Savonia Article Pro: Collaborative Dissemination of Digital Work Instructions at an Interorganizational Level
Savonia Article Pro is a collection of multidisciplinary Savonia expertise on various topics.
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The wellbeing services counties that started operating at the beginning of 2023 faced several unprecedented challenges. One of these challenges was to bring work instructions related to working methods, operating methods, and the use of patient information systems, available to outsourced service providers, who produce services for the wellbeing services county. Improving practices of work instructions might also have an impact on the distribution of work instructions for external service providers.
Work instructions related to the use of patient information systems are often internal materials of the organization and they are only available within the organization. In this way, work instruction practices have also been organized in the wellbeing services county of North Savo, which is where the idea for this work was inspired. However, every employee has the right to receive adequate orientation in their work, working methods, work equipment and their correct use as prescribed by The Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002, § 14).
It should also be noted that the number of digital services and devices in healthcare and social welfare is growing at an accelerating pace. In addition, the commonness of remote alternatives and digital educational tools replacing traditional methods, there’s a growing need to prioritize the accessibility of information. (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2022.)
Education is also nowadays largely based on digital solutions, and as Balalle (2024) points out, digital technologies play a crucial role in education, with modern learning approaches relying heavily on digitalization. This should also be considered in healthcare and social welfare organizations, where orientation, information sharing and learning have previously been largely based on more traditional methods.
Organizational Development and Engagement
This research carried out highlighted various aspects of organizational development and engagement, governance, importance of organizational models, structure, and culture. The need of redefining traditional roles in the digital business ecosystem to enhance flexibility and resource availability is necessary according to the study. Basten & Haamann (2018) highlighted the role of the Chief Knowledge Officers, and their potential role as facilitators of learning and role on establishing a knowledge infrastructure.
The study also showed that actively engaging stakeholders and adopting a design thinking approach are suggested for effective implementation of technology initiatives.) Proactive measures are recommended to mitigate the adverse effects of ineffective communication in virtual environments, considering both social and technical factors (Tietz & Werner 2022, 1758).
In addition, mutual trust and respect also became important for successful collaboration between organizations, as Benski, Zambruni, Stancanelli, Landinarisoa, Hantavololona, Andrianarisoa, Manjary, Capello, de Tejada, Reich & Guyer (2023) pointed out.
Digital Learning Infrastructure
According to the study, the importance of digital tools and the environment, their use in learning and studying, and their development play a major role in social welfare and health care. The study highlights approaches to improve and develop storage and data exchange opportunities. One proposed solution is international data spaces, presented in the study by Pinheiro, Sousa & Toscano (2022, 616).
The study also highlights the importance of communication channels, media formats, recording formats, used data repositories and portals in efficient and collaborative information sharing and the creation of learning environments. Such a technological framework helps to generate, store and transmit information, even if there are barriers to information dissemination mechanisms.
Embracing web-based education and interactive platforms improves the learning experience and promotes learners’ self-directed learning. Establishing online archives and user-friendly lists streamlines access to educational resources. However, the effectiveness of e-learning strongly depends on robust infrastructure.
Consideration factors
The study dealt as a separate entity with factors that may affect the field of healthcare and social welfare in the future. These are factors that organizations should consider when developing digital solutions, as technology is ever-changing area. Organizations must anticipate and adapt to technological developments, as highlighted by Niebuhr, Niebuhr, Trumble & Urbani (2014) in their study.
According to the results of the study, the development of an organization’s digital learning infrastructure alongside organizational development and commitment are crucial in healthcare and social welfare organizations.
Redefining the traditional roles of the organization to reflect the functions of the digital ecosystem, as well as the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders, are also in key role. Various technical solutions and their mapping and implementation promote information sharing and can therefore also affect the information sharing needs between organizations.
The article is based on Matti Oksisto’s Master’s Thesis, which was conducted as an integrative literature review.
Matti Oksisto, Master`s Degree Student in Digital Health, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Juhamatti Huusko, Part-Time Lecturer, PhD, Master School, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Liisa Klemola, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Master School, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
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Basten, Dirk. Haamann, Thilo. 2018. Approaches for Organizational Learning: A Literature review. Sage Open. doi: 10.1177/2158244018794224. Accessed 28.3.2024
Benski, Caroline. Zambruni, Monica. Stancanelli, Giovanna. Landinarisoa, Tsiriniaina. Hantavololona, Abeline. Rachel Andrianarisoa. Vonimboahangy. Manjary. P. Ramasy. Capello, Cecilia. de Tejada, B. Martinez. Reich, Michael. R & Guyer, Anya. L. 2023. Lessons Learned from Building a Global Health Partnership on Obstetric Care in Madagascar. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2023 Oct 30;11(5): e2200521. https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-22-00521. Accessed 29.3.2024.
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Niebuhr Virginia, Niebuhr Bruce, Trumble Julie & Urbani Mary Jo. Online faculty development for creating E-learning materials. Educ Health (Abingdon). 2014 Sep-Dec;27(3):255-61. doi: 10.4103/1357-6283.152186. Accessed 29.3.2024
Occupational Safety and Health Act 738/2002. https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020738 Accessed 6.4.2024
Pinheiro, Pedro. Sousa, Cristoao. Toscano, Cesar. 2022. Industrial Information Sharing 4.0. Procedia Computer Science. Volume 204. 2022. Pages 610-617. ISSN 1877-0509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2022.08.074. Accessed 30.3.2024
Tietz, Stephanie & Werner Katja.2022. Influencing Factors on Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Teams. Work, 72(4), 1745–1763. https://doi-org.ezproxy.savonia.fi/10.3233/WOR-211241. Accessed 28.3.2024