Bio and Circular Economy

Bio and Circular Economy
#Researchareas #rdiprojects
Bio and Circular Economy
We support the sustainable development of companies and society, focused on bio-based products and circular material recycling. We are strongly connected to the themes of other R&D research areas in implementing this. We incorporate the circular economy principle into teaching and help companies transition from the fossil economy towards a bio-economy and a low-carbon society.
Bio and Circular Economy articles

Source separation of waste in Finland ›

Savonia Article: Overview of Finland’s waste management ›

Bio and Circular Cluster North Savo ›

Circular Economy Solutions ›

ESEIA International Summer School 2022 – Online ›
Bio and Circular Economy current projects

The Hoop Project
The HOOP Project will help to unlock bio-based investments and deploy local bio economies in Europe through a systemic and cross-cutting approach. It will offer Project Development Assistance (PDA) to a group of 8 lighthouse cities and city clusters – to build the technical, economic, financial and legal expertise needed to develop concrete investments to valorize OFMSW (Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste) or UWWS (Urban Wastewater Sludge) with the aim of obtaining safe and sustainable bio-based products

Kiertotaloudella uutta kasvua Pohjois-Savoon (KiertoKasvu Pohjois-Savo)
The purpose of the KiertoKasvu Pohjois-Savo project is to achieve the carbon neutrality 2035 goal of the Finnish government and the province of Northern Savonia.
The project supports SMEs of Northern Savonia towards a green transition by helping companies to identify the environmental effects of their own operations, and to find ways to reduce the environmental effects and reducing the carbon footprint.
The project will increase the circular economy skills of operators and SMEs in the province, as well as support companies moving towards circular economy business.
The implementers of the project are Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Navitas Kehitys Oy, and Ylä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä (YSAO).
The project implementation period is January 2, 2023 – December 31, 2025.

BioBoost – a boost to the bioeconomy of North Savo
The BioBoost project combines the knowledge and infrastructure of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences and the University of Eastern Finland to produce new bio-based materials together with local companies and other operators by executing extensive field testing and piloting.
The project focuses especially on the development of companies’ circular economy business, the production of fossil-free new products and the enhancement of the hydrogen economy locally.

Tekstiilien sivuvirta -project
Tekstiilien sivuvirta (Textile side stream) project helps to develop companies’ transition to a circular economy: the reuse and retention of side stream and discarded textiles and the prevention of textile waste in the entire value chain.
The goal of the project is to find out how the side stream and waste textiles from companies’ and consumers’ textiles could be used regionally.

The project FoodLoops establishes cooperation among schools, caterers (SMEs), farmers, and professionals in a circular economy to improve biowaste separation at source, prevent excessive food waste and reuse it as organic compost.
In addition to Kuopio, the project is also be implemented in Gdansk (Poland) and Vilnius (Lithuania).

Kokoeko-seminars bring together experts from the waste and recycling industry related to current topics in the industry. The aim of the seminars is to increase the awareness of industry operators about the recent changes in the waste management and recycling sector and the challenges that comes with them, as well as new operating models, promoting of sustainable development and the circular economy. The target group of the events are e.g. companies, municipalities, authorities, businesses and teaching and research organizations operating in the waste management and recycling sector.
The aim of the events is also to increase the interaction between companies and municipalities by offering the opportunity to network. Kokoeko-seminars are held approximately every year.

Bio and Circular Cluster
The Bio and Circular Cluster North Savo supports the growth of companies in the sector by bringing together the best implementers and services for the development of technology, products and services and business.
We progress sustainable development by reconciling material needs and flows, developing high-grade products and exploring alternative biomaterials.
Contact information:
Harri Auvinen
Research and development manager
+358 44 785 6923
Ulla Santti
+358 44 785 6921
Maarit Janhunen
+358 44 785 6463
Taru Rahkonen
+358 44 785 6776
Maari Haikonen
Research engineer
+358 44 785 6265
Eeva Käärmekallio
+358 44 785 6157
Miika Virtanen
Project specialist
+358 44 785 6854
Mikko Vidgren
RDI service designer
+358 44 785 6270
Mirka Tuovinen
Project designer
+358 44 785 6165
Mari Haikonen
+358 44 785 5645
Eevi Minkkinen
Research engineer
+358 44 785 6159
Tiina Kemppainen
Technical specialist
+358 44 785 5668
Anne Holopainen
Project designer
+358 44 785 5616