Library’s customer service and due dates in the summer

Opening hours and customer service in June (1.6.-20.6.)

  • Iisalmi from 9am to 12.
  • Kuopio from 10am to 2pm
  • Varkaus Thu 6.6. and 20.6. from 9am to 2pm.
  • Exception: Tue 18.6. There is no customer service in Iisalmi or Kuopio

Customer service in August starting from

  • Mon 5.8. in Iisalmi and Kuopio
  • Thu 8.8. in Varkaus

If you have Microkatu’s access key, check Reppu campus opening times.

There will be longer loan time in summer. Remember to renew your loans via Savonia-Finna or Tuudo.

Due date will be Tue 13.8. when you borrow or renew:

  • Books with loan period 28 days after Mon 20.5.
  • Books with loan period 14 days (course books) after Mon 3.6.