Savonia Article Pro: Revolutionizing Medication Management: Embracing the Digital Future
Savonia Article Pro is a collection of multidisciplinary Savonia expertise on various topics.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of equitable access to healthcare, striving to eliminate health disparities that arise from various factors such as discrimination, social status, ethnicity, and geographic location (WHO 2023).
To achieve this goal, Finland’s Ministry of Health (MSAHF) ran an initiative from 2018 to 2022 to ensure all citizens receive accurate treatment information. This initiative empowered patients to participate in their care, promoting autonomy and improving health outcomes. Regularly reviewing and updating medication lists is crucial for effective, patient-centered care, especially for those on multi-drug therapies. (MSAHF s.a.)
A rational medication management program, grounded in a comprehensive medication management approach (AFP, 2021), is crucial for prevent costly errors and incorrect treatments (Fimea, 2018). The growing use of digital solutions highlights the importance of digital comprehensive medication management.
Literature Analysis
Qualitative content analysis was selected for this paper as it enables the systematic examination of diverse research materials that can be documented in written form (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008). For this thesis, an inductive approach was chosen due to its flexibility and open-ended nature, allowing themes and categories to emerge organically from the data rather than being constrained by a pre-existing classification structure.
Results of Literature Analysis
A literature review of digitally led comprehensive medication management has revealed both the advantages and challenges of their implementation. Among the advantages of digital medication management systems are improved access to healthcare services, reduced costs, increased patient satisfaction, better treatment outcomes, and enhanced collaboration between healthcare professionals.
Advantages of digitally led comprehensive medication management
One of the key positive aspects of digital comprehensive medication management has been the improvement in access to healthcare services, driven by advancements in telemedicine. This allowed of patients to receive timely consultations, reducing the number of missed appointments. This is especially important in rural areas where telemedicine has addressed issues of transportation and appointment scheduling, significantly enhancing access to medical care. (Passey et al. 2022; Stoa et al. 2021; Green et al. 2024; Thomas et al. 2021; Litke et al. 2018.) Additionally, healthcare costs have been reduced through the comprehensive medication management, leading to fewer hospitalizations (Passey et al. 2022; Kessler et al. 2021; Urick et al. 2023). Patients have also reported increased satisfaction, as digital systems allow for more personalized care, improving communication and collaboration between patients and pharmacists, which in turn leads to better healthcare outcomes (Passey et al. 2022; Livet et al. 2021).
Another notable advantage is the improvement in treatment outcomes. Patients showed improvements in clinical tests and overall health metrics, aligning with their treatment goals (Green et al. 2024; Livet et al. 2021; Thai et al. 2024; Thomas et al. 2021). Furthermore, the digital approach has strengthened interdisciplinary cooperation among healthcare providers, enhancing team-based care and support from pharmacists (Livet et al. 2021).
Challenges in providing digitally led comprehensive medication management.
However, despite previously in this article described achievements, several challenges have been identified. One major issue is patient retention, particularly in rural areas where telecommunications problems hinder consistent contact with patients, leading to a higher rate of patient disengagement (Litke et al. 2018). Additionally, the lack of compatibility between different electronic medical record (EMR) systems has complicated the sharing of medical information between institutions (Passey et al. 2022). Communication barriers, particularly language barriers due to inadequate proficiency in English among healthcare staff and patients, also pose a significant obstacle to the effective use of digital tools in medication management (Green et al. 2024).
Charting the Path Forward – Directions for Future Research
While the advantages of digital approaches are clear, there remain areas that require further exploration and improvement for the effective application of digital technologies in comprehensive medication management. In Finland, where an aging population relies more on polypharmacy, digitalizing comprehensive medication management is crucial for equitable healthcare access.
By implementing digital technologies, patients gain access to healthcare services through various digital channels, which is especially valuable in remote and rural areas. This enhances treatment outcomes, boosts patient adherence, and reduces the burden on primary healthcare.
However, the topic of digitalization in medication management requires deeper investigation, particularly regarding potential negative consequences and challenges that may arise during its implementation. Understanding the barriers to the successful integration of these technologies is crucial to developing solutions that minimize risks and ensure maximum treatment efficacy for all population groups.
In conclusion, Finland’s use of digital medication management offers great potential to enhance healthcare, particularly for an aging population dealing with polypharmacy.
Digital solutions improve access, reduce costs, and enhance treatment outcomes, but system compatibility and patient retention challenges must be addressed for long-term success
As healthcare evolves, ongoing and future research and refinement of digital approaches are crucial to meet the needs of all patients, especially the elderly and those in rural areas.
This article is based on Tanja Levala’s Master Thesis.
Tanja Levala, student in Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Health, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Elisa Snicker, MSc (Econ and Bus Admin), MSc (Health Sci.), Lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Continuous Learning, Master School
Liisa Klemola, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Continuous Learning, Master School
AI was used to improve sentence structures
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