskeläinen can be read in English here and in Finnish here.
Greetings from Adjunct Professor Hakalehto can be read in English here and in Finnish here.