
Category: News

Savonia developing higher education for the future – European university alliance gathered in Kuopio


Savonia is involved in building a European higher education institution, the Center of Excellence on..

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Agrologiopiskelija navetassa.

Health and well-being for farmers


An international team of 45 farm safety experts, researchers, farmer and farm worker representative organisations..

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Hymyileviä opiskelijoita.

A record number of international applicants to Savonia University of Applied Sciences


The first joint application of 2023 for Savonia University of Applied Sciences ended on January..

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First Joint Application of the Spring Term Starts – Savonia’s New International Degree Program Launches in September

First Joint Application of the Spring Term Starts – Savonia’s New International Degree Program Launches in September


In the spring term’s first joint application, there are five English-language programs available for application..

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


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Opiskelijoita tekemässä ryhmötyötä post-it-lapuilla.

Event for Job Seekers by North Savo Talent Hub on 24th of November


Get ideas and support for finding internships, summer jobs, project work and other job opportunities..

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Tuulimyllyjä pellolla.

ESEIA International Summer School 2022 – Online


The energy transition to a decarbonized world is happening and Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES)..

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Opiskelijoita istumassa korokkeen reunalla.

Savonia is a partner in new working life-oriented European University Alliance


The European University Alliance, EU4DUAL, (European Dual Studies University), was selected by European Commission as..

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Sydämenmuotoinen lampi metsässä.

Sustainability Transition Conference: Circular business models offer ways to boost green transition


The presentations of the conference showed that people are ready for even the biggest changes..

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Group of people smiling to the camera.

The NEPTUNE Maribor SoundScape promenade Winners!


NEPTUNE 2022 Maribor SoundScape Promenade was held in 5–14 May and The Winner is “Fountain..

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