Sustainable Societies

Sustainable Societies
Sustainable Societies
In the Sustainable Societies’ research area, our key partners are the identified business ecosystems of Pohjois-Savo with their own partner networks. We implement national and international projects in which we develop new innovations and new business as well as renew expertise. Our expertise includes e.g.:
- Business development
- Management and supervisory work
- Internationalization
- Service and product development
- Sales

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Are you interested in collaborating with us? Share your ideas here and we will contact you!
RD Manager
Kaija Villman
+358 44 785 6840
Research Manager
Tuomo Eskelinen
+358 44 7856613
RDI Team Leader
Raisa Leinonen
+358 44 7855 833
Sustainable Societies’ RDI Articles

Tackling the problems of Northern rural areas through gamification ›

Soft Power of Design Thinking as way for Eco-social Prospective Impact Assessment ›

The Role of Digitalization: Can Young Adults be Encouraged to Stay in Regions Outside Major Cities? ›

Smart heating systems in a climate-friendly way by utilizing artificial intelligence (ÄLLITÄ) ›

Addressing the Critical Issues in Upper Savo’s Industry ›

Opportunities brought by the game industry and gamification ›
Examples of our ongoing projects:
The project develops technological and methodological solutions for recycling food waste from the food industry into local bio-based soil conditioners to improve soil health.
Universities for Sustainable Development
The project aims to achieve the goals of sustainable development by digitizing the implementation of Agenda 2030 in the universities belonging to the consortium. The coordinator of the project is Universidad Pablo de Olavide (ES).
Digital Routes Northern Savo
The project’s measures promote the digitalization of tourism and the ability of SMEs to meet the challenges of digitized tourism.
Future DiverCities2
The project’s spotlight is on city-oriented art and cultural activities, which try out new uses for empty spaces in cities and encourage resident-based development of urban culture. Nine European cities are involved in the experiments.
Innovation Laboratories for Climate Actions
Innovation Laboratories for Climate Actions jointly develops the innovation capacity of universities and research institutes in an international project.
Comprehensive assessment of climate measures in catchments – with system analysis towards carbon-neutral land use (“SysteemiHiili”)
The main goal is to improve methodological capabilities and understanding of the impact chains and overall effects of land use changes, as well as to support the introduction of climate-wise, sustainable and cost-effective solutions at the national, regional, drainage area level and at local levels.
HiiliAurinko creates an operating model and calculation tools especially for the assessment of the carbon footprint of SMEs and the optimization of the solar electricity system.
More information from:
Project Manager Jari Niemelä,
+358 44 785 5753,
BoostECO – Building Future-proof Ecosystems
The goal of the project is the user-based joint development of North Savo’s ecosystems and cluster cooperation.
With knowledge and skill towards climate-smart land use
The main objective of the project is to enhance various stakeholders’ knowledge in the land use sector regarding climate-smart and sustainable solutions and plans. Additionally, the project aims to improve the capabilities for planning and implementing solutions in agriculture, forestry, and the continued use of peat production areas. The project is carried out by Savonia University of Applied Sciences, the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), and the University of Eastern Finland.
More information from:
Project Manager Miika Kajanus, +358 44 785 6812,
Climate Crisis – Regional Adaptation to Climate Change
The project focuses on promoting adaptation to climate change, preventing risks, and enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience. The specific objective is to seek proactive preparedness for the impacts of climate change, anticipate and mitigate negative effects, and seize opportunities created by positive impacts.
Ecosystem Building
Survey for organizations involved and interested in game development, gaming and gaming activities. The main aim of the project is to evaluate the level of interest in developing the gaming industry and gamification ecosystems in rural regions, as part of The Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme.
W2W – Waste2Worth
W2W’s overall objective is to improve the quality & relevance of VET offerings so that Food & agri-food SMEs are better equipped/skilled in food waste management & that through awareness waste streams become a critical action point in the fight against climate change & aid in the development of circular & bioeconomies in Europe while concurrently creating economic resilient communities.
Energy efficiency, sustainable decision-making and responsibility in space utilization (“E-Teho”)
The project will produce a new responsible process development model for planning and decision-making regarding alternative uses for underutilized properties.
More information from:
Project Manager Jarmo Viljaharju,
+358 44 785 6817,
Art without Barriers – Inclusiveness through Art
The project aims to increase the participation and inclusion of those in the most vulnerable positions and to improve the target group’s social cohesion through art activities.
ASTRIC – Attract skills and talent through Regional Innovation Capacity insights
The project focuses on measuring and developing the innovation capacity of sparsely populated areas in Northern Europe in collaboration with international partners. The tool used is the METRIC (Measurement Tool for Regional Innovation and Competitiveness), which focuses on monitoring and analyzing the region’s economic, social, and innovation indicators.
More information from:
Project Manager Antti Kotimaa,
+358 44 785 6449,
The Centre of Excellence for Comprehensive Security
The project is part of the implementation of the innovation ecosystem agreement between the City of Kuopio and the state, co-financed by the EU. The aim is to develop the operating model of the Centre of Excellence for Comprehensive Security so that the comprehensive security expertise in the region can be productized and solutions can be transmitted to the national level and also operate in global networks.
More information from:
Kaija Villman, +358 44 785 6840,,
Raisa Leinonen, +358 44 785 5833,
Tahko – The Destination for Every Season
The two-year business group project’s main objective is to attract more international tourists from nearby markets to Tahko tourist resort. At the same time, the project aims to enhance the international productization, marketing, sales, and communication skills of local companies.
More information from:
Project Manager Tiina Kuosmanen,
+358 44 785 6097,