Globarl Market -yleisöä.

Category: Internationality

Globarl Market -yleisöä.

Global Market Broadens the Horizons of Iisalmi Students with International Co-operation


The Global Market event at Savonia University of Applied Sciences Iisalmi campus gathered the international..

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Opiskelijoita pitkän pöydän ääressä.

Savonia Article: Evidence-based practice – Experiences from teachers and students


The European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education (ENPHE) gathered at the autumn conference to..

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Monenmaalaisia ihmisiä maskit päällä.

Savonia Article: Developing Future of Remote Therapy in Finland and Singapore


The FUGA, Future of Remote Therapy project was a project coordinated by Turku University of..

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Picture 2. Meeting group in Rehazentrum in Valens.

Savonia Article: Individual and Effective Rehabilitation in Switzerland


The project workers of KUNTOS project did a visit to Switzerland on 30.11.-5.12.2022. The main..

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Opiskelijoita tekemässä ryhmötyötä post-it-lapuilla.

Event for Job Seekers by North Savo Talent Hub on 24th of November


Get ideas and support for finding internships, summer jobs, project work and other job opportunities..

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Picture 2. A moment of refreshment for the mother of a child in the General Jose Macamo Hospital.

Savonia Article: Launching the Erasmus+ Global SA-IS (Savonia ISCISA) Project


Erasmus+ Global Mobility project with ISCISA offers unique opportunity to develop cultural competences of students..

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Picture 1: Our group on the way. Picture by the group.

Savonia Article: Excursion in Brussels – What We Learned and Saw?


When we were booking and planning this trip, we didn’t know each other. Some of..

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Tuulimyllyjä pellolla.

ESEIA International Summer School 2022 – Online


The energy transition to a decarbonized world is happening and Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES)..

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Savonia students looking at a computer

Savonia Article: Finnish Higher Education and Society from the Perspective of International Degree Students


The LEARNING to live and work together project of five European universities examined the types..

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Four students sitting down in the stairs of Savonia's Campus heart.

Savonia Article: Time to Celebrate the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nursing


Remarkable corner stone for Savonia – the first group of Bachelor’s degree programme in nursing..

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