Scientific Publications regarding ABOWE Biorefinery
Results from the ABOWE Biorefinery Tour in three countries have been published in a number of international scientific publications. Please see the list.
ABOWE Biorefinery Final Summary Report
ABOWE Biorefinery Final Summary Report is available to download (PDF, 7 MB)
All ABOWE reports are available from the separate section of this site.
ABOWE elsewhere
There are successive ABOWE articles in the Pan European Networks: Science & Technology March 2015 Issue, pages 94-95 and September 2015 Issue, pages 220-221.
ABOWE Biorefinery Concluding Seminar 30.10.2014 in Helsinki
The Concluding seminar of ABOWE Baltic Sea Region Biorefinery project was held in Helsinki Viikki Campus area on 30.10.2014.
In the Concluding seminar were heard test results of a novel biorefinery in three countries (Sweden, Poland, Finland) as well as future trends of biorefining. Moreover, it was possible to visit the mobile research station which has been constructed in a Finnish co-operation. The biorefinery has been innovated by Adj. Prof. Elias Hakalehto (Finnoflag Oy and University of Eastern Finland) and the research station has been designed and constructed in the co-operation project at Savonia University of Applied Sciences.
The topic is “Biorefining around the Baltic Sea and Global Ecodevelopment“. The topics integrate the regional and global aspects of developing biorefining. Then acting locally would produce global ecodevelopment.
The seminar was held in Lecture Hall 1 of the B-Building of Helsinki University. The exhibition of the mobile Pilot A biorefinery pilot plant was organized in the area of Gardenia Tropical Garden.
The Program for this event can be downloaded here and the presentations can be watched as videos and slides can be downloaded from links below.
Presentations and videos:
Ekestam: What is the Baltic Sea Region programme and why does is fund the ABOWE project?
Video: http://youtu.be/j3oKnVmy1_4
Dahlquist: Biomass Utilization – Next Industrial Revolution
Videos: http://youtu.be/cgLnMbE3WXk
Huopana: Biomass Potential and Challenges its Utilization in North Europe and Globally
Video: http://youtu.be/-Hqps8uO16Y
Hakalehto: Biocatalysis in Finnoflag Biorefining – Outlines of ABOWE Results and Future Perspectives
Video: http://youtu.be/z4wxx4kXnDU
Jääskeläinen: ABOWE – Arrangements of an International Baltic Sea Region Testing Program
Video: http://youtu.be/0TZuIOL2qp4, http://youtu.be/Pme1VRNnJ48
Laatikainen: Quantitative NMR in Profiling of Biorefinery Products
Video: http://youtu.be/D1uUl0AwUI0
Suhonen: Finnish Testing at Savon Sellu 27.1. – 3.4.2014
Video: http://youtu.be/oV5IkMbzgOo
den Boer: Polish Testing with Food Waste
Video: http://youtu.be/XEknXPLu3rU
Erik Dahlquist: Biorefinery runs in Sweden
Video: http://youtu.be/db9uffGQWd8
Joint Discussion
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WIQ7Q-7eKg
Video: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/711175055
Saarepera: Biorefineries in the EU policies
Video: http://youtu.be/zxvCf4UnNxs
Lund: Low-carbon (bio)economy in Finland
Video: http://youtu.be/LKOM8xFVkmM
Panel Discussion
Video: http://youtu.be/Kj1o9dMLNxY
Pilot A Biorefinery exhibition at Gardenia Tropical Garden
Video: http://youtu.be/NUymizOMpFo
Part-financed by the European union
(European Regional Development Fund)