Interlibrary loans

Interlibrary loans
If the book or article you are looking for is not in the Savonia library, you can ask the library to order it as a interlibrary loan from elsewhere in Finland or abroad.
The exception is the Kuopio Repository Library, where Savonian students and staff can order copies of articles free of charge through Savonia-Finna service. Request book loans from the Repository Library through the library.
You can get five free domestic interlibrary loans or copies of articles for your thesis. Mention your thesis when ordering. Other interlibrary loans and copies are subject to a fee.
Order an interlibrary loan by contacting and informing
- your name
- your library card number
- whether you use the book for your thesis
- at which campus you wish to collect the material
- reference information of the desired book / material
Savonia does not send out dvd’s or reference manuals. Articles are sent as pdf’s. Full magazines are not mailed. Course books are sent to Savonia students year around, but to other public only during the campus vacations.