Tackling the problems of Northern rural areas through gamification

Category: Sustainable Society

Tackling the problems of Northern rural areas through gamification

Tackling the problems of Northern rural areas through gamification


Through gamification, we are able to create new opportunities and strenghten communities in areas facing..

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Ihmisiä työpajassa. PRO

Soft Power of Design Thinking as way for Eco-social Prospective Impact Assessment


The development of prospective impact assessment process which is based on Design Thinking and the..

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An AI-generated image of a young man looking at a rural village, from which digitalization-related icons emerge. PRO

The Role of Digitalization: Can Young Adults be Encouraged to Stay in Regions Outside Major Cities?


How can digital gamified solutions enhance engagement and skills among young adults in the rural..

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Kuvituskuvassa tietokone, näyttöpääte ja johtoja

Smart heating systems in a climate-friendly way by utilizing artificial intelligence (ÄLLITÄ)


The goal of Finland's national energy and climate strategy until 2030 is to move the..

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Etualalla yleisöä kuuntelemassa paneelikeskustelua, puhujat näkyvät taustalla epäselvänä.

Addressing the Critical Issues in Upper Savo’s Industry


Teknologiatalkoot Event: What are the pressing issues in Upper Savo's industry that demand solutions? Read..

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Tekoälyllä luotu kuva nuorista pelikehittajistä tekemässä pelikehitystä metaversumissa.

Opportunities brought by the game industry and gamification


What opportunities do the game industry and gamification bring? How could they be used to..

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