In autumn 2020, a rapid impact evaluation workshop was arranged in North Savo Hospital District with the participation of 24 supervisor trainees and a contingency planner as a lecturer. The idea of the workshop was to establish the views of the participants about recovery of North Savo Hospital District from the effects of Covid-19 pandemic, and what kind of improvements were still needed.
The need for constant improvement of activities and better contingency strategy were highlighted. The risk evaluation identified several risks, for example domestic violence, resulting from the impact of pressure caused by collapse of the economy on crisis resilience of the population. The risk materialises if risks and vulnerabilities (for example, sufficient number of health care personnel in extreme situations) meet. A multitude of potential combinations were identified in the analysis, such as experience gained from an extensive exceptional situation caused by the pandemic. Crisis communication, leadership and better preparation of the society by mutual effort of authorities and businesses were high on the priority list.
The method used was PRIA, Prospective Rapid Impact Assessment for Human Security.
PRIA (Prospective Rapid Impact Assessment for human security) tool was developed in Savonia and tailored to the Human Security approach of the UN (Human Security Handbook 2016).
Comments of collaboration partner
”The subject is important and the tool effective. What I valued most were comments of the staff (about 24) on the current situation and targets to be improved put down in “black and white”. Some of the targets to be developed were those that occur traditionally in times of disruption. The results produced in the workshop were taken up by the executive team of KUH as a part of executive work during the pandemic. The assessment was made while the situation was still ”on”, giving a real-time picture of the situation and reflecting the view of the staff.”
Heli Laapotti, contingency planner, KUH

The North Savo Hospital District began to prepare for COVID-19 already in 2019. Preparations were made extensively in different segments. The pandemic has had a wide impact on all activities of the hospital district: patients, staff and the society as a whole.

Stop the spread of infectious diseases.

Maintains economic growth for all.